
The Novel System

Aran kept walking around the ruins. He didn't know the way out so he had to explore little by little making his way around the place searching for an exit. Fortunately, even though it was dark inside there were lights that would pass through the small holes above the roof.

Aran was not afraid of the dark. Unlike most people, he was instead adventurous.

Aran made his way into what could be the past dining hall. It was large space where a long table with luxurious decorations in the walls and ceiling but it was dark and gloomy, full of dust and surrounded by a heavy atmosphere.

There were still books that could be found everywhere. This place was full of them, many people in the past could have read them here. It was mysterious and Aran questioned the purpose of coming here.

He picked up a few books and looked at the covers. He saw that there were no pictures but there were titles that surprised and shocked him.

He saw on the covers like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and many more.

"What is this place? How come there are books like these here?"

Aran thought that this place was not simple. Books from his previous world made its way here. Who could be the people who were living here in the past have copies of books that came from another world that scientifically cannot be explained.

He took a bag that was lying on the ground full of dust and strapped it. Aran chosed all those that he might read later putting them inside the bag.

He kept recting the phrase but he felt that it did not gave him improvements anymore so he stopped chanting it in his mind.

Aran explored for hours and still did not find an exit. He remembered the book he found earlier and took it from inside the bag.

He saw that the magical engravings that stopped him from opening the book were now gone and he saw that the blank cover has now a title in it.

He was not shocked anymore due to the mysteriousness and weirdness of this place. There seem to be magic in this world. Aran arrived at this conclusion based on his understanding.

He opened the book and surprisingly it was easy flipping the page. There was an introduction on the first page with a symbol of a pen and ink at the center top.

Aran read the introduction and it said, "Those that wield this book shall gain power unlike any other."

It stopped there and Aran flipped to the next page and saw a phrase, "You write what you become."

He was curious what the book was because it said it could give the wielder power but he did not know what should he do to have it.

Aran flipped again and he's eyes was glued on to the page because he was shocked on what he saw.

Character: [Aran]

Level: 1 (10 exp needed to the next level)

Rank: None

Class: None

Race: Human

Strength: 4

Agility: 3

Intelligence: 11

Skills: None

"A system but on a book?"

He flipped on to the next page but it was blank. There were no words or phrases that could be found when he tried flipping until the last.

He found out that the stats on his strength and agility was a little low compared to his intelligence.

He was not surprised though because he was a straight A-student in his school and topped most of his exams from his peers.

He continued look around for an exit and saw plenty of books lying on the ground like it was garbage found on the street.

While he was walking, he read the books that he found earlier on the dining hall and what he picked was Star Wars.

He opened a random paged and started reading it.

He did not know that the Novel System started working and his exp grew by a bit and on the Skills status it said there that he learned a new skill [Force Lv.1]