
Chapter 4 “Kidnapped”


Talking/Whispering/Yelling: "______"

Thinking/Thoughts/Telepathy: '______'

Unique Talking: •_______•

Me talking: (____)

Game system: _____:) _____:( _____;D

Sage: "'_______'"

Ziselaer talk/password talk: >_______▂<)'¯'·." Renata gasped the moment she saw game window worried emoticons and looked at children but they flinched because them.< p>

"Now, I'm going! Have fun long-distance!" He waved his hand merrily and walked away. Now, she felt guilty because of it and the 9 children flinched when she reached her hand to them "The truth is...I didn't know I was a Ziselaer, I always believed that I'm a human..." She clenched her right arm with her left hand but "Ziselaers have black-grey hair! You have violet shade on your hair so it means you're a half Ziselaer!" Some kids yelled at her and one of the kids yelled at her to go away or stay away except for Tessa and the two kids. "Fine then! I'll escape myself!" Renata turned around with anger and frustration in her eyes but "Winter Aldin greets one of the supreme and superior beings in the whole world, Ziselaer-sama" A boy named Winter Aldin with sky blue skin, eyes, hair, and long ears then "Levine Kurtis! Greets one of the supreme and superior beings in the whole world! Ziselaer-sama! Eep!" A boy named Levine Kurtis with forest green hair, eyes, and fair skin or normal skin then "Tessalia Roverlin greets one of the supreme and superior beings in the whole world Ziselaer-sama" Tessa couldn't help but feel betrayed...again, and it felt wrong and baffling because a royalty bowed to the random person but no one could help but bow down to Ziselaers. Renata looked at them who were now down at her in disbelief and clicked her tongue "Tch! Fine then! Help me" she said in a low octave tone enough to send shivers in their spines. Renata touched the bars and flipped her head around "Winter, you're an ice elf right? Solid the bars with ice" she commanded and Winter obliged, he put his right hand on one bar then the bars were surrounded by solid ice "Levine, you're a forest elf?" Levine nodded at her reply "I want you to push down the bars using your forest magic and I'll use my magic to make the noise quiet" Then he did it. He lifted his arms and summoned branches onto the bars then pushed them down and the bars didn't make a noise thanks to Renata. A window popped up again "There are 60 bad guys(ᗒᗩᗕ) and one lower demon lord(• ▽ •;)"

She put up her forearm indicating that she was blocking from something "Cassis" a shadow came out of her shadow and the children except Renata looked at the shadow knight with horrified looks on their faces "I want you to discard the slavers except the lower demon lord" Cassis bowed at her and vanished then...

"Oi! What the fuck is that?!" "Why are you not dying?!" "He's a shadow knight!!" "But there's no way?! We didn't kidnap a Ziselaer!" "Wait! We did kidnap one and it's from that brat!" One of the slavers ran to find Renata but "Gah!" "Please don't-" "Forgive me!"


In the demon lord's room

"What?! You kidnapped a half-Ziselaer child?!" Demon lord Krishna, had red skin, black eyes, light red hair, red horns with wings, and a tail, and wore a brown outfit with holes in it. "Yes-" But the slaver got slapped by her and she yelled at him, harshly "You fucking fool! Why did you kidnap a child not to mention a half-Ziselaer!" She grabbed her hair and gripped it very roughly and brutally enough to pull her hair out of her scalp "Nghhh!!!! Are you shitting me?! You fucking idiot!" She kicked the slaver brutally. "Ahem..." Krishna stopped kicking her idiot the moment she heard a child's voice "Please be careful of your language, there are children here" Krishna flinched at the sight of Renata's dark glare, one of the famous dark glares of the Ziselaers but she won't bow down to a CHILD who's younger than her "I won't bow down to cheaters like you!" Krishna yelled while she summoned something then a window popped up again "This person is Krishna the lower demon lord her rank is 6(・o・) one of the weakest ranks ever(☆▽☆) her magic is fire only ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ but be careful because she's an itsy bitsy strong than you:-O" Renata almost smirked to herself, mocking the lower demon lord Krishna. She stomped her foot and Krishna tilted her head in confusion but she felt cold on her both legs and looked down "I-Ice?!" She glared at Renata sternly then she grinned herself and Renata tilted her head "Have fun playing with my fire king!" Krishna summoned her fire king. The appearance is fire only with iron armor and a crown. Renata clicked her tongue and ordered the elf children to stay in their places, She could not help but stay because she needed to protect the helpless elf children and level up but Winter, Levine, and Tessa joined her. Renata finally made a plan and proceeded to act. Cassis got out of her shadow and

"I'll protect my Queen!" He slashed the fire king with one attack but the fire king didn't evaporate so Winter attacked it with his ice magic.

The ice blocks the fire king's view, and branches come out of the ground trapping the fire king even though an ordinary branch might get burned by a fire it's Levine the son of Forest Elder then a light orb from Tessa lifted then shined brightly, blocking the fire king's view and Cassis thrust his big sword into the fire king's armor. A pitched scream came from the fire king, indicating that it evaporated Krishna gritted her teeth and she was about to summon her fire magic at the children but... "Gahh!" Krishna screamed in pain and Renata stabbed Krishna in her stomach with her sword. Krishna puked out blood out of her mouth and the blood from her stomach was gushing out rapidly. They jumped back, Krishna covering her stomach from blood gushing out and Renata looked at her with her calm eyes "Quite ruefully pathetic..." She tilted her in mockery and Krishna coughed out blood with her hand she felt uneasy then she glared at Renata. "You bitch! What did you do to me?! I can't regenerate!" Krishna yelled at her "I learned poison magic from a particular teacher" She smiled widely and the children flinched at her evil smile. "You bitch! You piece of fucking shit!" Krishna yelled while she ran towards them...

Renata sliced Krishna's head off swiftly so that a normal person couldn't slice off the head but her. The head of Krishna rolled out on the red carpet, spilling with blood. "You're the same as them! You killed thousands of people right?!" The first kid accused then the second kid also accused her "Papa said that Ziselaers are murderers so it's true!" All 7 kids yelled, accused, and screamed at her except Winter, Levine, and Tessa. Renata sighed, had enough of being accused of and fighting lower demon lord 6 then three elves went towards her and stood beside her. "You fools know that accusing the Ziselaer will lead you to instant death?!" Winter warned them "Y-Yeah! Don't accuse her or do you want us to die by her too?!!?!" Levine screamed girly that Winter, Renata, and Tessa looked at him in pure concern and confusion then Tessa yelled at the kids "Note that she's the daughter of Ezekiel Ziselaer, the 2nd son of Giovanna Ziselaer!" 'How did I know that?!' Tessa didn't say that and she felt like someone was controlling her. A familiar voice called Renata's name "Renata, my daughter!" Kyle or Ezekiel worried and yelled at her but "Dad! You didn't tell me that I'm a Ziselaer!" Renata clenched her hands and glared at her father for an explanation. Kyle flinched at his daughter's hurt look and hesitated "Renata my daughter, I'll explain along the way so please..." His voice falters in a sad tone "...fine then" She speed walked past him while Kyle gripped his right hand. "Come children!" The children hesitated, scared of him but three of them ran towards him soon one by one, the children started to follow him but made a long distance from him except for the three elves who were walking with him, very close to him.

It was already midnight and a strand of white silver hair waving by cold winds, red eyes looking at the crystal ball in his right hand, showing Kyle and Renata, or more like he's looking at her in interest, his left hand is on his left chin to the left cheek.

He sat on a human who's likely been defeated by him and stole the crystal ball from the fallen human. Bloody red eyes peered at the crystal ball and smiled creepily.

"She gained a shadow knight at the age of 4 and it seems that...she's an otherworlder with Ziselaer blood in her" Doverin said in a low, scary tone and glared at the crystal ball or her... "I'll never forgive otherworlders...they killed my clan, my home, and my beloved lover and I will kill all the otherworlders starting with her..." He smiled and laughed loudly "Why? because she's half HUMAN! She's weak!" He laughed again.

Renata explained to King Oliver and Queen Risha about the plan she set up like getting kidnapped with the princess, the slavers, and the rank 6 demon lord, Krishna. After that, the two royal adults understood her plan and congratulated her by saying that Tessa, Levine, and Winter would be her friends from now on since those three helped Renata.

There are two carriages, one is in front and the other is behind. In the front are the elves and behind is the Elliott family though they've been silent the whole way until...

Renata crossed her arms looking at the window instead of her father who had a sorrowful look on his face. He clenched his fists that is on top of his knees and bit his lip then looked down regretting that he failed to be a father to her, keeping secrets from her even though it pains him because he's keeping secrets not only because he wanted to protect her from the harsh world they walked upon. He doesn't want his daughter to be a killer like him, he killed everyone on sight with his bloodied sword but no one reports him or his family because they're afraid of him, and his family, just by mentioning their family names will send shivers in everyone's spines, they don't want to insult, mock or even bad things to them because it can lead you to instant death without doing anything, not blinking or not even a flick of their fingers. Everyone forgets that the Ziselaer saved them before and now they're still afraid of them...

"Dad...who are WE?" Renata said while looking at the window Kyle straightened up his back and replied "We are Ziselaers..." He said in a low tone enough to give everyone shivers and she flinched at his voice "Goddess of Creation is our creator and our grandmother, Nisha...She created the first true dragon, the rainbow dragon, and created races in this world. She fell in love with her first creation, the first true dragon, and gave birth to three children, my mother is the first daughter of the Goddess of Creation and then my mother gave birth to 10 females and 10 males. I'm the 2nd son of Giovanna Ziselaer and Ezekiel Ziselaer, Ziselaers are considered SSS-class the terminate class which means that you can't do anything to them but bow down, drop your knees, and surrender yourself. We, Ziselaers can't be killed and can go through other worlds like Earth" She turned her head at him, shocked but "We are the ones who overpower the monster that all beings can't defeat, we are just made up of a story for otherworlders so that we don't want fame because we're already famous...we're the ones who created everything including that phone" He pointed at Renata's pocket where her phone is 'Ah...that explains it...Zitech is short for Zisealer Technology'

Kyle continued his story "The otherworlders are being summoned by our uncle, God of Reincarnation though it's been 100 thousand years, he hasn't summoned them for a reason...Our other uncle is God of Death, he punishes sinners only and our grandfather is the Godfather of the three Gods" 'So that means we're...' her thoughts got off by him "We're omnipotent, meaning all-powerful; omniscient, meaning all-knowing, and omnipresent, meaning present everywhere at all times. We're part God and part true dragon!"

He stopped and then smiled at her

"Renata, my daughter...just because you're Ziselaer doesn't mean you have to follow our paths, our paths are dangerous for a child like you, I don't want you to become a killer like us...please live a normal life and I wanted to see you smile widely at me when you have reached your goal" He smiled genuinely at her and Renata hugged him "Daddy...I will live a normal life for you" She said genuinely and he hugged her too.

"Awww what a loving father-daughter relationship...that makes me want to destroy their trust" Doverin grinned mischievously but the game overheard him.

On the way, the two carriages arrived in the Akron kingdom, Kyle escorted the three elves to the guests' room while Renata went to her room and bathed with a maid. She put on her pajamas and sat on the edge of the bed and a mysterious spoke in her mind "Notice" Renata jumped out of her bed while thinking 'Who's voice is that?! Where did it come from?!' "Notice: A update from the game system"

'An update from the game system?' Renata thought in dubious but the voice continued "Nice to meet you! :D I created a new skill just for you ;) Her name is Sage so it means she's very wise😁 but if you want to be stronger than ever you have to rely on her sometimes because she's very smart😙 oh, if you use her too much, she will level up😉 so here are the levels. (Sage to Great Sage to Wise Sage to Archangel Sage to Goddess of Wisdom Athena!) 😇 Now that I'm done, have fun experimenting!" The window disappeared and Renata looked at the window before in awe 'That system can create skills itself?! It can use emojis to communicate this time and Sage?'

"'I, sage is here, what is it you need?'" Sage, a skill created by the game system is now awaiting Renata's orders "Hmmm...since the game system created you to be wise how good are you?" She said to her skill to see if she's very wise "'Very well...This one can create skills, knew the rules of this world and everything'" Renata smirked in triumphant 'Well...there are some things I wanted you to create for me, sage" She ordered sage to create skills for her in the future and sage obliged to create skills for her master.

End of Chapter 4 "Kidnapped"

★ Just so you know, My sage and great sage from TTIGRAAS are different and aren't the same, sure the name is the same but mine is not very detailed or detailed if necessary from TTIGRAAS so please do not assume that I stole an idea from Rimuru's skill.

★  Sage has 5 levels and Goddess of Wisdom Athena is the end of the level and most powerful skill even though Renata is smart, she needs sometimes help from the sage.

★ The game system likes to communicate with emojis and emoticons.

★ Please remember that my sage and great sage from TTIGRAAS aren't the same because my sage will be a bit more emotional while Great sage from TTIGRAAS is different.

★ The game system can create skills specifically for Renata even though she didn't ask for it, seems like the system is quite different from other game systems.

★ Who is Doverin's dead lover?

★ Ziselaers are sometimes murderers and heroes.

★ Goddess of Creation creates beings but not Gods and Goddesses like her Godfather.

★ The Ziselaer blood is stronger than any other blood, even a drop of blood will kill you even if you drink the blood can make you explode in one second and 1 minute.


Name: Renata 'Elliott'

Level: 9.5

Age: 6

Mana: 580

Strength: 110

Sense: 89

Agility: 79

Vitality: 115

Dexterity: Ambidextrous

Luck: 59

Species: Half Ziselaer



Fire, Water, Air, Earth, dark and light



Items: Omnipotent Mask, pieces of jewelry