
The Octagram

This Story is just for fun and it is based on our messenger roleplay GC, and yes my grammar is bad... don't ever mention it... well, enjoy the story that is based on our messenger roleplay GC and this is just for fun.

The_FiBCity · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 5

The night passes by and a new day has been born.

Rushia goes downstairs and saw Jouzo and Jiro at a table, having a conversation.

Rushia sit on the empty chair at the table and joined their conversation.

As usual, Rushia ordered ramen and talk to her friend.

Rushia suddenly hears the conversation of the two adventurers next to their table

[Hey, did you hear the rumor?]

[Ahh, the rumor about another demon lord has appeared?]

[yeah that one, the demon lord who appeared and introduced herself as the Vampire Lord]

[but what about the other demon lords?]

[I don't know yet but he just introduced himself out of nowhere and started killing people]

[It is said too that he can control blood that had been spilled out from the body and use it as a weapon]

[well he is a vampire so isn't that natural for them?]

[Maybe but let's eat first and do some work to do]

Rushia heard it and also as Jouzo and Jiro.

[It seems the demon is on the move]

[Yeah, I wonder if the vampire lord is powerful like Demon Lord Astaroth]

[I think that so-called vampire lord is not strong enough to defeat or even be equal to Demon Lord Astaroth]

Rushia was just quiet and doesn't know what they were talking about.

after they were done eating breakfast, they started to head to the guild and take a quest and they decided to do solo for the day.

Jouzo takes an E rank quest, that he must hunt 5 Wild Boars.

Jiro takes an E rank quest, that he must hunt 10 wild-horned rabbits.

And Rushia takes an F rank quest, that is to collect a specific herb with a specific amount.

they part ways after they hand over their quest and decided to meet at Jiro's house after completing their quest.

Jouzo arrived where the wild boars usually appear.

He waits for a few minutes and 5 wild boars appear.

Jouzo now grabbed out his scythe and cast conceal, to conceal his presence and enhance, to enhance his body.

Jouzo rushes towards the weakest one and swings his scythe hard and killed one boar.

The other boar notice him and saw him kill their kin.

The wild boars then started to attack by rushing toward him and biting him.

But for Jouzo, it is easy for him to dodge it and use his skill, Scythe First Attack Style: The Reaper, it is an attack that shows too much killing intent that enemies who are not used to this much killing intent will be paralyzed that the enemies cannot move even an inched and swing his scythe hard through their neck.

The 4 wild boars cannot move because of the killing intent that has been shown by Jouzo and one by one, their head had been cut off.

After that Jouzo then rests for a bit because that cost too much stamina but before he rests, he stored first all the corpses and finds a safe area to take a rest.

Jiro heads into an area in the forest where the wild-horned rabbit commonly appears and saw 4 wild-horned rabbits.

He then pick out his sword from the scabbard and started to attack the 4 wild-horned rabbits.

It was easy for him to kill it but it is not easy to chase it once the horned rabbit ran away.

It took hours for Jiro to hunt 10 wild-horned rabbits and takes a rest.

Rushia was just searching for herbs that she need.

The herb she was looking for was a flower, it's called a Mana flower, it is used to create a mana potion which can restore your mana.

Mana flower is commonly found in the forest so that's where Rushia search.

Mana Flowers have 5 petals and have the color cyan and can be detected when using mana detection.

unfortunately, Rushia will have to manually find it cause she doesn't have that kind of skill.

a few minutes later, a man suddenly showed up with ropes in his hands.

[It must be my lucky day! hahaha! you're cute that can be sold at a high price but it's a shame you're flat, you will be sold higher when you are not flat]

Rushia then bring out her knife from the ring and showed killing intent.

The man cannot feel Rushia killing intent but he feels a bad thing will gonna happen, he just ignores it and try to capture Rushia.

He blink, and when he opened his eyes, Rushia was gone in front of him.

The man backs out and looks around him except behind him.

When he looked behind, Rushia started to stab him in the back, and then the man run away.

The man runs away from her but her consciousness is fading and collapsing.

Rushia then walks close and stabs him one more time slowly.

Then the man died at her hands.

Rushia then took his ring and looks what was inside, it has a lot of coins and mana flowers.

She took all the mana flowers except for the coins and started to chant.

A magic circle appears on the ground where the man died and after Rushia was finished, the Magic circle disappears and she decided to head back to the guild.

A few minutes later the man woke up and remember all that happened to him earlier, he then decided to go home and rest.

Rushia arrived at the guild and handed over the complete quest with the herbs.

Rushia then takes her pay and heads to Jiro's home.

[I hope I just arrived on time]

Present time 8:27 pm

Rushia knocks on the door and the door opens by Jouzo.

[Ohh Jouzo!]

[Ohh Rushia, welcome]

[Jouzo you're already here, what about Jiro?]

[ohhh him, he's cooking in the kitchen]


The two talk to each other and talk about what happened on this day but well, except Rushia was killing someone.

A few minutes later Jiro finished cooking and serve it to the other two, as well as himself too.

Then they celebrate what they accomplished on that day.

Present Time 10:23 pm

After celebrating, the two head t the Inn and take a rest while Jiro first cleans the plates and Rest too.

The man who has been killed by Rushia was in his house.

He cannot sleep because of what happened to him earlier.

Present Time, 10:48 pm

Then he hear a woman's voice outside, when he open the door and see what was outside, he saw nothing but as soon as he walk inside he then heard the woman's voice but not outside but behind him.

Then he feels someone bite him and suck his blood.

He then died and was dry up.

[hmmm... that was delicious, I wonder who will be my next Dinner?]

The Lady then transforms into a bat and flies away.