

  Zeidan Bran eyed the heavy metal door with locks before him. He hadn't wanted to involve the Onyx in the war but as bloody as this is getting, it's high time he does. Or maybe keep it in a safe place. A safe place like South Park. But can he trust Styx enough to give him all the Onyx? What if he refuses to return it? He touched the knob and thought of how his father had given him access to the room and treasure.

  Punching in the passcode, he pushed the door and went in, a blast of green light flashing against his face. He looked around the ancient building room, pushing dark brown hair off his face. What kind of strategy could be created to wade off the war without these beautiful stones? Would he have to invite Arthur?

  "Can we talk about the fact that you promised my Dad part of the stones but haven't fulfilled your part of the promise?"