
The Omega One (Draft - Unofficial)

Philip, who was a genius scientist and entitled as the legendary master swordsman, live in an Earth unlike any other. The Earth had undergone scientific breakthroughs that are worth 1,000 years of research in just a decade. Upon the scientific advancements, the Mystical Side of the Earth had also developed. Then the third faction of Secret Organizations has emerged. One day, Philip saw a falling golden meteor in the sky. The meteor suddenly changed its trajectory towards Philip. He was then given, by fate, the power of Omega. Then he died. Follow Philip as he tries to save the world, or rather, the whole universe against the Threat that is threatening to destroy everything. In obtaining all kinds of powers and abilities, along with his friends and companions, until he reached the realm of above the gods. ... 「 My name is Emily. I will be the voice of the Omega System in your head. 」 ... "There is a greater threat than Him, I must become stronger to stop him." ~~~ Synopsis update: 5

Absolute_Author · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 30: Breaker Dragon

Northern China - Southern Mongolia - Mongolian Plateau - Chinese Runestone


"What was that?!"

Before Philip can get an answer, a wave of purple light engulfed the world, specifically the area around the Runestone.

[You have entered the Breaker Realm]

"What?! Emily! Speak to me!"

「 Wha-what? Ah yes! It seems that we entered the Breaker Realm! 」

"I can see that, but how and why?!"

As Philip asked that question, the giant Runestone that is in front of him started to crack starting from the ground up to the sky. Then, another roar echoed in the world.


The Runestone then detached from the ground and floated up to the sky. The cracks then enlarged and the giant Runestone broke into several large parts and millions of tiny pieces.

「 It seems that the entity living within the Runestone was the one responsible for creating this realm. As to why it did that and the nature of the realm... Let me scan it. 」


Emily answered Philip's question before someting else happens within the floating debris of the Runestone. She then started to scan the realm to provide Philip with indormation regarding it and how to get out of here is push comes to shove.

Before Philip could react, a giant dragon emerged from the giant crater that the giant Runestone was once sitting on. The dragon resembles the eastern dragons, the same one as Shenron from Dragon Ball.

The only difference is that this dragon is purple in color and is ethereal, which you can almost see through the dragon as if it is made of purple glass.

The width of the dragon spanned for 200 kilometers making it extremely large! Philip was on his guard this entire time as the giant dragon flew up into the sky hovered above him as the dragon's length continue to increase.


As it is taking a while for the dragon to finish its entrance, the scanning of the realm was finished.

「 Breaker Realm. The realm of the Breaker Dragon. It separates the Breaker Realm from the real world. You could say that the Breaker Realm is the home of the Breaker Dragon where he can show its true power. Defeat the Breaker Dragon to escape the realm. 」

"Breaker Dragon?!"

「 Breaker Dragon. The dragon that is responsible for nullifying abnormal objects, events, and anomalies. 」


As Emily finished describing to Philip the Breaker Realm and the Breaker Dragon, the dragon roared as it's tail reached the sky.

"Emily, what is its length? I'm just curious."

「 I'm also curious... Scanning... It's about... 100,000 kilometers. Longer than Jörmungandr. 」

"Damn... Looks like he's hostile to me. Do I need to get serious??"

Before Philip prepared his stance to attack the dragon with all his might, he had an idea! Thinking that the dragon will only nullify his energy attacks and probably render 「 Shi-Kama Tamashī-Kiru 」 useless, why not deal physical damage to it?

"Emily, what is the maximum height that I can enlarge myself using 「 Enlarge 」?"

「 ... 」

Philip waited patiently for Emily as he thought she was scanning the 「 Enlarge 」 ability. But unknown to Philip, Emily is hesitating to tell him.

「 You sure you wanna know? 」

"Huh? Yes!"

Emily's voice seemed to have a tone of disbelief and wanted for Philip to confirm. Then, Emily dropped a bombshell.

「 Due to obtaining the variable of Universe... You can enlarge yourself to the size of the universe. That is the limit. 」


Philip was speechless at the limit of his 「 Enlarge 」 ability. If he could enlarge himself to the size of the universe, wouldn't he be able to destroy the universe by just enlarging himself?

He then removed that thought from his brain and asked Emily another question about the opposite of 「 Enlarge 」.

"E-Emily, h-how about 「 Contract 」?"

「 Due to obtaining the variable of Dimension and Space... You can contract yourself to Planck Length. 」

This second revelation almost made Philip spurt out blood. He didn't imagine that he can go that tiny. That length is going beyond even quantum.

As Philip was kneeling on the ground and covering his mouth, the Breaker Dragon looked at Philip with a dumbfounded face. Then, a vein popped on his head and roared against Philip as he felt like he was being ignored.


"Geez! You're too loud!!"

[9 Gates of Wrath: 1st gate opened]

[Dragon Language learned!]

"You lowly human! How dare you ignore me when you have awoken me from my deep slumber in this new home?! Now, you will experience my wrath!!"


Philip was surprised by the system that his 1st Gate of Wrath immediately closed. He just learned the dragon language by hearing the Breaker Dragon roar for a few times.

Before the dragon could speak again, Philip has almost recovered from his shock and began to enlarge himself.

10 feet...

20 feet...

50 meters...

100 meters...


1,000 kilometers

He enlarged himself to a height beyond the exosphere. He chose this height because they are in a different realm, meaning, he can't accidentally destroy the world with his step alone.

"Whoops, looks like I went overboard..."

The Breaker Dragon looked up into space where Philip's head is located. The dragon was sweating bullets even though he is ethereal and it was obvious that his body was trembling, his furious eyes from before were change into wide opened eyes full of terror.

Philip then looked down on him, then he smiled while his eyes also smiled. The dragon can't see his smile because of the ivory mask on his mouth and nose, but he could clearly see the smiles in his eyes. This made the dragon feel even more terror.

But, nonetheless, the Breaker Dragon was one of the most powerful within the 8 dragons and he put up a front against Philip.

The dragon charged an energy blast on his mouth and launched it against Philip. The blast roared as a puplish white ethereal flame went straight into Philip's left shoulder.

As the blast touched Philip's shoulder, nothing happened, and when the blast was over, there was a slight burn mark on Philip's left shoulder.

Little did Philip and the dragon know, Philip shrunk down by 1 kilometer because of the Breaker Blast of the dragon. It just slightly negated Philip's enlargement.

Philip then wiped the burn mark off and looked at the Dragon again with a maniacal smile.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll never be arrogant again! Please forgive this ignorant and stupid dragon! Please spare me!"

The dragon roared as it flew down towards the crater where Philip's giant foot is located. The dragon then made his body as if he was kneeling down towards Philip. But then, Philip spoke with a thundering voice because of his size.

"Alright, I forgive you..."


The dragon looked up with wet eyes, obviously the dragon was touched. But Emily and Philip heard the dragon.

「 Master?? Pfft... 」

"Hey! Did you just laugh?!"

「 Mm...m...mm... N-no... Pftt! HAHAHAHA! 」

"And there you go, you just laughed..."

Philip then returned his attention back to the dragon.

"But before I can forgive you... I must punish you first!"

"Alright master, this dragon will accept any punish-- Bufoo!!"

Before the dragon could finish his sentence, Philip stepped hard on the dragon. Since the dragon was curled up like a ball, his size was enough to fit the entirety of Philip's foot and the dragon received the full brunt of the force of the foot.


Meanwhile, Emily kept on laughing.

Later on, Philip lifted his foot and the battered dragon was revealed on the foot shaped crater.



"Oh god! I thought it was an oversized cockroach so I had to step on it again!"

「 Oh gosh! HAHAHAHAHA!! That's... That's ruthless!! 」

Philip then removed his foot from the dragon and the dragon had his body battered and broken and his tongue came out of his mouth as if he was dead.

Then, cracks started forming around the sky and ground. This means that the realm will be broken.

"Pretty ironic for a Breaker Realm to be broken."

Philip then contracted himself and returned back to his original height. There, the giant head of the dragon was in front of his face, unconscious and battered body.

The purple sky and ground started to form more cracks and eventually, it shattered.

The Breaker Dragon that was on the ground started to shrink while the floating debris of Runestones started to fall.

Ever since the giant Runestone floated up and broke into several large pieces and millions of tiny pieces, the original volume of the Runestone was decreased.

Because if the reason, the Runestone debris that fell covered the crater that is 300 kilometers wide and 100 kilometers deep completely. The crater became a flatland with the Runestone debris as the ground.

Philip then looked towards the Breaker Dragon that shrunk. Its size became the size of a normal snake, although, it had still retained its purplish ethereal body.

"I really have gone overboard... Emily, do I have any healing abilities?"

「 Uhmm, haha... Uhm, none, you have no healing abilities as of this moment. 」

"Seems like you have been laughing all this time, huh?!"

Philip had a vein on his forehead.

"Also, what do you mean as of now?"

「 Well, if you have retrieved Life's Sword, then you will have a healing ability. 」

"I see, then when can I find and get Life's Sword?"

「 You'll see soon enough. 」


Philip stepped forward to pick up the small Breaker Dragon. He thought of keeping it as a pet since it also called him master for some reason. Who wouldn't want to have a flying small dragon around while travelling?

But when Philip touched the Breaker Dragon, it disappeared into particles.

"What?!! Noooo!!!"

Philip screamed as he lost the opportunity to have a eastern flying dragon as a pet.

"I shouldn't have beaten him so much!!! Noooo!!!!"

Philip kneeled to the ground and smashed the ground with his fist. A small crater formed around him.

[9 Gates of Wrath: 2nd gate opened]

[You have unlocked a new ability!]

[「 Summon Pet Companion 」]

[You have obtained Breaker Dragon]

Philip recovered from his annoyance and kneeled upright and looked at a distance with wide eyes full of shock.


「 Oh look! You seem to have unlocked a new ability! That's it, that's it... Continue to become more powerful! P-Phil-lip... 」

Emily stuttered when she tried to say Philip's name. She tried to say Philip's name as he kept on saying her name instead of 'system'. It really looked like Philip is looking at Emily different from the system itself. Emily liked that.

"I can now summon pets and collect them?!"

Philip eyes became empty and he kept looking towards empty space.

「 Yes! And there's no limit for collecting them. 」

Philip then stood up while still looking at empty space, then he sighed.


Philip shouted to the sky as the system gave him the ability to collect pets and summon them. He was very dumbfounded, shocked, confused, and excited by this absurdity.

"Let me summon him now. How do I summon him, Emily?

「 You just say "Summon!" Then say the name of the pet or creature you want to summon. 」

"I see, okay then... Summon! Breaker Dragon!"

Philip then heard a sound resembling the sound that is played when an answer was incorrect in certain game shows.


[Breaker Dragon is severely injured. Currently healing. Time before fully healed: 00:29:34]

"Oh wow! That's good then... 30 minutes? I can wait that long."

Philip then jumped high into the sky and looked toward the giant Runestone in the distance that is northwest from his location.

"In the meanwhile... Hm?"

Before Philip could fly towards the giant Runestone in northwest, he saw six shining object in the center of where the Runestone debris and rubble fell down. He approached the shining objects.

There, he saw six spheres with the size of marbles with different colors and designs on its surface.

"What are these??"




「 Peak Quality Skin Refining Pill 」

「 Refines the skin and strengthens it. (Diamond) 」

「 Peak Quality Muscle Refining Pill 」

「 Refines the muscle and organs and strengthens it. (Obsidian) 」

「 Peak Quality Bone Refining Pill 」

「 Refines the bone and strengthens it. (Adamantium) 」

「 Peak Quality Blood Refining Pill 」

「 Refines the blood, purifies it, and emphasizes the very essence of the blood. (Superliquid) 」

「 Peak Quality Nerve Refining Pill 」

「 Refines the nerve, reconstruct it, and accelerates it. (Lightspeed) 」

「 Peak Quality Tissue Refining Pill 」

「 Refines the tissues and purifies it. 」


"What?! These are like pills that came out of Chinese novels and manhua!"

「 It seems so. 」

"But why are they here?"

「 Maybe it's because it was a drop from the Runestone or a reward for killing the Breaker Dragon? 」

"Really? What is this now, an RPG game?"

「 I don't know, but that just my theory... A gaaaamee... Ehem... 」


Philip was speechless when he heard that iconic tagline from a YouTube channel.

「 What are you going to do now? Will you eat them one by one? 」

"Of course I'll eat them, I found them first!"

He then looked to the right and to the left as if he has hiding something from the non-existent people that are watching him.

"But who says I'll be eating them one by one?!"

「 No!! You don't mean...! 」


He then opened his palm and placed the six marble sized pills on his palm and poured it straight into his mouth after he removed the ivory mask covering his mouth.

"Mmmm! Yummy!"

「 You madman! 」

"Look, nothing is happening! It's fine! It's probably finished refining my body.

「 ... 」

Emily was speechless from this part of Philip. Reckless and a joker. It was rare for Philip to act this way ever since. Perhaps he was excited and became reckless when he unlock the ability to summon and collects pets.

"Alright! To the next Runestone!!"


Philip raised his right arm and pointed to the giant Runestone northwest from his position, then he burped.

「 P-Philip? 」

Emily was getting closer to saying Philip's name without stuttering. He called his name because he stopped moving after he pointed at the giant Runestone.

Then, Philip slowly descended his right arm to his side and he fell forward face first. He lost consciousness.

The 「 Shard of Consciousness 」 then appeared on his left hand and hovered above his head while spinning and rotating slowly.

A few minutes later, a man with a tail and a staff arrived to where Philip is lying. He approached Philip and sat beside him in an Indian sitting position and he place his staff on top of his legs, then he meditated.


South China Sea

There was a man flying above the sea while heading towards the northern part of China where the Chinese Runestone is located.

It was the straw hat man that scouted the area around Manila Bay to search for the anomaly that the military from Area 52 detected.

"That energy signature was very familiar. But that signature was way more powerful from the last time I sensed it!"

The straw hat man muttered as he reached for the Breaker Collar on his neck. He pressed a button and the collar unclamped and he let it fall into the ocean.

The Breaker Collar was designed to use tiny pieces of Runestones to control superhumans from around the world. But this straw hat man easily removed his collar.

Why? He faked being captured and faked being placed a collar on his next. As to how he did it, only he knows how.

He did that to infiltrate Area 52 where his friends and comrades were currently contained. He waited for the time to break them out and destroy the collars around their necks.

Then, he felt an energy signature, the same as Area 52. He suddenly had a glimpse of hope when "he" appeared. He promised to himself that he must meet this person whatever it takes.

He then pulled a necklace from his back pocket and he tore the chain that was holding a miniature model of a sword.

As the chain was removed from the sword, he held the tiny handle and he flicked his right arm to his back and the miniature sword became a real metallic sword. He then changed it into a katana.

"I'm coming to you, Philip. Wait for me and I will tell you what they did to your best friend and to your former lover!"

Yes, he knew about Philip, his best friend Eduardo, and former lover Ysabelle. As to how he knew that she was his former lover, no one knows!

Showing his skill of manipulating a weapon and the signature straw hat, he is Smith, the Weapon Saint.

"I can't wait for those bastards to suffer!"

But then, he felt a sudden surge of energy that almost made him unable to fly. He looked towards the Chinese Runestone in the horizon.

He saw the Runestone emitting a faint purple light and he saw it started to float lightly. He then saw seven streaks of purple light fly in seven directions where, roughly, the other seven Runestones are located.

"I need to hurry up!"

Smith boosted forward to fly faster towards the Chinese Runestone.


Quezon Memorial Circle - Quezon City - NCR - Philippines

A man with a business attire was sitting on his office while writing.

It was Doom.

He was still wearing his shades even though he's indoors.

Moments later, he suddenly looked forward as if he was shocked that something appeared in front of him.

He immediately stood up and stormed out of his office. He brisk walked towards the horseshoe containment wing while he ignored the staff and personnel that was looking at him weirdly.

If the people saw his eyes that are under the shades, they could see his eyes brimming with red light and red streaks are forming around his eyes like cracks. Ultimately, the people can't see this because of the shades that is hiding his eyes.

After a few minutes, he entered the middle containment unit in the horseshoe containment wing and closed the door behind him.

He walked forward to a containment tube and observed the person that was inside of it while she wa sleeping.

Inside the tube was a naked woman with purple skin and white hair, with white streamlines on his body and metallic wings resembling those in Gundam. Well, the woman was not actually naked as the purple skin of hers acted like futuristic clothes. One of the perks of this superhuman.

He removed his eyeglasses and stared intently at her. His eyes started to emit a suffocating energy anda vibrating sound echoed around the containment unit.

The woman inside started trembling and shaking and then, a green aura immediately enveloped her.

"Why can't I conquer her?! I was supposed to be more powerful than her!!"

He then left the containment unit and head outside of Area 52 in the open space. He then looked towards the direction of the Chinese Runestone.

"Perhaps it was nothing."

He then head back towards his office.


Akihabara City - Japan

Somewhere in an alleyway, a distorted space formed and released a surge of energy.

The distorted space then disappeared.

Gotta catch em all! Philip has acquired the ability to summon and collect pets, but why would Philip eat all pills at once if he knew what will happen to his body if he read Chinese novels?!

It was also revealed that Smith was actually not controlled and he went to Philip's general location for help.

Also, who is Doom and the woman inside the tube?

What is the space distortion in Akihabara?

Find out next chapter!


Thanks for reading!!

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