It is the story of the heirs of Eragon and Elidor, one of the royal family of the elves the other heir of the wild dragon king. Follow their adventures and see Alagaësia from another point of view.
Egan is sleeping behind me, it looks like he didn't mean to bother me and didn't cling to me this time but I'm suddenly really relieved to see him next to me, he seems to get away with it. come out like a boss.
I stretch to dispel fatigue and get up. Egan wakes up and looks like he's having trouble waking up from his sleep.
"How was your day Egan?" A long yawn answers me. I prefer to give him time to emerge and head for our house.
Sitting on my table I finish the fruits that I had harvested and wonder in passing that I will surely have to eat dead meat since I could no longer pick my next meals. For thirst, I don't want to take water from Egan's seal so I resign myself to putting off my thirst for today.
I was about to get up to go to bed when Egan came in pushing open the door, still yawning.
"Young dragons are supposed to sleep and wait to be fed?" I have the impression that you are really lacking in energy…"
He sits down and drinks his bucket of water, I can't help but swallow at the sight.
"So are you going to tell me what you did well today or do you want to sleep before?" »
He lays down, yawns again and in a sleeping posture, he begins to send me memories of his day. A succession of images and actions take place quickly in my head, he seems to want to finish quickly.
From what I could gather trying to keep up with his pace he made two trips to the waterfall to complete two seals. I look across the table and I can actually see that a bucket is filled to a third of its capacity. Following my reflection Egan rumbles softly, returning the memory of the ride to me with an uncorded seal. He kept it straight in the mouth and he couldn't help but overthrow the majority of it.
I stand up and take his head in my arms. "Thank you Egan for thinking of me and going through the extra mile. However, I don't need as much water as you, I would modify the water bottle so that you can fill it without too much problem, even if it must reduce the capacity of the water it can contain. »
"That way you only need to take one trip. He growls, still offended.
"I'm sure you can do two trips but it's a waste of energy, I hardly move all day. A small bottle of water will suffice for the day. »
It doesn't seem disputed so I don't take that for an agreement and will drink the bottom of water present in the seal.
"So how did you hunt a rabbit and a fox?" Will that be enough for your appetite? He sends me back his hunger.
"Go eat what's left of the deer, while it's still edible." Tomorrow if you manage to hunt more than your appetite allows you to eat, keep enough to attract another predator like when we ambushed the panther. »
I chuckle, worthy of his stomach-on-legs title, he leaves with much more enthusiasm than when he arrived. Coming to my senses, I think about the fact that Egan looks really tired.
It only remains active when hungry or thirsty. It seems no infant is meant to be so active, even a dragon...
Contrary to me who gains in reserve of energy since I exhaust him each day, he seems exhausted and drowsy as soon as his survival no longer seems at stake. If he continues in this state, it risks becoming dangerous.
I still have strength left and I wonder if with the bond we share, I can transmit some of my energy to him. I focus on our bond while connecting to the magic.
When I want to transmit strength to him, I don't really know how to go about it. When I need my magic, I connect to it and imagine as precisely as possible what I want it to accomplish and it submits to it if I supply it with the tribute of energy that the spell demands.
This way of using magic seems natural and instinctive to me, however this process does not apply in this case. Until now I used my magic to convert my energy by a direct action which always invoked a force.
Manipulation of the elements: earth for my stakes and my holes, fire against the wolves, it seems to me that it is the element of the wind which is used to move some objects but I am not sure. As for the wood, I don't know how it really worked, but it was still a magic that converted my energy through direct physical manipulation. The magic simply deformed the piece of wood which I could also have done with tools just as easily.
As for transmitting my energy to Egan's body, I have no idea how to proceed. I can't even figure out what our bond could possibly be like so how am I supposed to get energy through it...
Egan comes in just then and cuts off my thoughts. Now that I see him in front of me, I call myself a fool, which makes Egan feel confused.
"Egan, please come closer, I'd like to try something." He approaches and waits.
"Tell me if you feel anything. I place my hands on either side of his head and close my eyes. I try to move my energy into my hands and it begins to accumulate there.
A surprise that I did not expect manifests itself: the accumulation of energy at the end of my hands becomes unpleasant, the more I accumulate energy there and the more this feeling is reinforced. My energy crackles at my fingertips and burns me but there is no heat yet, it is only a feeling while the unpleasant gives way to the sensation of pain.
I immediately stop sending my energy to my hands and focus on Egan again. I try not to imagine my fingers as the end of my body and to imagine Egan's body against my palm as an extension of mine. I feel the energy accumulating in my hands emptying a little and the relief accompanies it because it also decreases the sensation of pain that I feel . The second after Egan begins to receive my energy, he pulls back sharply which cuts everything off.
The energy no longer finding a place or flowing and not being used, it reacts violently. The energy is unleashed on my hands and after several audible crackling and cracking noises at the exact same time, it is the sound of my scream that spreads.
I can't even swear, my body seems to decide on its own the right way to evacuate the pain and it's again with the help of a cry that it evacuates the overflow of pain.
I don't even notice Egan panicking because my eyes are fixed on my hands. Most of my fingers are twisted in an unnatural way and they are burnt as are my palms. I gasp tears stuck at the edges of my eyes.
It takes me a moment to come out of my state of shock and this I swear: "Damn, I'm going to end up killing myself without the help of any opponent!"
Egan is against the door, his eyes wide open. Once the pain has returned to a manageable threshold, I yell "Why did you back off Egan?" I asked you to tell me if you feel anything abnormal. »
Seeing his clearly panicked posture my anger ebbs and this time I ask him more softly and with audible concern, "Did I hurt you?" You're hurt ? »
His eyes escape my gaze and he sends me the memory of what he felt. He felt no pain. Only a faint wave of warmth, manifestation of my energy pouring into him.
The anger that I had dismissed revives and becomes fury. I breathe heavily and shake with both pain and fury. It's an extremely cold moment that I tell him: "I'm going to bed, don't join me, I need to calm down. »