
Where Am I?

A dim source of light illuminated the room as Aran scanned the web on his desktop computer for a potential new novel to read to pass his time.

"There doesn't seem to be novels that have interested me now-a-days".

Aran have always been fascinated of fantasy and those that break common sense genres.

As he was searching the web, he stumbled upon a website he googled that offered a solo novel.

He read the title and it is called "The Ladder to Immortality".

It was kind of weird for him that it was the only novel offered on the website.

He gave it a try and tried opening it but a notification tab opened and stopped him indicating he have to agree to the terms and condition first before proceeding.

He moved his mouse placing the cursor to click the agree button.

The tab closed and it brought him to a new tab where he saw a series of questions.

"If you were given the chance to change your life would you grasp the oppurtunity?"

"Would you travel the unknown and conquer its domain?"

"Do you want to enter?"

'Yes.' Aran answered in his thoughts.

A bright flash of light appeared and Aran who was inside his room suddenly disappeared into nothingness erasing all traces and records of him. It was like he was not even part of this world.

Aran felt dizzy and his head hurt because it seemed that he fell in his room from the chair that he was sitting earlier.

He did not know that he had already arrived on a different world. As he was recovering, he was shocked and found out that he was not inside the familiar room that he mostly stayed years of his life.

"Where am I? How did I get here?"

There were a lot of questions that popped inside his head including being abducted by aliens.

He looked around the unfamiliar place. He saw in his surroundings were cold grey bricks that seemed to be found on old ruins on earth. There were moss covering the brick walls. It was a ruined temple and he was baffled how did he get here. It came to his mind maybe he was somewhere in greece.

He cross out the idea when he suddenly saw large engravings on the wall of ancient symbols that were not found on earth. He could not identify if it was latin or some kind of ancient alphabet but one thing was for sure he mysteriously could read this symbols.

"He who seeks wisdom shall gain power!"

Aran repititively said it in his mind and some changes occured this time in his body.

He felt a strange energy flowing inside his body. He recalled those times he watched animes where people who were transfered to other planes or dimensions would be given other worldly powers.

There was no voice that taught him or introduce what was happening so it was kind of hard to accept this for Aran.

As if noticing the subtle changes in his body, he somehow vividly recalled things that should have been forgotten but could be remembered in detail.

This was a shock and blessing for Aran who was noticing that reciting the engravings would give him benefits.

He toured the place cautiously and saw that there were many books inside this place. It was like a ruined library and he saw that some books were burned but there was one brown book that was different from the others.

He looked down and saw that there were magical engravings that protected this worned-out looking book. He could not open the book due to this. There were no titles on the cover but aside from the engravings.

He continued his roaming of the place with the book in hand while reciting the phrase in his head.

He did not notice that the book's magical engravings were slowly unlocking on it's own and the blank cover had a title slowly forming on it.

The Novel System.