
The Omega's Pride: Descendant Of The Demon King.

An ugly incident ties Jin to the lives of Zhen and Daniel when an arranged marriage turns into a horrible struggle for power. With a superpower seeking to exploit him, Jin's soon revealed god-like abilities become his nightmare and the downfall of his Clan. Will Jin survive the hurdles and defeat his enemies or will he succumb to the darkness waiting at the end of the tunnel? Note: This is A BL ABO novel.

CK_Hawks · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

How We Met

(Two Years Ago)

Lessons had begun after a series of paperwork and tedious registration processes for freshmen. One had to go the extra mile to get admitted to the University of Cratorlin. Although there was special enrolment for families of great tribes, it was still mandatory for the students to meet the mark.

"Shit, I can't believe you made me late for our first cultivation class. I heard the lecturer is pretty strict." Bolin breathes hard as he speeds up, taking abrupt turns in the corridors. His white uniform flew with the wind. They were too excited to sleep the night before and woke up late.

Lectures primarily began at 7: 00 in the morning for freshmen, and it was already 6:58.

"Calm down. We'll only be a little late. Blame these robes for slowing us down." Jin held his blade carelessly in his mouth while fastening his loose belt, which refused to stay on.

Unlike the other buildings, the cultivation block was built in an old-fashioned way to keep the tradition alive. Most things there were archaic and valuable. Stepping into the infrastructure was like transfiguring into the ancient era.

Large buildings with more breadth than height, wooden columns and panelling delivering a sophisticated look, a large roof floating over the structure with black glazed tiles. Unlike the others, the department was enclosed by vertical walls, a landscape of gardens and raised pavilions with a mountain view behind it.

The boys eased their gusts when they saw their mates standing through the wooden window. It would be easier for them to slip in without being noticed. They executed their plan with a bit of haste and found a mat at the back.

"You may take your seat," a firm yet calm voice sounded in the room, and the students obeyed. "Not you two...Yes, you are at the back. Come forward." The senior, around fifty, arranged his teaching instruments, waiting for them to approach. "Why were you late?" He asked.

Bolin bowed his head with a sorry tone. "Umm..."

"We got lost finding the class," the taller of the two answered swiftly, smiling. That faded as soon as Mr Quinton asked, "Did you, by any chance, run in your sorry attempt to get here on time?"

Jin said, "Yes, we ran as fast as possible to get here!" A slight pout could be seen on his face, trying to look like the victim of time.

"So you broke more than two rules, then?" The man frowned. Jin was indeed stupefied after hearing that, yet his spirit did not waver, and he sought an explanation for his crimes.

"Count one: You came to class very late," the lecturer began.

"Huh? But it was 7:03, and we were just three minutes late. Two- if you take out the time you called us forward," Jin said with his head slightly tilted, revealing the red wristwatch beneath his long open sleeves.

The senior glared at him from the corner of his eye. "Count two: Bringing modern gadgets to class."

Jin: "Wha...!"

"Count three: Indecent dressing!" Quinton's voice went up a key higher.

Bolin tried to shush his brother by pulling slightly on his sleeves. 'Jin, learn to shut up!' Words he could only scream in his mind.

"Count four and five: Talking back at your teacher and unreasonable disruption of lessons."

"But you've not even...!"

Bolin slammed a palm on his brother's lips to stop him from causing more damage. The students were shocked at the drama, but Mr Quinton was not done. He nodded proudly with a definitive gaze. "And don't forget count six: Running to my class," he added.

The fact that this man was eager to get him into trouble left Jin astonished. "You are to write down the code of conduct for this class ten times by the end of today and submit it to your class president." A young man sitting in the first seat bowed at the mention of his title. "Now, go back to your seat," the senior said.

Seeing how his brother had furrowed his brows at their teacher, Bolin hurriedly dragged Jin to their mat. Throughout that first lesson, Lee Jin barely paid attention, only glaring at the unreasonable Master Quinton.

"Aish, my legs hurt!" Jin winced, arching his back as he jerked his legs up and down. Delivering an experience of the life of a cultivator meant learning like one. Thus, the students were required to sit on a mat. Bolin endured it for his pride, but Jin would whine about such matters and sit. He loved practising but was not fond of being controlled.

Soon the class ended, and students trooped out the door. "Oh, sorry." Jin gave way to the stud in white robes wearing a distinctive crest on the lapel of his uniform. The student's stale expression leaves Jin feeling like he has done something wrong. Those eyes seemed scornful of him.

"You must be Lee Jin. I'm Hudson Jaeger from Boarstone." A vibrant character approached.

"Oh, I've heard about your tribe and its rigorous people; nice." Jin was welcoming, unlike Bolin, who sized him up.

"Uh, sorry if this is creepy, but you are my hero. I wish I had that kind of confidence," he said gleefully.

"Who was that?" Jin found himself spying on the alpha he had sat by earlier.

"Oh, that's Zhen Knox, the second heir to the Knox tribe. Word of advice, don't get on his bad side. Cratorlin belongs to his father and their tribe." Hudson lowered his voice.

Bolin folded his arms, a frown creasing his forehead. He was still bruised by how badly his first lesson had gone. "Why?" He asked casually.

"Well, aside from being the second nephew of Master Quinton, Zhen is also his prized pupil," Hudson answered.

Jin: "So you're saying he's more than the teacher's pet?"

"Uhuh, and a big pain in the ass. That guy is like his uncle- maybe even worse. Legend says he will never smile," Hudson chipped in. Jin joined him in a tearful laugh. Bolin, however, did not find it funny. Thanks to someone, he got punished on the first day.

"Bo-Bo," Jin addressed him affectionately. "Don't be mad at me. How about I carry out your punishment as well?" Jin coaxed his brother, slipping an arm over his shoulder and shaking him twice.

"Lee Jin, have you ever seen the code of conduct?" Hudson got curious, thinking that this person was indeed crazy if he could get all that done by the end of the day.

"No, but I don't think it'll be much." Jin scratched his head.

Hudson pulled the other two in and whispered some words.

"What the hell!" Bolin fumed.

Jin felt his heart skip two beats. "How can anyone write all those words? Surely that person will ascend to the heavens after enduring that." He bit on his lips, scratching his hair with his index finger. A pained look hangs when Jin mutters, "That old man is not human."

Hudson: "Don't worry, I'll help you out."

Jin licks his lips with the tip of his tongue and leans on one foot. "What's in it for you?"

"You'll find out soon." Hudson winked.

The party of three headed out of the block to change into their usual casual wear. Jin sighed contently, happy to take off the layers of clothes and step into the free world of t-shirts and pants.


The next day came, and Mr Quinton had a smug look. The rebellious student, Lee Jin, was already seated in class at 6:30. "Zhen, did those two clowns carry out the punishment?" He asked as his nephew placed some books on the table.

Zhen: "Yes, Uncle."

Quinton nodded. He did not expect those two students to follow through with it smoothly. For freshmen, copying the Cratorlin cultivator's code of conduct once was frustrating and sometimes took days to finish.

For some reason, Quinton wished he could also make today's lesson miserable for the student who had the guts to talk back to him.

In the middle of the lessons, his prying eyes were not far from the subject of interest, noting how Jin sat lazily, yawned, and got distracted by Hudson. And that was his chance to strike. "Can young Master Jin share with the class what he was discussing with Master Jaeger?" The lecturer leisurely walked to the back, gauging Jin's soul with his stare of doom.

Jin: "Umm, you see I..."

"To the front, now! Sit beside Zhen." Quainton's hand pointed to a seat.

Head hung low, Jin picked up his textbooks, swiftly revealing puppy eyes to his new friend before walking to the front. Throughout the rest of the lesson, Quinton would throw random questions at the young man, desperately wanting any excuse to give him work. Unfortunately, Jin was a prodigy of his time and would answer every heavy round of questions.

At last, the class ended.

"Hey, Zhen, did you enjoy the lesson?" Jin stretched his neck, trying to make small talk. Zhen spied on him from the corners of his eyes and then proceeded to pretend that this person did not exist. "Come on, don't be a sourpuss; we are classmates, after all." Jin winked, but Zhen rose from his seat and left without a single word.

"Wow, he completely ignored you." Hudson and Bolin joined him.

Jin grinned: "You wait. He'll come around."

Hudson: "That alpha does not let anyone get close. Rumour has it that he hates omegas. You might want to back off for your own sake."

Bolin: "Why? And Jin, didn't we agree not to befriend any alphas on campus?"

Hudson: "Pfft, what do you mean why? Are you, not full-blown omegas?"

Bolin was ready to pounce on Hudson when Jin held him back. "Bolin, he's one of us. It's okay."

"Did I say something wrong?" Hudson was lost.

"No, we just don't like being reminded of that. Why don't we go for some drinks today after school?" Jin tapped him on the shoulder.

"Okay." Hudson overlooked that he was nearly attacked for stating the obvious. He stayed closer to Jin for safety reasons, trying to avoid Bolin's angry eyes.


That night, the three omegas went to a club with Lee Ann's permission. They promised to stay clear of the alphas, double-checking their heat chart, and popped some pheromone blockers to fully safeguard their state before leaving.

The three did not waste time on their expedition. They drank and danced and took turns messing with people. The place was rated safe for omegas, and an alpha that went there had to behave or be thrown out.

Jin got a bit impatient after ordering another round of drinks. The two he came with were pretty tipsy.

"I'll be back soon." Hudson staggered out of their booth when the drinks arrived. The specks of light swirling all over the neon-lit room made the crowd appear like silhouettes. Hudson massaged his forehead, fighting his limbs for control in his zigzag movements. And when he gets to an exit, he palms the wall for assistance.

"Sorry." It took a second look for Hudson to realise he had entered the restroom meant for alphas. Aside from the stench of urine and soap, it reeked of masculinity and potent pheromones. That alone spelt danger for any omega. Turning around took a lot more effort than walking forward, but he made it out and found the right place- for male omegas, of course.

Finally getting a room, he slumps to his knees, and his head hangs above the toilet bowl.


Hudson gags, heaves, and squeezes the contents in his guts. It was a much more painful throw-up with no one holding his head up. Hudson wobbled his way to the tap. He holds his hand under the dispenser for a drop of liquid soap and caresses his hands in a sluggish wash. He then rinsed his mouth and splashed a few drops onto his face to keep him from collapsing. Hudson was not allowed to go out or drink with friends in his hometown, so the experience was fresh. "Michael will kill me for disobeying him." He chuckled.

Catching his reflection in the mirror, Hudson paused. His parents often told him how beautiful he had grown, but he never took the time to agree. He touches the honey freckles scattered on the blush of his cheek, the smooth bridge of his cute nose and traces the curve of his cherry lips. "Hudson, you have to make Mother, Father and Michael proud... Even if it makes you unhappy." A wistful smile cracked on his troubled face. After a deep breath, he lets go and walks out the door.

"Ahhh...Sorry." Hudson bumped into someone when he tripped. "

"You sure you're okay?" The person held him up gently.

"I'm fine. Please let go; your pheromones are choking me." Hudson felt a sudden increase of sweat on his body. This person must be an alpha.

"Did you come with anyone? Let me take you to them." The man's voice was kind and sincere.

"Okay..." Hudson thought it reasonable after spacing out for a minute. From one point to another, the omega felt his body being moved but had no idea where or with whom he was. All he could rely on was his senses, and right now, the only thing his body picked up was the rise in his pheromones and the shortness of breath.

Someone was trying to control him with their scent.

"Lee Jin...Bolin." Hudson vaguely called out, but there was no answer. The world was spinning below his feet as a heavyweight pressed him against a vertical surface.

"Ah!" A cry escaped his mouth, and he realised his throat was sore. There could be only one reason why his body did not move, and the blurry vision of a man was the answer. As his libido was awoken and his body began to succumb to the touch of another, a strained tear escaped his eyes.

Lee Jin suddenly shuddered, an ominous sensation growing in his gut. He sets down the beer bottle and cranes his neck in all directions. "Bo, I should go check on Hudson; he's kept too long in the bathroom," Jin said.

'Woah.' the world was like a rollercoaster when he stood. "Don't tell me you're drunk; remember, you're the one driving." Bolin raised his glass.

"Well then, I guess we're all dying tonight." Jin ruffled Bolin's hair as he ventured out of their spot and into the crowd.