
The Novel Has No Protagonist (Old)

I stared at the pills in my hand, contemplating whether or not to take them.  My life had been great until I turned 5. My parents had died a horrid death, and their murderer was never caught.  Without the protection they provided, I was a free target for the aggression of my highly competitive family. I was beaten and abused and made a servant for my cousins. "Hah, why am I even hesitating?" I swallowed the pills in one fluid motion, all 10 of them, and laid back on my bed. My death would be a painless one where the Grim Reaper's embrace would welcome me, and I would accept it with open arms. --- I woke up to the sound of birds chirping, and the sunlight peeking out from my window. "Wha- Why am I still alive?" My head was a mess, presumably from the pills, so I took a moment to sort myself out. What I found, however, was not a headache, no, it was memories. Memories of a story, a story about a guy who rose to the top of the universe as the strongest. His name was Alexander Goldsmith. There was only one problem with the memories —I was a Goldsmith, and there was no one by the name of Alexander.  "If this is true, then I'm sorry, but I'll be taking your place!" I saw an opportunity to change myself, to change my fate, so I took it with open arms. ------------------------ 1500-2000 words a chapter. Redone, will come out again as a new, better novel. If you want, there's a discord: https://discord.gg/HwFtPrwxUM ------------------------

forener · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs


I woke up the next morning since I had fallen asleep very late, at around 93:00. It felt completely normal that I only slept for 10 hours in a day that has 99, and my body didn't find it weird either, but when I took a step back, it made no sense.

I, a regular human who had to sleep for a third of a day, usually, was now able to sleep for a tenth of a day, and the day was absurdly long. In fact, 1 day was 44 Earthen days, and 1 hour was 0.4 of an Earthen day.

Anyway, I got up and did a light workout before going to fix my hygiene. Since I had left the mine, my muscles ached when I didn't do anything, so I had to incorporate exercise into my daily routine.

Once I was done, I stepped out of my room and walked down to the restaurant. It was never mentioned in the book, and I hadn't yet seen when, so I had no clue when people ate breakfast, or even woke up. At the moment, it was 04:10, so it was early into the day, but I couldn't go back to sleep. I was busy.

"Damn." Unfortunately for me, there was no breakfast waiting for me, so I would have to eat elsewhere. "Bloody normal people not waking up so early. Doesn't even make sense that you haven't woken up yet when you only need 8-10 hours of sleep."

I strode out of the hotel, and turned on my hologram, searching for somewhere I could eat.

I found one rather quickly, so I walked to it. It took me 20 minutes to get there, and I had to say, the place smelled good.

It was one of the few buildings in the city that wasn't a skyscraper, and it looked like a normal, Earthen eatery.

"Don't mind if I do." I said as I walked in.

"Hello!" A man from inside what I assumed was the kitchen called to me.

"Hello, I'm here to eat." I replied.

"Take a seat, I give you food." I complied with his directions, taking a seat on a random chair.

The building was nice, a yellow-quartz-looking thing made up the walls, and the floor was wooden. I wasn't much of a designer, but I was sure whoever designed this was talented. If it had been Earth, I would have puked just looking at it, yet for some reason, it made sense. The design just felt right.

Not even 5 minutes after I sat, contemplating my plans, the man walked out with 2 plates in his hands. Putting them on the table, he watched as I opened my mouth wide.

"It's not a lot, I swear. You can eat all." The man had an accent or forgot words or something, but that was the least of my worries. He had piled the plates high with food, all foods I had never seen before, and then said that I could eat all of it.

'I'd be lucky if I finish a quarter.'

The man walked away, leaving me to my own devices, so I began to eat.

After the first bite, my eyes widened.

'Holy shit this is good!'

I proceeded to wolf down the food, eating at a rate that scared even me. I had no clue what food I was putting in my mouth, what animal the meat came from, and where on the animal it did, but I couldn't care less.

Once I stopped to catch my breath, I put the fork down to avoid another incident, and then leaned back, patting my stomach. I looked at the plate I had attacked, finding nothing there.

'God damn. Did I do that?'


My stomach growled at me, and I felt a pang of hunger. 'Did I not eat enough?'

I picked up the fork and moved to the second plate, eating this one even faster than the first.

After I finished, I leaned back and patted my stomach a second time.

'I'm full.' I was full, but it wasn't full to the brim, it was that perfect spot between stuffed and eating enough that there were no health concerns. I felt full, but it was a good full.

The man walked up to me, a massive smile on his face.

"It's been a while since I had customer who so hungry. I had to whip up more for you."

"Thank you so much, may I get a drink and the bill?"

"Of course."

The man walked off, reappearing in seconds, with a canned drink in one hand, and a bill in the other.

I paid the check with a swipe on my hologram and got up to leave. Before I walked out the door, I had just one question to ask.

"How did you know that I would like the food, and how did you know how I could eat it all?"

"That secret, young man. Come again."


I walked down the street heading to a massive corporation of fiduciary advisors. There was one person there that I wanted, and I would have him.

In the story, when Alexander got there, he was in the process of being laid off, and when Alexander asked why, he heard a tragic story. XYZ happened, and Alex hired the man.

That man would go on to create such a massive amount of capital that Alexander still had more than half of it after funding the start of a massive conglomerate. 

'I'm here.' In front of me was a skyscraper, of course, that had the name 'Money Makers' on it.

"Subtle." I said.

I walked into the building, waving to the receptionist, before getting into the elevator. I knew from the story that that was normal here, and that speaking to the receptionist would get you kicked out, for some reason. I pressed on the button to his floor, and then contemplated.

'For now, I have to hire him, but in less than 4 years, I need to get him to come work for me.'


The door opened with a ding, and I walked into a massive room with cubicles, and people ferociously clicking on their holographic keyboards. It looked really dumb, to see people stare at a wall and click on the air, but I knew they were working hard, so I left it be.

I walked through the snaking path of the room like you were supposed to, looking at the names on the walls of the cubicles.

The layout was like this. Massive rectangular room. Small square offices in slightly smaller than the room rectangular format, with aisles between. Boards on each of the cubicles with their names on them.

I went through each one and stopped only at the end, where he was.

'Jonson Park. Really basic name.' I thought as I knocked on the cubicle.

"Can I help you sir?" He stood up from his chair and asked. The man was extremely average-looking, and seeing him made me thank my parents for my sort of unique looks. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and was about 5'8". His face was square, and I could see him with someone. The man had a decent chance with the ladies. Then again, I knew nothing about that topic, so.

"Yes. I would like to hire your services."

"Of course, sir. Please fill out this form." I complied, only because I had no base of operations I could stick this man into.

"I'd like you to find me some investments that will go boom soon. I'll choose which ones to invest in, so don't worry."

"Of course, sir. Please come back tomorrow. I'll have everything set up for you. Have a good day."

"You too." I said as I walked out of the room into the elevator. 'Impressive. He was so professional. In the story, the man was an absolute hothead. Did getting fired change him that much?'

I left the building, going to the hotel. All I could do now was wait, so I headed to the gym in the hotel.


"Here you go, sir. 12 options, just for you."

I looked over the options Jonson had given to me, before carefully selecting 6 of them. I was just guessing, praying that my parents would help me from beyond the grave with their business acumen.

"Of course, sir. How much would you like to invest?" Jonson asked.

I swiped 40,000 UC to him, telling him to invest equally, before taking my leave from the building.

"Bye, sir." Jonson said, to which I waved my hand.

I had come here early on, the day after I met Jonson, as he said that he would have options for me. I had not been disappointed.

'All we can do is hope.' I thought to myself, as I headed to the diner where that man with the secret was. It was bloody good food.