
Chapter 1: Moon Base

"Decompressing...3... 2... 1"

A sharp hiss rang through the chamber. Its sound made Samantha's heart rate ease.

She pulled up her writs band, checking the oxygen levels.

"It seems we are all good," she said, stepping forward she opened the metallic hatch twisting it three times.

"Captain," said a cold metallic voice. "Oxygen levels are at 50%"

Samantha sighed. She had decided to come to the base a day early so she could get a head start. But now, even before the rest of the crew arrived there was a problem.

"Okay I.A, tell me the top priority reasons for the decrease in pressure."

Samantha began to take off her suit. popping the helmet lock, she twisted it off and to a deep breath of air.

The air was stale, but it was breathable and that was all that mattered.

"Captain. First major cause. The heat sink is currently syphoning off a sizable amount of air, the system seems not to be isolated adequately."

Samantha scowled hearing the first problem. Not even ten minutes on the base and she had to get her tools out.