

  A knock came once on the door, and then twice before the door opened and a beautiful woman in flower printed silky dress showed up at the entrance. She had on a pair of eyeglasses that concealed her almost tiny eyes pretty well.

  "Hi there, Marianne." Zeidan greeted and took her hands to kiss them.

  "Welcome, Zeidan. It is an honor to welcome you here in our humble home." Her hair was white, looking almost as soft as wool which she plaited into a french row, adorning it with a rose flower perched on the side of her hair.

  "I can't believe all this while, you would still see the need to come to visit us until you called for us to prepare for dinner with you..." Her eyes glanced behind him towards a beautiful blonde-haired woman dressed in a gorgeous red jumpsuit, and black shoes, and the top part of the suit was strapless and armless. "And your wife. Oh my god, she is beautiful, Zeidan."