"HEY! WHY ARE YOU SMOKING THIS EARLY IN THE MORNING, NICHOLAS! YOU HAVEN'T HAD BREAKFAST, AND YOU'RE ALREADY SMOKING, AND WHAT'S MORE DISAPPOINTING IS THAT YOU DIDN'T ASK ME TO JOIN YOU!" This damn old geezer does really have a child-like personality, but you'll somehow be surprised when he starts to share his wisdom.
Maybe, I should try asking him what I should do about my situation with Stacey. He'll probably have the answer that I might be looking for because of the wisdom that he always shared.
I was surprised to hear someone shouting above me, and when I saw who it was, I remembered that the old man was on the rooftop for his morning routine. Well, I couldn't help myself but rely on cigarettes because of what Stacey did. Stating inside with her would only make the ambiance between the two of us worst.