
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

An Act

"Ling Fang, you have grown balls of steel to challenge the whole city." A middle-aged man with long green hair said while standing before Ling Fang. currently, the many clan leaders and major figures within Red Star City had gathered outside the city. This way they could fight to their fullest without trouble. 

"Haha, indeed. My balls are magical," Ling Fang laughed pridefully, causing the many clan leaders' faces to be covered with black lines. Ling Fang waved at them.

"To prove how powerful I am. I will face you all. this way, you can't run back home thinking you had a chance to win." Ling Fang said with a smile, causing them all to narrow their eyes. The green-haired man looked to the side, where he had a level 6 Core formation realm expert move forward to test Ling Fang.

Back then, Ling Fang had a low cultivation for someone with his status as clan head. this is because of his wife. Although he was a genius, he spent most of his time looking for resources to help his wife. for a thousand years, the most improvement he made was only to level 5 Core Formation, while others had reached level 7, and thanks to the light from 7 days ago, many of them had even reached level 8 Core Formation realm

The green-haired man was the clan head of the Chang clan, he was a level 8 Core formation realm expert. there were 5 other level 8 core formation realms there, such as the Fu clan head, The Di clan head, The Du clan head, the Guyu Clan head, and the Beast that was a large dog.

The person the Chang Clan sent forward was another clan leader under his clan. it was common for weak clans to Allie together with the strongest clans. Since everyone was under the impression that Ling Fang was at level 5 Core formation, even if he had made a breakthrough, at most he would be at level 6 or 7 Core formation realm. this was to test what made Ling Fang so arrogant.

With a flash, the clan leader shot towards Ling Fang. Ling Fang made sure to only show that his cultivation was at level 7 core formation, and with a flash he easily dodged the sword from the clan leader and sent him flying with a palm to the stomach, sending him rocketing back.

"I say work together, at this rate I would miss the birth of my child. that would mark me as a bad father." Ling Fang said with a shake of his head, everyone was shocked. how could they not be shocked when they saw a level 7 core formation realm expert show strength at the level 8 core formation realm? Skipping levels were not rare, it was the capability to skip levels within the core formation realm that was extremely rare.

Just because you could skip levels at the earlier stages of cultivation didn't mean you could do so at later stages of cultivation. the gap between levels grew and grew, with each stage the more people of the last cultivation stage one could face. 

Everyone here had some capability, but at most even they could only fight 4 average cultivators of the same level. Ling Fang's show of might left everyone shocked. Seeing Ling Fang standing there with a prideful cocky face, they no longer held back.

The Chang clan head was the first to step forward, with a step the grass on the ground exploded with life before they shot toward Ling Fang. Ling Fang stepped forward, and with that step, flames exploded outwards to face the grasses. there was a reason the Ling clan had many of its members have white hair, in fact, many clans had their bodies affected by the cultivation art they cultivated 

The Ling clan was a clan of fire experts, they were most skilled in creating the hottest flames, which had the side effect of turning their hair white. This also reflected their mastery of the flames, as the hottest flames couldn't be seen by the normal eye.

the blazing red flames Ling Fang created quickly transformed, taking on a lighter and lighter form before they couldn't even be seen. The Chang Clan's head pupils shrank seeing as the countless grasses he sent forward were dried up to the point they turned into nothing.

"You mastered It?" in shock, the many clan leaders stepped backward, the overwhelming heat he was giving off was too much. to make it worse, the flames could only be seen when they used their eye technique

"Of course, a genius like myself, I mastered it long ago." Ling Fang laughed, in truth he mastered it on the day his son was born. but they didn't need to know such a thing,

"But with your cultivation, you're still not worthy of facing us." The Chang Clan head said while throwing out some seeds. using the Chang Clan special technique, they were able to control plant life, their Qi was not normal as it had huge benefits for plant life.

the seeds all grew at a fast speed, turning into large trees whose roots shot deep into the ground, while they grew out as if trying to touch the heavens. Ling Fang looked at the trees which were all frost or water elements. the trees under Chang Clan's order, a sea of water shot towards Ling Fang, while at the same time, the water was frozen. they shot toward Ling Fang, but they were melting as they neared him, but the sheer amount of attacks allowed them to overwhelm the heat.

"Moon Art: World Cut." the FU clan head, a swordswoman stepped forward. As she swung her sword, the image of the moon seemed to take the sword's place, and with a swing, the air was frozen, the unseen flames in front of her were cut through shooting towards Ling Fang.

The Guyu clan head controlled the ground, causing metal giants to shoot out of the ground and punch towards Ling Fang. the metal giant skin turned bright red due to the heat, but the Guyu clan head attacked Ling Fang from behind as Ling Fang's attention, and most of his flame power was in front of him. 

The Di clan head pulled out a flute, and the vibration from his flute shook the flames. The Di clan was a clan of musician, best skilled in using sound as their most powerful weapon. the flames might have been suppressed under the sound waves which vibrated at a level that fought against its vibration. but the DI clan head was too weak to put out such mighty flames

The Du clan was a clan of martial arts, most skilled in their hand-to-hand combat. the clan head stepped forward, and with skillful movement, the unseen flames moved to the waves of his hands. with skillful movement, he took control of the flames, although not a lot of them, a good amount that he threw back at Ling Fang while boosting the flames with his own energy

the large dog opened its mouth, and as if swallowing the light around it, its mouth began to glow as a ball of light gathered. it faced Ling Fang, before unleashing a powerful beam towards him.

the others all attacked as well, honestly, all of them expected the Ling Clan ancestor to come to save Ling Fang. no matter what, how could Ling Fang face so many attacks? Just facing one of them, he would have struggled, and now he had to face so many other powerful existences while his flames were being suppressed,

their attacks all landed on Ling Fang, causing an explosion to go off, changing the whole terrain around them. with a wave, they had the dust cloud blown away, allowing them to see a scene that left their eyes wide open.

there Ling Fang stood, with golden robes covering his whole body. with a flash, the robes left his body and rested in his palm.

"Not bad, you forced me to use this treasure. now, all of you watch as this is the treasure my ancestor spent years to birth... it had the small sad effect of helping you all in your cultivation, but it's nothing compared to the benefit my clan had gotten." Ling Fang laughed while grabbing the golden robes... well, it was called robes but it was a blanket.

the blanket shot out, its size growing to take hold of the Chang Clan head, to the Chang Clan head's horror, he couldn't avoid it in time. the blanket wrapped around him, and his horror grew as the blanket tightened around him, sealing away his cultivation. with a flash, he was sent slamming into the others, sending them all flying away injured.

"These are the blanket of Heaven... how about it, the many ancestors watching. how about you come out and test the might of this treasure for yourselves." Ling Fang said with a cocky smile,

the many ancestors who had been secretly watching this scene made their appearance. They were all at the level 9 core formation realm, with one of them secretly at the level 10 core formation realm. all of them looked as if they were a step away from death doors, even the level 10 core formation realm expert who was hiding his strength.

"Just what treasure is that? it's above even the earth grade!" they cried after taking a good look at the blanket in Ling Fang's hands. the grade for treasures was, Mortal which equals those items normally created by normal humans

Human which equals the first stage of cultivation, Spirit Grade which equals the second stage of cultivation, and earth grade which equals the Core Formation realm. these grades were further split into low, middle, high, and peak grades.

The treasure in Ling Fang's hands was above the Earth Grade, meaning it equaled a cultivation realm above the core formation realm.

"You can all attack me at the same time... just so you know, after your defeat. I Don't want to hear anyone complain about my clan position." Ling Fang said with a smile, making the ancestor's eyes narrow, and with a flash the Chang Clan ancestor who had been hiding his strength flashed. he wanted to steal that treasure, but Ling Fang acted quickly and had the blanket grow, 

the old man quickly pulled out a stick, and with a flash, the stick exploded with great might before it clashed with the blanket. luckily for the old man, Ling Fang cultivation didn't allow him to use the full might of this blanket. at most, Ling Fang seemed to only be able to push him back, but this led the others to move to fight for these treasures.

Ling Fang faced them all, and shockingly with cultivation at level 7 Core formation realm, Ling Fang could hold them all off. To say the least, if he was to show his true cultivation, the win would be in the bag.

The Chang Clan's ancestor's eyes narrowed slightly, he kept his cool and searched for an opening while controlling the many plant life to attack Ling Fang. the stick in his hands was from a mighty tree that had gained wisdom, back then it tried to absorb him, and he managed to cut off a piece of the tree while escaping. this led to this stick becoming his strongest weapon.

The Chang clan ancestor soon saw an opening, and with a flash, he released his full cultivation at the level 10 core formation realm. Ling Fang smiled, and with a flash, the blanket moved, clashing with the Chang Clan ancestor and sending him repelling backward.

'He was holding back!' the Chang clan ancestor thought realizing the opening he saw was a lie. he watched as the blanket turned into a sharp blade, which shot towards him. he quickly placed the blade in front of him and was sent rocketing far away.

Ling Fang was about to follow up with an attack, but at that moment he froze. everyone also froze as they watched the scene of Ling Fang trying his best to take hold of the blanket, but something forcefully took it away from him, and it went on to float into the sky where a woman stood, covered in a mist of Qi which hide her form.

"Don't you know treasures too powerful for you to handle would only bring you misfortune?" She spoke, her voice sounding like music to everyone's ears. 

Ling Fang struggled slightly, a line of blood running down his cheek. when one bonds with a treasure, to have that bond forcefully broken would cause a backlash. at the same time, bonds with a treasure were special, the treasure would not only benefit, but even the user of said treasure would have their strength improved depending on the grade of the treasure.

the woman looked at Ling Fang before looking at the many auras belonging to a level 10 Core formation realm expert which shot out, surrounding her.

"Our Ling Clan spent years trying to break the seal which held that blanket. do you think you can just come and take our treasures as you wish?" the Ling Clan ancestor said with a darkened face, to say the least, the fact the Ling Clan had 5 level 10 core formation realm experts left the many ancestors horrified. 

But their souls almost left their bodies when these 5 mighty experts shot to the ground. with the woman slowly lowering her hand, all 5 of them felt as if they were slapped with some unmatched power, sending them slamming into the ground while coughing up mouthfuls of blood.

"Did I allow you to speak?" She asked coldly, her voice was filled with the pride and confidence of a powerful expert. like a god who had come from the heavens, she had stepped down before these mortals. 

everyone was quiet, realizing this mighty existence might be at that legendary cultivation realm above the Core Formation realm. they were horrified, they could only hold their breath, scared that their breath would draw her displeasure.

"I will not shamelessly take this treasure. it's below me to steal and make it look all grand..." She said coldly while snapping her finger. Ling Fang who was injured one moment ago suddenly found his cultivation shaking and entering the level 8 core formation realm, a scene that caused everyone's hearts to start racing.

"You're talented, it's rare to have someone in this backwater continent show the power to skip levels at the core formation realm." She said calmly, her words sending more waves crashing into everyone. what did her words mean? this was just a backwater continent, she was more likely from another continent that was far stronger than this continent

"You want to rule this city, then it shall be yours to rule over. does anyone reject?" She asked coldly, of course, no one dared to say anything. Did they dare?

"My last gift to your Ling Clan would be the way to reach further heights in cultivation, if you work hard enough then breaking through to the realm above the core formation realm isn't impossible." her words caused everyone's eyes to widen. the unwilling members of the Ling clan had their eyes widened, and to their shock, their aura grew stronger. 

"that should be more than enough for payment of this treasure..." She said coldly before turning to fly off, before pausing and looking towards the city... No, towards the Ling Clan.

"Is that your child about to be born?" She asked, causing Ling Fang to instantly go on guard, seeing this she snorted slightly.

"Your child is talented... the fact he needed 1,000 years to be born is proof alone that he shouldn't have been born here. he is the greatest thing to befall your clan. I will take him in as my disciple. you ants can leave, as for you take me to meet my disciple." She said coldly, sending away all but those of the Ling clan. No one dared to say a thing and left while secretly watching the Ling Clan respectfully take the woman to their clan...

"... ancestor what should we do?" within the Chang clan, the Chang clan head asked while looking at his uncle, the ancestor of the Ling clan who had reached level 10 core formation realm. 

"Is it not clear? who would dare to stand against the Ling clan after they got such a powerful expert backing them? if she had simply made them the village head and left, we could have dealt with them even if they were 5 level 10 core formation realm experts... but this is a whole new matter. she is most likely a mighty expert above the core formation realm." the ancestor said with a helpless sigh

"We have to hug onto the Ling clan, this might be the only chance we have to reach that realm." He said with a deep sigh, to which the clan head nodded in agreement. the Ling clan can become the overlord of this city, but no matter what they had to benefit.

The Ling clan today might have lost such a mighty treasure, but in return, they got the chance to form a bond with a mighty existence. Now their newborn was going to become this mighty existence's disciple, no one for a moment thought this was an act. how could someone so powerful lower themselves to play such games? the things they saw couldn't be acted out.

from her snap to help the Ling Fang breakthrough, her strengthening the ancestors to new heights, to how she had even easily slapped them down without needing to touch them. it was a scene that they might never forget.

"Send birthday gifts... send the best healing pills and other such things to help Fan Ye heal. if we can help her survive this birth, we can rise above the other clans." the ancestor said, but he wasn't the only one with such thoughts. the others who didn't even have a level 10 core formation realm expert acted first to hug onto the legs of the Ling Clan, the Ling Clan had to drag them with them...

"this treasure is something, I didn't even bond with it and I was able to be so powerful." Ling Fang said with an unwilling look to let the blanket return to Ling Han. but he had no choice as the blanket shot forward, wrapping itself around Ling Han. Its golden shine disappeared, returning to the basic simple blanket-like appearance. seeing this, Ling Fang sighed softly.

"my poor baby couldn't sleep." Fan Ye said while taking Ling Han into her arms, she could feel that Ling Han had been uncomfortable, and unable to sleep. one, the little guy got used to her warmth, and two he had gotten used to the blanket. how was he to sleep with those two things gone?

"You're spoiling him, you should start having him sleep on his own and not get so used to that blanket." Ling Fang said with a sigh, to which Fan Ye ignored him. What's wrong with her spoiling her son?

Ling Fang sighed helplessly at this, he looked at his son for a moment, before looking at himself. last night he had fallen asleep, it had been a long time since he last slept that he had forgotten the concept. but he had fallen asleep and felt he had grown stronger. his son's breath was something,

"The pendant would be ready soon, then he could start cultivating... well, I should go meet the clans which are sending offerings towards us." Ling Fang said with a smile, today they are the overlord of this city, but in the future, they shall swallow all nearby cities. before his son could even walk, he wanted to have this continent under the Ling Clan, at which point his son could have the best resources the continent had to offer. that was his current goal,

"Well, little Han... tomorrow we will meet your future wife. although she is 1,000 years older than you. you should have been born early so you could have grown together." Fan Ye said with a sigh, back then she had arranged a marriage with her son. but who expected his son to stay in her womb for 1,000 years? Now there is such a huge age gap, although to cultivators age meant nothing, she wanted her son to grow up with a friend who could turn into a wife. she wanted her son's first wife to be true and innocent love.

'I'm not interested, just let me sleep.' Ling Han thought while trying to sleep

"You can't always sleep. let me tell you about her, she... how do you fall asleep so fast?" Fan Ye was speechless, she sighed softly while sitting back. 

"Well, you have to get to know her first. if in the future you still reject the marriage, then there would be no problem." She said with a gentle smile, although breaking the arranged marriage would offend powerful figures, she was strong enough to hold up the sky if it were to fall... on that note, she should start cultivating. She couldn't be lazy, to protect her son and gift him the best possible life, she needed to be strong.