
Chapter Five

The many flowers in the inner Chambers of the Empress, filled the whole place with a sweet fragrance. Empress Zamila's expert eyes scanned the flowers and settled on one.

"Pick that one for me." She commanded.

The maidservant quickly picked it and handed it to her,her eyes downcast. The Empress examined the light pink rose and closed her eyes. She made a mental sketch of how she wanted the flower to be and her fingers moved. The petals of the flower dissolved and re-formed under the influence of her magic. Within a few moments,the pink rose had turned into a multi-layered fiasco of reds and blues.

Zamila sighed. It wasn't her best work,but it would do for today. She gave it to the maidservant,who placed it under one of the columns in the chamber. With the wave of her hand,the flower's stalk entwined itself round the column, bursting with more flowers.

The Empress took another one and closed her eyes again, whilst her hand worked her magic. When she opened her eyes, Zahara was kneeling before her.

"You called me, Mother." Zahara said. Zamila gave the flower to the maidservant and waved her away

"Yes, I did. Have a seat." She gestured to a stool by her. Zahara sat down gently,clasped her hands and waited patiently as the Empress continued with her art. She knew her mother was powerful, considering the ease with which she manipulated her powers, however,she did not know how powerful. And not knowing, irked Zahara.

Zamila spoke." There is saying that, charcoal and mahogany are black but one had to go through fire and smoke to become black, whilst the other was born black."

The princess was beginning to glean some information from the proverb as to why her mother called her.

She continued." It was because of the overconfidence of the hare, that made the tortoise win the race.... Have you found out what Panesia and Marock are up to?"

Zahara was taken aback, although her composure didn't falter. How did her mother know? She hated using spies so she must've guessed it. Zahara considered playing dumb,but decided against it. The Empress was equally smart.

"No, Mother." Zahara's head was bowed.

Zamila sighed and caressed a yellow flower softly." Do you know why the Throne is given to the most intelligent and powerful hier?"

Zahara did,but she kept quiet. It wasn't a question meant for her to answer.

"It is because the Great Mother willed it. Before the Gods, I prefer you to be the next Empress, however, don't think that I'll fight for your Birthright for you. No! It's something you must do on your own. Panesia stands an equal chance, considering his Mark is awakened. But do not think that,he and his father are sitting with folded arms and waiting for your Coming of Age ceremony. They are up to something,and my instincts are telling me it's not good."

The Empress glanced at Zahara and knew that her daughter understood. That was one of the things she liked about her. She knew what she wanted and was ambitious as the Emperor. She had most of the qualities of an Empress and was everything Panesia wasn't,safe for the awakened Mark.

"That's all I have to say. You may leave."

"Thank you , Mother." Zahara stood up, walking out of the chambers. She stopped at the entrance and turned to her mother." Mother, Concubine Saala is ......"

" I know." Zamila said, slightly surprised as to how her daughter knew. Zahara nodded slowly and walked out.

Empress Zamila clapped her hands and the maidservant hurried in with a tea set." Tell one of the eunuch- guards that I require an audience with Concubine Saala imediately."

"Yes, Your Majesty." The maidservant brewed the tea and went out to do her bidding. The Empress sipped her rough tea and waited patiently for the Favourite Concubine to arrive.

Concubine Saala came in a few minutes time and joined the Empress. She was a beautiful girl and Zamila wasn't surprised that she was the Favourite Concubine. Saala sat gingerly and sipped tea, elated the Empress had called a mere concubine like her for tea.

The Empress put her cup down, turning to the girl. She flicked her wrist and Saala fell down as pain shot through her abdomen. She writhed in agony, gasping for breath whilst tears fell from her eyes. Suddenly the pain subsided and groaned weakly.

"Sit down!" Zamila's eyes were hard and cold. Saala dragged her pathetic self up to the chair and slumped in confusion. She didn't know why the Empress did that to her or fathom how she'd done it, given the fact that she was a plant Sungtai and not a telekinetic Sungtai.

"You're pregnant." Zamila took a sip, savoring the stunned look on Saala's face. Saala begun shaking as terror gripped her heart and sweat poured from palms. It was forbidden for concubines of the Emperor to get pregnant,the drugs they took ensured that. Bearing children was the duty of the Empress, and it was punishable by death,for a concubine to do so.

"You must really think of yourself as smart,to have the guts to pull off a stunt like this. You took advantage of my daughter's unawakened Mark and the fact that Emperor Xust might prefer his own child to sit upon the Throne. You must've also decided to play the part of an innocent little girl so that pity would be taken upon you by the Emperor and the Council, probably even ensuring your elevation to the position of First Concubine, right?"

"No , Your Majesty....." Saala's voice shook,but Zamila cut in." Stupid idiot! How dare you lie to me. Pathetic little fool,did you really think you could get away with such a risky move?"

She laughed softly and sipped her tea. Her face became expressionless and the calm that emanated from her was deadly. " I should send you in front of the Council for judgement this instant,but being the gracious Empress that I am, I wouldn't. Instead, I'm giving you two options and you have less than a heartbeat to tell me your choice. It's either you get rid of the pregnancy,or ..... your head on a platter."

Saala didn't need a moment to make her decision. Deep down in her heart,she cursed the Empress to the depths of the Seven Hells." I'll terminate it."

Zamila smiled." The tea you drank contained some bisa seeds and that was what I used to cause you that pain. Bisa seeds are harmless but when mixed with a certain herb, it can become a very potent abortion drug." She took a leaf and put it into Saala's tea." Drink."

The Favourite Concubine hesitated,but gulped down . Curse you, wretched witch. May you burn forever in Arkbet's Seven Hells.

The Empress could tell that Saala was furious but she didn't give a damn. She dismissed her and watched her walk out. Zamila smiled.

At least,one problem has been taken care of.