
The Research

Nishant and Manasvi were determined to uncover the mystery behind the artifact that Ashi had found. They spent hours poring over books and articles on ancient artifacts, trying to find any information that could help them understand the purpose of the strange stone axe.

Nishant spent countless hours researching online, scouring archaeological websites and academic papers. He also visited the university library and talked to professors who were experts in ancient history and archaeology.

As he dug deeper, he found that the artifact was a very rare and ancient tool known as a "Prehistoric Stone Hand Axe." It was used by early humans to hunt and prepare food, and it was found in various locations around the world.

However, Nishant's research also revealed conflicting views on the purpose and origin of the artifact. Some experts believed that it was used for ritualistic purposes, while others believed that it was a symbol of power and strength.

Despite the conflicting information, Nishant was determined to find the truth. He continued to research and analyze the artifact, hoping to unlock its secrets.

Manasvi, on the other hand, was growing frustrated with the lack of progress they were making. She felt like they were going in circles and getting nowhere. One day, as she was walking down the street, she stumbled upon a nerdy-looking guy who was sitting on the ground with multiple different types of stones, looking confused and irritated.

Intrigued, she approached him and asked him what he was doing. The man explained that he was a geologist and was trying to identify the different types of stones he had collected.

Manasvi seized the opportunity and showed him a picture of the artifact. The geologist's eyes lit up as he recognized the stone immediately. He explained that it was a type of basalt that was commonly found in a particular region of the world.

Manasvi was ecstatic to have finally made some progress. She rushed back to Nishant to share the news, and together they continued their research, now with a new lead to follow.

They consulted with the university's librarian and other history-related professors, who gave them more information about the basalt region and its history. They also reached out to archaeological experts in the field who had firsthand experience with similar artifacts.

Slowly but surely, they pieced together the artifact's origin and purpose, and with each new discovery, they felt closer to the truth.

As the days went by, Ashi's condition continued to worsen, and they knew that time was running out. But with their newfound knowledge, Nishant and Manasvi were determined to find a way to break the artifact's hold on Ashi and save her from its dangerous power.

Nishant and Manasvi sat down at their desks, typing away furiously as they composed an email to the regional historian of Ethiopia, Dr. Henze. They told him about the ancient stone hand axe they had discovered and attached pictures of it as well. They were hoping for some answers about its origin and purpose.

A few days later, they received a reply from Dr. Henze. He was astonished to hear that the stone had made its way to India, as it was estimated to be almost 2.6 million years old and had been found in Ethiopia. He also mentioned that he had a colleague named Kali who was an expert in ancient artifacts and would be interested in examining it.

Kali was silent for a moment as she examined the artifact. Then she spoke, "This is not just any ordinary ancient tool. This is a rare and powerful object that was used in spiritual rituals by the ancestors of humans. The crunched scales on the front of the axe were meant to represent the balance between good and evil, and the shape of the axe was believed to have the power to protect the wielder from negative energies."

Nishant and Manasvi were fascinated by her words and asked her more questions about the stone. Kali continued, "This tool was lost for centuries and was believed to have been destroyed. The fact that it has resurfaced after so long is a sign that it has a purpose to fulfill. We must keep it safe."

As they were discussing the stone, Nishant received a call from Ashi's family, informing him that her health had taken a turn for the worse. They rushed to the hospital to find Ashi lying in a hospital bed, weak and frail

Manasvi and Nishant dropped the conversation with Kali and headed straight to the hospital. Kali was surprised with the sudden stoppage of response and started reading their email in detail. She found out about Ashi's condition in the email they've sent.

Kali was immediately intrigued by the discovery of this fact that it is really affecting the girl. She had some knowledge about such objects that were far from normal and was afraid to discuss it with normal humans. Kali decided to take matters into her own hands and rushed to India without informing anyone.