

Tylos felt a sweet and really pleasant aroma while he was sleeping, and he wondered what was happening, however, he felt so warm and cozy that he did not want to wake up, added to which he felt someone caressing his head and curiosity gave him no choice but to enter. open the eyes.

A field of flowers of all kinds extended until it was delimited by trees full of flowers in the same way, the meadow reached a ledge where you could see the sea.

Tylos tried to see the person's face, but the sun was shining so brightly that he could barely make out the female silhouette of him.

-  Who are you?

He asked as he tried to get up, but he couldn't move, he tried to see his hands and her legs, but he only saw shadows.

Then she said:

- It's been a while! I can't see you, but I know it's you. How long has it been? One hundred, one thousand, two thousand years? There is something different about you, and it seems that you don't remember me, all this pain in your heart, something terrible must have happened, even if you can't stay here, rest, rest like you did in Then, just like before, the road will be difficult and I will not be able to accompany you yet, well, you know, I have a very important mission to fulfill here, now you must go, I know you will do it well, I will be waiting for you.

Tylos rose into the air being carried by a huge wind and then he saw something creepy trapped in the sea, a giant monster that was being held in sleep by "flowers".

- Wait, who are you, wait, hey, aaaaaa.

- Do you really not remember me? Remember who you are, then there you will find the answers you seek, remember young man, remember.

And as if a whirlwind were engulfing him, he was swallowed by the darkness until he was faced with enormous doors that were embedded in an immense tree that was lost in the shadows.

When he knocked on the door, he began to feel great sadness and enormous pain in his chest, then he heard himself on the other side:

- I will always be waiting for you...my savior.

Tylos opened the door and everything became bright, so much so that he couldn't see anything because the light was so intense that it hurt him.

Suddenly he opened his eyes seeing that he was in the cabin and Elise was lying asleep next to him, then he quickly got up with great euphoria and when he opened one of his fists there was a flower petal in his hand, he brought it to his nose. and he could notice that it was the same as the smell of the woman in his dream, was it really a dream? He thought.

He got up quickly, running through the cabin because that feeling was still alive inside him, there he felt that sensation, that presence of that woman inside his mind, and deep inside he screamed that he had forgotten something important.

-Lariat!!!!! Gwydion!!!! Fast…

- What's wrong with you... it's still early morning, what's the scandal?

-  A door.

-  A door?

- Yes, a huge door embedded in a huge tree, I was just there, it is here, I can feel it, there is someone waiting for me there.

- We don't have anything like what you describe here.

Gwydion arrived and looked at him very seriously and asked

-  Are you sure of what you saw?

-  Yes, I'm sure.

- But, teacher, there is nothing like that inside this place.

- You are wrong, my teacher told me this and I should also tell it to you when the time was right, according to the ancient stories of the previous owners of this staff, what that boy describes exists deep in this library, no. I know the details, as I have never been there, but the truth is that those doors should not be opened by anything in the world, and even the guardians that lie outside cannot be defeated by mortals like us.

- I need to go, I need answers, I have looked for clues for so long and now is the time to claim them.

- I don't know what you mean, but could you even open the dungeon door?

- The dungeon?

- Inside the library there is a door with a very peculiar inscription "Here lies despair", and although you try to open it, it is impossible to do so, that place you are talking about should be inside there.

- Take me there, I beg you.

They went down the stairs of the library and at the bottom there was a stone door with the inscription.

Tylos touched her and heard again the voice that he said with a sad tone "it is not the time yet"

- Because no, I need to know.

- Recover what you lost, in the darkness of the southern city lie answers to your questions.

Tylos continued talking and asking questions while he touched the solid rock at the entrance to the dungeon, but a dead silence filled the entire library that was barely illuminated by the dim light of Lariat's staff.

Elise approached the door and knocked on it, showing a look of surprise when a small point of light illuminated on the stone to which Tylos asked:

- Did you find out how to open it?

- More than opening it, I would say that it is impossible to pass through, the amount of energy necessary to open it is impossible for anyone in this room even if we are together, without telling you clearly.

-  How does it work?

- It's simple boy and at the same time no, no one has been able to describe exactly how we use our energy, be it magic, vital energy, mana, in many ways whatever it is called, look at it this way, there is energy everywhere, however , we all have a different capacity both to store and to act as a conduit to release it, now I will knock on the door.

When Gwydion touched it, approximately a quarter of the light illuminated, making Elise really surprised.

-Incredible, she had not seen anyone other than Alexa with so much magical power.

- You flatter me, but even if I went much further it would be impossible for me and I'm sure it would be impossible for anyone else for obvious reasons.

- There has to be some way, I know.

- Maybe boy, but we would need at least three more people to illuminate this rock mural, which is practically impossible, as you can see.

Everyone began to climb the stairs until only Tylos was left, who knelt in front of the rock mural and, touching it with his hand, whispered "wait for me."

- Hurry up, you'll never open it.

-  We'll see that…

The determination in his eyes, more than a ray of hope, seemed like a threat that preceded a death sentence. Elise wondered what was happening to him because he kept many secrets and more than that, which was what she saw when he was sleeping. It was undoubtedly something that he would try to find out by invading his dreams, although he was afraid of what happened last time, but he really wanted to know because many things had happened since he appeared to help him.

Elise after a while tried to sneak to where Tylos had been sleeping, however, she did not find him.

Then wondering where he could be in the early morning, he began to look for him in the cabin without giving a trace of him, he wandered for a while without being able to find him, wondering if he had gone outside in the dark, until it occurred to him to go where that mural was located. that they had been observing.

Indeed, there he was, but he was not asleep, he was just sitting leaning against the enormous stone door in the darkness.

- No matter how long you stay here, you won't be able to do anything...

Tylos said nothing, and Elise asked.

- Because you want to go there, a dungeon is a very dangerous place, is there something valuable to you there?

- I don't know, it's just a feeling that doesn't escape me and makes my chest hurt, you know, since I've been aware of myself I have dreams, "nightmares" all the time, every time I close my eyes, "EVERYTHING IS DARKNESS."

Elise remained silent watching him, thinking how she had known him, he seemed really strong and sure of himself, but he is not only a warrior, looking closer he is just a young man demanding a lot of himself.

She went towards him, and began to caress her hair, she stayed like that until he fell asleep, then she whispered to him:

"Everything is going to be fine, I'm sure you'll be able to open that door."

Then she thought.

"Maybe this burden is too much for him, and now I want him to save my friend, but even if it is my most selfish wish, I want to believe that she is fine and he will see her again no matter what he has to do, forgive me Tylos"

Tears fell from Elise's cheeks as she fell asleep leaning on the young man.