


In 2000BC, there was a planet called Octavia and this planet was chosen by the ancient gods to guard and take control over all the 8 vessels of each planet called the 'OCTAGEMMAS', Octavia was a very peaceful planet that rarely had any fights or planetary wars, but some planets envied them for some reason and that reason caused a great debt for all the octavians.

One day, Octavia was attacked by the Repter-dams, a very fierce and merciless planet " Give us the gems or else", the leader of the repter-dams shouted, and at that moment the council who guarded the vessels knew that it was time to give away the gems, one of them said ,"Let us just give them, we are defenceless at this moment," but they disagreed and one of them said again," Let us toss them at earth and luckily the humans there would find it and harness its power for good and maybe one day come and destroy the Repter-dams". They liked the idea and decided to give it a shot.

They tossed it at the earth and hoped that they would be found by good hearts, each vessel contains 1 human emotion and that emotion is turned into energy, the red is for rage and it possesses pyro kinesis, the orange is for energetic and it possesses speed, the yellow is for happy and it possesses mind control, the green is for natural and it possesses mother nature or plants rather, the blue represents sadness and it possesses hydro-kinesis, the purple represents mysterious and it possesses manipulation, the grey represents neutral and it possesses aero kinesis and the white represents holiness and it possesses light.

Immediately they tossed it the Repter-dams barged in and screamed," Where are the gems." They held the council captive on the planet Repter-dams until the gems were returned


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