
The Omniverse Harem Conquerer System(Re: Monster Arc)

Some people have to work very hard to even get a glimpse at an opportunity that will change their lives completely in what they consider the right path, while others simply get it served on a platinum plate. Ision Rath is the second kind of person or at least became the moment he met two individuals one called Fufil and the other called Wis, who offered him one wish so long as they were authorized to take rest inside Ision's soul. A deal he gladly took wishing for a customized personal system that allowed him to make all his dreams and desires to become truth. This was when his journey through the Omniverse with a system begun. Current World: Re:Monster Next World: Damanchi

WishFufilment · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Day 3: Preparations

-Day 3-

Waking up, I felt refreshed as I looked at my fully grown goblin body... I think I'm bigger than your average goblin considering the others around me seem to all be shorter. My body also seems to be more muscular than the rest.

Not focusing on that too much, I begin to test the limits of this new body. I do push-ups, sit-ups, run around, and shadow boxing, until my upper limit, but I've come to notice that... I'm barely tired and even when I start to feel tired, it just fades away instantly... It seems I've heavily underestimated my regeneration ability and its effects.

After having tried all types of exercises, when I had a good grasp of what I'm capable of, I decided to punch the wall to test a few things. What I discovered made me happy, as I'm much more durable than expected and my regeneration is insanely fast, Wolverine and Deadpool ain't got nothing on me in that regard.. Heck! I think could even compete with Cell or even Buu in terms of regeneration, that's how strong it is. To hurt myself, I had to punch the wall constantly at full force and all I got was a drop of blood without even being able to see my own injury since it was gone by the time I looked.

That caused the surrounding goblins to look at me, but contrary to the expected reaction they seemed to be in awe rather than thinking I'm crazy.

Most of the goblins around were trying to get into groups, with only a few of them actually testing themselves. Out of them, only one goblin was going close to how hard I did. Contrary to my expectations it wasn't Kanata and instead, it was a female goblin I don't remember seeing in the series, or at least I think so. Then again, this might just be a different version of the Re: Monster world or I'm just in a different generation from him. I'm not losing sleep over this, if I find him I'll deal with it and if I don't I'll just keep focusing on getting stronger, so I can be ready for whatever comes at me.

My testing continued since I felt like I could still go on for ages. After giving it a bit of thought, I've decided that I'll get Complexia a body tomorrow when they let us hunt for ourselves. Also, I was wondering if I should choose my victim today so that it becomes easier and I don't have to waste time tomorrow looking for a target... Yeah, it's better if I do that.

And so, I started looking for a suitable vessel, but honestly, I don't think I'll find something that fits my human standards here, so I'll just pick the lesser evil of the situation.

My search was as expected junky and a saw many possible candidates, unfortunately, most didn't interest me, though I did recognize a few faces from the canon story which only added to my confusion about Kanata's disappearance. This place has to be some alternative universe or something of the sort, but I can't be sure he doesn't exist in this version just off that.

While I was surveying the cave for a decent vessel, I saw the female goblin who was training earlier resting on the floor breathing heavily and covered in sweat. It wasn't the most appealing look, but not bad for a goblin. Coming to that conclusion, I mark that one as the main target and decide to choose a second one just in case something goes wrong. From what I remember goblins in this world are idiots and might just do something stupid, though it seemed that the females were slightly smarter, I can't take risks and waste too much time.

Without much choice left, I choose the second target. It would have been easier to just pick the ones from canon, but I specifically avoided those because they already have the potential to become much stronger due to the power of the plot. Plus, the girls all end up looking good and they all in general have an interesting variety of powers as well as being loyal. There is no reason I can think of right now for me to not use that. The males will be a decent addition to my legion and the females will be to my harem. Though if they fall short they'll make for some nice extra exp bags to have around.

All that decided, I approached the first target to try and leave a first impression as well as build a basic connection. That way it will be easier to convince her to become a part of my party tomorrow. I'll do the same with the second target when I'm done with this one.

"Aren't you going a bit too hard? I mean we just got these bodies, it would be a pity to just trash them on the first day." I shamelessly barge into a conversation with her seemingly out of nowhere, before sitting on her side.

"As if you're one to talk. I mean, personally, I think an attempt at rearranging the structure of the cave is a better example of going a bit too hard" She remarked while stretching calmly not really minding my presence, at least apparently so.

"Going too hard is relative. I think I did just enough." I say in response, as I show her my completely fine fists with a smug.

"Oh really? And what makes you so sure, I did? You have no idea of what I'm capable of, after all." She replied while stretching her body showing amazing flexibility and control.

"You say that, but I found you on the floor panting in exhaustion and full of sweat. I don't think that counts as just enough." I commented.

"And? Your point with all of this is?" She responded a bit defensively.

"That you have the type of fighting spirit and wits most of the other goblins are missing. So how about we work together to take this place over?" From my knowledge goblins are inherently greedy, so this should do it.

A vicious smile could be seen on her face before she said. "You're not too bad either. I think we'll make a decent team, but if you really want me to work with you, I'll have to be the first one to choose which body parts I'll take from whatever we kill."

Listening to her request made me wonder. "I mean, I don't mind, but why does that matter?"

"Let's just say I have a special kind of appetite." She answered vaguely.

Don't tell me that she's a gender-bend of Kanata? Dammit! Just when I thought I wouldn't have to deal with this at least for a while!... No, I can't just to rash conclusions, I don't have enough evidence to support that claim... Why don't I test it right now? Newborn goblins wouldn't able to fight that well and Kanata was a battle junkie in canon, so that should be enough. Though I can only confirm it for sure tomorrow, if she starts doing crazy stuff after eating a monster.

"Well, since we'll be working together, what about a little spar to decide who'll be leading?" Because of the optimization of Bispina, there's no way I would lose to a newborn goblin.

Once again I was met with a vicious and even intimidating smile full of energy, as she then replied. "I like your style, if you keep this up I might take you for myself. But beware I'm not responsible for any physical damage possible inflicted on you."

This is definitely that bastard! Take me for yourself?! Hell Nah! I absolutely have to keep my eyes on her and if my hypothesis confirms itself to be true, I'll definitely have to focus on the second vessel target, not only am I not sure if I can kill this girl, but I also don't want to kill anyone useful from canon before I'm sure I can't bring them to my side.

"You're free to try, but beware, I'm not responsible for any emotional damage possible inflicted on you." I retorted calmly.

After that, we decided to give it a rest and fight once we are back to our peak form.

-Later that day-

"Hahaha. Let's just fight, I was itching to get some real action anyway." She got walked to an empty area of the cave and stood there waiting for me to come.

Not wasting time I followed her and then stood right in front of her. She took a stance and seemed ready to scrap.

Standing there I decided to wait for her to make the first move since I wasn't exactly used to fighting and regardless of whether or not my hypothesis is true or not, this would be a good first experience before the real deal or so I hoped.

It wasn't long before she moved coming straight towards me with her right arm ready for a punch at what I believe to be stomach level, though the real crux of the situation was her speed. She moved and before I knew it she was already close enough. Just as I out instinct moved to duck instead of moving to the side like I was planning as I saw her feet pass by in a high rotation kick instead of the punch I had expected.

Time to process what had happened was not much and I rolled out of the way dodging her axe kick, luckily this made an opening for me, and I decided to take it going in for a right hook just as I got up. She dodged it by a hair by ducking into my center of gravity and hitting me with an elbow strike to the stomach.

Fortunately, either because of a difference in strength or my high durability, I didn't falter and used this opportunity to grab her wrist with both hands just before she could escape, then immediately began a rotation throwing her straight at the ground. It just wasn't enough as she quickly positioned herself to be supported by her arms before going for a full impact double kick straight to my chin the moment I let go of her just before I could create any real distance between us.

If I was a normal goblin I would have probably broken something there, but I was fine though it did frikin hurt. I was so focused on the fight that I hadn't noticed it yet, but we were surrounded by a crowd of goblins just watching us go at it, and I'm pretty sure someone was making bets with their bugs on the back.

Quickly my focus was back to the fight as she was once again coming at me. This time a barrage of punches with a few kicks in-between was thrown at me and I could now dodge them albeit a bit clumsily.

Things then changed she, and her target changed to my leg with a side kick rather than going for my upper body, as she had done up to this point. I moved fast and caught her leg with my hand which resulted in her socking me before using her free leg to jump and going for a triple high stomp to my face sacrificing her balance.

Unfortunately for her despite my pain, I didn't let go of her leg. Maybe it's because of my regeneration but I'm having a pretty easy time dealing with pain. I spin her around with all the strength I have before shoving her at one of the cave's walls.

A drop of blood could be seen falling off my nose, but whatever the injury was, it was long gone.

I smiled as I cleaned it off and she got up with another one of her demonic smiles and declared. "I really like you! You're not the best in combat right now, but you have it in you! You have that dog in you! From today on, every day we'll have mock battles until you're up to shape. So, you better give it your all!"

Her excitement made me uncomfortable, this shouldn't be the state of someone who just basically got splatted on the wall!

The next movement was even faster than before at what I assume was her limit, as she got close easily and then dodged the barrage of punches I throw at her before side-stepping and hitting me on the back of my knee making me fall onto one knee, and in an instant, she put on an arm lock.

Despite being stronger than her, the weight of her body combined with her grip strength rendered me unable to escape. Not having much of a choice I give up and let her have the win since I didn't want to reveal my regeneration abilities just yet. Plus, I'm 99% sure this goblin girl is Kanata or whatever their name is in this version of the world. So forming a good relationship with her is optimal, and if she really is Kanata there's no way I can trust her to not try to eat me if I just let her know about my ability at least for now.

With the fight over, She came to talk to me.

"Just like I said before, I want you to start training with me. You got potential. Oh, by the way, I'm Goburia, and it's a pleasure to meet you." She introduced herself while extending her hand to me.

"I'm down for that, whatever makes me stronger. Gobumo's the name by the way. Equally pleased to meet you." I respond before taking her hand in a handshake.

After that, I talked to the other goblin girl and she was easy to convince, and since I lost my main vessel target I decided to talk to another goblin girl just in case something unexpected happens again. It's better to be safe than sorry. That was how my third day in this world ended.