

The first rays of the sun were beginning to appear when he collapsed, at that moment just before collapsing he thought:

- I guess it's the end, anyway, I had been walking this bloody path for a long time, maybe I should have guessed it, so many years of battles could only end like this, at least I didn't want to die in a place like that...

The old man ran to where he was and held his hand, and said:

- Look, the sun's rays reveal where we came from, if we continue here, we will find the path, the next village must be quite close, you must resist, they can save you.

The young man was trying to stay awake while he continued to ooze blood from the wound, while he looked at him as if he asked the old man for something, he looked at the sword and fainted.

Robert picked it up from the ground, it was quite difficult for him to carry it, "it's quite heavy for an old man" he murmured.

- Quick Clara, stop crying and bring some towels, we'll put them on to stop the bleeding as much as possible.

- Come Cory, the danger seems to have passed, I know your leg hurts a lot, but help me get it to the cart, we have to leave, we don't know if more of those creatures will appear at any time.

They carried him to the cart that was full of scratches and the hood cut by the claws in several parts, bites and teeth stuck in several parts were observable with the naked eye.

The old man whistled and suddenly a single horse appeared, everyone lowered their eyes, they already assumed that it had happened to him.

They started the cart that moved with difficulty with a single horse, but they continued to advance until they reached the path again, apparently in the dark they took another route that was no longer used and that is why they arrived at that place.

- Everything will be fine, you saved us, you see, we're fine, now you have to resist, don't go, please.

The children said as tears welled up in their eyes as they saw that the towels were soaked in blood, and at last they began to turn dark. From one moment to another it became difficult for him to breathe, and he no longer moved, so they broke into tears, because he seemed to have died.

- I hear their voices, but each time they get further and further away, as if they were going to a distant place, or perhaps it is me who is getting further and further away, I cannot say for sure, nothing is clear to me anymore.

Everything began to cloud over, the cart stopped and the young man got up, quite stunned by the situation, but even so he saw blood gushing nonstop from his wound, or so it seemed to be since it was dark in color.

The fog became so dense that he could barely see a few meters ahead of where he was, he called the old man and the children and they had disappeared, he couldn't find the crossbar either.

From the mist began to draw a figure that seemed to be a man, more than two meters tall, advanced towards him, and had a cape that covered his face, advanced to the young man and in the dark the mysterious character opened his eyes. eyes that looked like two torches and looked like those of a reptilian "dragon eyes".

Then the hooded man said:

- If you look at the abyss for too long, it also looks inside you, if you want to fulfill your mission you have to accept the oath once again, it is the first time you see me, but I have always been with you, now take the hilt and live again, this is just the beginning.

- Who are you? what mission are you talking about, live again...

- There is no time, soon you will begin to understand.

Even if you don't know the answers now, for what it was, for what it is and what you will be, I can't let you die here, even though I preferred your old self, now return to the world of the living and wield the oath of the fallen, in your hands lies Praymor the power to consume chaos, or become one with it.

Soon he breathed again and everyone in the cart was frightened because his body was already cold and without a trace of life with stiff and pale eyes, however, they glowed yellow and he came back to life, he removed the towels from the huge wound and there was only one scar, he really had come back from the dead or so everyone thought.

The children pounced on him crying, and even the old man shed some tears, how could it be that his savior would die after giving them a second chance at life, old Robert thought.

- I was so scared, I thought you would die and now who would defend us.

Clara said crying while she filled the young man with snot.

- How did your wounds close, look, I still have the scratch on my leg, and yours just closed, surely, you're not a monster too or something?

- No, I don't think so, or at least I hope so, but where were you a moment ago, and the fog, and what did that mysterious man who was talking to me do, where did he go, you saw him, right?

- We were always here until you woke up

exclaimed Robert,

- Who are you talking about? Fog, it's quite sunny in fact, even this path full of trees is not enough to quench the heat.

- But well, look it seems that we have reached the village from here you can see in the center of the valley, and to think that things like that would happen on the road, now that we are going down, we will go faster, hold on tight.

Leaving the path at the top of the hill you could see a fairly large village that was surrounded by a huge wall, in it there were crossbows and in the lower part large trunks with huge steel points, they seemed to be bathed in oil and blood. , as they got closer, weapons and signs of battle could be seen everywhere, however, there were no bodies of monsters or people, it is quite worrying.

- Let's go through the door, just stay quiet and let me talk, everyone knows me.

- How about Robert, time without seeing you, come on, I see you have company, let's hurry, we don't know when those creatures can reappear, many things have happened since you left.

- What happens old friend, I do not understand, perhaps we are at war

- You'll soon understand, they always come back at dusk.

They advanced through the town that seemed quite worn, as if they were going hungry, the people had their changing rooms patched or torn, it simply seemed necessary.

- What happens to people grandpa, they all look tired.

- Clara, Cory, let's hurry up with Grandma, something is very wrong in this place.

- First of all, young man, even after what happened and you saved our lives, we don't know your name, I won't want to introduce you to my wife as our savior and I don't even know your name, come tell us.

- Tylos

- I see, I haven't heard a name like yours for a long time, I guess you're special in more ways than one, I mean, that strength of yours is not normal.

- I've trained a lot.

- I believe you, even so, it was impressive and terrifying in the same way, I thought we would die, and that my grandchildren are safe, it is already a miracle. But hey, come on in, sit there, I'll be right back.

His house was a modest cabin, it was a little away from the town, he had to walk a little more than fifteen minutes until he reached the top of a hill where it was hidden among the trees and backed by a huge wall of rocks.

For Tylos it seemed a bit curious that they lived far from the town and in a place like this, however, he felt quite cozy, he approached a small fireplace that was in the room and sat on the floor while he brought his hands closer to the embers that barely remained lit, in turn a huge sleep invaded him and suddenly he was lying on the floor.