
The one concealed in the darkness

After the battle with Ranrok, Noah realizes that not all problems can be solved with the help of force. The essence of which he himself does not fully understand.

Strawberry_ice_tea · วิดีโอเกม
53 Chs

Part 41

 "I'll explain everything later, I promise. Now we need to figure out how to stop Noah!" - Sebastian took out his wand. Seeing that, Garrett thought for a second and nodded.

 "All right, Sallow, I'll hold her off as long as I can. Go after him," Weasley pushed him in the back and drank the Thunderstorm potion. Dark clouds of thunderclouds began to thicken from above.

 "Thank you, Garrett", - Sebastian was surprised by his friend's reckless faith in him but took advantage of this chance and slipped away from Olivier. He ran as fast as he could to a long-abandoned burnt-out house.

Noah stood on the steps, trying to clear his throat and catch his breath.

 "Imperio? Do you think your actions won't have consequences?"- Sebastian walked up to him and grabbed him by the scruff of the neck. Noah let out a long moan of anger and also grabbed Sebastian's hand.

 "And who taught me that? Besides, who do you think you're still going to, like you said? Without consequences!"- Noah tried to pull away from Sebastian's grip, but Sebastian held him in a death grip.

 "I think you've had enough; we're going to Hogwarts with you now!" - Sebastian took the wand away from Noah; in his current state, it was no problem.

 "Do you know what suddenly dawned on me? You are surrounded only by suffering and death; I'm starting to think that it wasn't Anna who was cursed, but you," - Noah replied smiling.

 "You're really out of your mind, Omill; I'll ignore your words," - Sebastian felt a heavy pressure in his chest.

 "Ominis and Anna wanted to send you to Azkaban; it was I who persuaded them to cover up the murder that you committed. I wonder what you think of them now?" - Noah began to laugh at the top of his voice; at the same time, tears began to flow from his eyes. Every word he said poured blood into his heart. Sebastian just looked at him in confusion, not knowing what to answer.

You don't even understand what's happening to you! Why don't my words reach you?! Sebastian shouted in a desperate attempt to revive him.

 "Why should I listen to such a fool?!" - Noah's eyes turned red, and he opened his arms and released a force wave that threw Sebastian four meters away. Every part of his body ached with pain, but overcoming himself, Sebastian got to his feet. He could not miss perhaps the only chance to somehow reach Noah, to reason with him.

 "I know! I know everything; Ominis told me everything. So, this is not news to me; I will not let you do with yourself whatever you want!" - Sebastian was more than confident in his abilities because Noah's wand was still in his hands. But along with this, Noah could use any trick to escape. It was impossible to lose vigilance. Sebastian went at Noah again, but someone grabbed him by the throat from behind him. Turning around, he was horrified to see that it was Garrett.

 "By the way, I've perfected Unforgivable spells. Don't worry; as soon as I leave, the curse will lift itself. They won't even remember what happened," Noah walked up to Sebastian and took his wand back.

 "If you're acting like this because of the words I said earlier at Feldcroft, just pretend you've never heard my confession!" Sebastian's last plea stabbed Noah to the heart. For a second, he forgot how to breathe. After everything he did, what he said to him, Sebastian still managed to touch him to the quick. How? All these thoughts raced through his head at the speed of light. Until he heard someone calling his name. When he came to himself, he turned around, but there was no one around them except those already present. Noah began to look around frantically; the voice was painfully familiar, but it was not possible to remember whose it was. Sebastian closely watched the strange behavior of his friend, realizing that he could not help him in any way. At that moment, a black liquid gushed out of Noah's nose; he tried to wipe it off, but it didn't stop.

 "I'll find you no matter where you are," Sebastian called after him. Noah didn't even turn around to answer; taking the volatile powder, he went into a dilapidated house. After a flash of green light, Garrett and Olivier, as Noah said, came to their senses and did not remember the events of the last ten minutes.

 "Damn it!" - Sebastian shouted at the top of his voice and fell to his knees.

 "What in Merlin's name just happened?" - Olivier said, looking at the guys. Garrett stood and stared at her, then at Sebastian, also not understanding how he got here. Sebastian calmly got to his feet, approached Hyacinth, and used Obliviate; she stood for a while, then looked at them as if she was seeing them for the first time and left.

 "Sebastian? Where's Noah? What happened?" - Weasley finally came to his senses and, as usual, began to ask a lot of questions.

 "We lost, Garrett", - Sebastian grabbed his hair and squatted down.