
The Nullifier

Ajay Varma a college student dies in a car accident and is reborn In an alternate world know As Midgard in a country called Eden as a slave. A world filled with magic with little to no compassion.

Alpha2516 · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 8: Who were the Unknowns

"What level are we on now?" Lilith asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

"I believe we have reached the 8th level," Allen replied, scanning their surroundings with a focused gaze.

Lilith quickened her pace and moved ahead of Allen. She turned to face him, her eyes filled with curiosity. "You've undergone incredible changes. Your strength has multiplied, and you can even use magic now. How did this transformation occur? And what's with the mark on your chest and the disappearance of your slave mark?"

Allen took a moment to collect his thoughts before answering Lilith's barrage of questions. "Let me explain everything to you," he began. "Remember the 'Unknowns' we discussed earlier? They were a mythical race with an unknown origin, known for their eternal youth, exceptional magical abilities, and formidable physical prowess. They were said to have had a close relationship with the demons in the past." (Allen had told her about the Unknown's as they were descending to the lower floors)

Lilith nodded, her curiosity deepening. "Yes, I recall. The first king of the Unknowns was married to a demon princess, right?"

"Exactly," Allen confirmed. "That first king was known as 'Alpha' in historical texts, though his true name remains a mystery. As for my newfound abilities, it seems that an Unknown's soul tried to possess my body in the Unknown's Pit. But somehow, I managed to resist, resulting in this transformation."

Lilith's eyes widened in astonishment. "So, you bear the essence of an Unknown within you now? No wonder you've become so powerful. But it's also disheartening to think that both humans and demons betrayed the Unknowns, erasing much of their history."

As they continued their descent into the depths of the dungeon, the environment grew more otherworldly. Glowing crystals adorned the walls, casting a mesmerizing glow upon them, while the distant echoes of eerie melodies filled the air.

Their conversation persisted until they reached the final level, where a massive gate stood before them, hinting at the culmination of their journey.

"I believe this is the end," Allen remarked, his gaze fixed on the imposing gate.

Drawing closer to Lilith, he continued, "Listen, the moment I open this door, we might encounter unimaginable challenges. But we've come too far to turn back now. Together, we'll face whatever lies beyond this gate, supporting each other until the end."

Lilith nodded, determination shining in her eyes. "I trust you, Allen. We've overcome countless obstacles together, and I know we can conquer whatever awaits us."

With their resolve firmly set, Allen and Lilith reached out together and pushed open the ancient gate. A surge of anticipation coursed through their veins as they stepped into the unknown, ready to confront the mysteries that awaited them.

To Be Continued...