
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
235 Chs

Destiny XVIII

In the sunlit sky, Chae Joochul, the Immortal, raises his hands, summoning the power of the elements. His eyes glint with ancient wisdom as he hurls bolts of lightning and torrents of water toward his foe.

"Feel the power of the storm," he declares.

Below them, an empty modern city with high-rise buildings stretches out like a desolate landscape. Juhn Jin, the Seer, gracefully glides through the air, her cheongsam billowing around her like a wisp of smoke. With a fan in one hand and a sword in the other, she moves with the fluidity of a dancer, effortlessly avoiding Joochul's elemental onslaught.

"You wield the elements, but you forget the essence of balance, Joochul," she retorts, her voice cutting through the sound of magical clashes.

As Joochul conjures a whirlwind of air, Jin pirouettes gracefully, the wind swirling around her like a protective shield.

"You cannot evade forever, Jin. The elements obey my will!" Joochul warns, raising his hands high. Invisible wind currents transform into spears and soar at the Seer, but the latter simply harrumphs.

Smirking, Jin twirls her fan with finesse. "Your arrogance blinds you, old friend. The elements seek equilibrium, not dominance." Any attempt of harm towards her is either easily dodged or defended by the fan.

Joochul summons a pillar of fire, but Jin twirls her sword with finesse, creating a barrier of shimmering energy that deflects the flames. She smirks at Joochul, her eyes sparkling with insight.

"Your flames cannot touch what is guided by the currents of destiny," she states confidently.

Grinning, Joochul conjures massive rocks from the ground, hurling them toward Jin with the speed of a bullet. However, she dances effortlessly between them, her movements almost ethereal.

"Destiny is but a construct, Jin. Let me weave your end," Joochul challenges with a cold look.

Undeterred, Juhn Jin continues her graceful evasion, the sun casting long shadows over the empty city below. The clash of magic and steel reverberates through the modern skyscrapers as their battle unfolds—a spectacle between two seasoned warriors, each with a unique mastery of their craft.

Abruptly, Chae Joochul starts spitting blood, the metallic taste staining his lips. The Seer's curse-based magic takes its toll, inflicting damage over time. However, Joochul, with his mastery over vitality, doesn't succumb easily. With resolve, he casts a version of a nature spell, allowing healing energy to circulate around his wounded body.

As the magical assault subsides, he stops hurling his own spells, facing Juhn Jin with a stoic expression. "What is the point of this, Jin?" he asks emotionlessly, his voice cutting through the charged air.

Juhn Jin gracefully lands on a cloud, her cheongsam billowing around her like a phantom's embrace. She gazes at Joochul with an enigmatic smile, her eyes betraying both wisdom and sadness.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Joochul," she replies calmly. "It's already beginning."

Joochul narrows his eyes, a mixture of confusion and frustration evident in his gaze. "Is it the… Judgment Day? Are you referring to it when you said Destiny?"

"It's not exactly the Judgment Day I am referring to, Joochul," Juhn Jin answers, her voice carrying a hint of amusement. "But you're surprisingly well-informed."

Chae Joochul narrows his eyes, still recovering from the effects of the curse. "Information is crucial in our world, Jin. I have my sources, the Sinful's data, and insights from Hyon Hyng's case studies."

Juhn Jin grins, her gaze piercing. "Impressive. You've always been resourceful. But yes, the impending Judgment Day is a key factor in why I'm here, facing you."

Chae Joochul's frustration deepens. "Why now? What's the connection between me and the so-called Judgment Day?"

Juhn Jin descends from the cloud, her smile growing enigmatic. "You see, Chae Joochul, your vitality is tied to the very fabric of existence. The Judgment Day concerns the balance of life and death, and you are a pivotal player in this cosmic drama… Hmmm… What we old fools may perceive as side-effect and sickness from our Gifts may not be what they appear."

Chae Joochul scowls, attempting to understand the cryptic message. "Explain, Jin. I won't play guessing games with you."

Juhn Jin tilts her head, seemingly enjoying the dance of words. "The Judgement Day isn't just an end; it's a beginning. A reset, a chance for the universe to correct its course. You, with your knowledge and abilities, pose a threat to the order I wish to establish. Among us Nine Stars, you are the closest to evolving your Gift into an Authority."

Chae Joochul's eyes narrow with realization. "So you wish to kill me?"

Juhn Jin nods, her eyes betraying both sadness and determination. "I'm doing what needs to be done. You can either resist and face the consequences, or embrace your role in this grand design."

Chae Joochul levitates a step forward, determination replacing confusion. "I won't let you interfere with my life, friend or not. You are proving to be a nuisance for me as of this moment."

Chae Joochul remains floating in the air, his arms crossed as he gazes down at the chaotic scene below. Buildings are scattered, and clouds of dust continue to rise. Nayun, his granddaughter, and Yoo Jinhyung must be in the midst of the battle.

Juhn Jin, still standing on her cloud, observes Joochul's expression. "Are you feeling worried for your granddaughter down there, Joochul?"

Chae Joochul simply stares at her, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and cold detachment. "You should know the side effect of my Gift, Seer. I cannot feel anymore, and my emotions have become stagnant. I won't be swayed by sentimentality."

Juhn Jin tilts her head, acknowledging his words. "Yet, even without emotions, you must feel the potential danger that might befall. The power we wield is a double-edged sword. The side effects are as much a sickness as it is a curse."

Chae Joochul's eyes narrow. "So cryptic, I always hated that about you. Even Myungchul is more eloquent than you."

Juhn Jin smirks, "You, of all people, should understand that I prefer actions more than talking. Come on, attack me more. You see, my provocation may be cheap, but I just want to end this."

Joochul's gaze remains fixed on Juhn Jin. "I understand more than you realize. And I won't let you harm my granddaughter or anyone else in the name of your ambitions."

"Ambition? I wish…" Juhn Jin loses her smile. "I am not like you, I don't have any grand ambition."

Juhn Jin chuckles, her laughter resonating through the air. "Life is a joke, Joochul. It's funny how people think they can control fate when, in reality, it's nothing but a chaotic dance of chance and circumstance."

Chae Joochul frowns, irritated by her amusement. "What's so amusing about it?"

The Seer's eyes sparkle with a hint of mischief. "It's the irony, dear Joochul. You, who ruled over the masses and stood as an absolute authority, should appreciate the unpredictability of life. As for me, I've seen it all – the rise and fall of civilizations, the birth and demise of heroes. It's all a grand cosmic comedy. An unfairness like no other."

Joochul raises an eyebrow, intrigued despite himself. "And what's your take on fairness, Seer?"

Juhn Jin demurely laughs, her wrinkles barely visible. "Life is inherently fair, my dear. It's people who make it seem otherwise. Karma is real, and there's a balance to everything. It just takes time for the scales to tip in the right direction."

Chae Joochul scoffs, "Is that so? You've lived too long. We've lived too long. And time may have warped us. Only now do I understand. Seer… No, Juhn Jin. Whatever it is you are planning, is it worth it?"

"Yes, it is worth it," The Seer's laughter continues, "Ah, but it's precisely because we've lived so long that we've come to believe in the goodness within people. Even you, Joochul, despite your stoic exterior."

Suddenly, Joochul snaps his fingers, and the cloud beneath Juhn Jin transforms into water, then swiftly into ice, attempting to encase her. However, the Seer is faster than he anticipated, possibly foreseeing the move. With a deceptively slow motion, she vanishes, reappearing gracefully on another cloud.

Joochul smirks, "You can't escape forever, Jin. I'll make sure your visions fail you."

Juhn Jin meets his gaze, unfazed. "Then you should do better than that."

Chae Joochul narrows his eyes at the Seer, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. "A week, Jin. A week of this absurd dance in the skies. What's your game? Killing me, stalling time – what's the grand plan?"

"Especially talkative today huh?" The Seer chuckles, her eyes glinting with an enigmatic gleam. "Oh, Joochul, you always were perceptive. I'm stalling time, indeed. There's a delicate balance, a cosmic rhythm that even you, with all your power, cannot disrupt. The threads of fate weave a complex formula, and I'm merely ensuring they remain intact."

Joochul scoffs, "Intact for what? Your dramatic prophecies and cryptic visions?"

The Seer tilts her head, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "No, dear Joochul, for a bigger game. A game you're yet to understand."

He smirks, "Save your riddles. I tire of them."

The Seer's laughter rings through the air, "But isn't the mystery what makes life interesting?"

Joochul scowls, "Interesting or not, this is becoming annoying."

The Seer raises an eyebrow, "And what will you do, Chae Joochul? Crush me with your might? You've tried, and yet here I am. Hmmm… That's interesting. Is annoyance an emotion?"

Joochul narrows his eyes, studying her carefully. "You're not afraid of death, are you?"

She shrugs, "Death is but a passage, my dear. What I fear is the ripples it would cause. Your untimely death for example may become a problem for me, but now… now is the perfect time to get rid of you."

Chae Joochul shakes his head in disbelief, "You're mad, old woman."

The Seer grins, "Madness or wisdom, it matters not. But let me assure you, Joochul, your demise is not my sole purpose. There are others on my list."

His eyes narrow, suspicion rising. "Others? Who?"

A wicked glint appears in her eyes, "Your precious Chae Nayun, for one. It seems the apple didn't fall far from the tree."

Joochul's expression hardens, "You won't lay a finger on her."

The Seer's laughter echoes once more, "Ah, the protective grandfather. How endearing. But you see, Joochul, fate has its plans, and I'm merely a messenger."

He clenches his fists, "Enough of your cryptic nonsense."

The Seer's smile widens, "Oh, we will, my dear Joochul. But not just yet. The threads need a bit more time to unravel. I need this to be perfect after all."

"Why?" Chae Joochul demands, his tone cutting through the charged air. "Why stall time? For seven days, we have been tussling and fighting in this pocket dimension. If you do intend to kill me, you need to come at me with all of your might."

The Seer meets his gaze with unwavering confidence. "Why? To accelerate destiny, my dear Joochul. And perhaps, just perhaps, to survive it."

Chae Joochul's eyes narrow dangerously. "Survive destiny? What do you mean?"

The Seer's cryptic smile deepens, "Destiny is the End, and the End is the Beginning. For a very long time, I have been asleep. Only recently have I woken up, for the crossroads of destiny have finally appeared."

Chae Joochul's frustration simmers beneath the surface. "Enough with the riddles, Seer. Speak plainly."

She chuckles, "Oh, Joochul, if only it were that simple. Destiny is a complex web, woven with threads that only I can decipher. I am… the Seer."

Chae Joochul's question exudes pressure, "Are you trying to play god?"

The Seer's gaze remains steady. "Foolishness. Not god, Joochul. There are forces at play beyond your comprehension. You are too focused on what you have, what you gain, and what you wish to protect. There are greater things than just you."

He scoffs, "Yes, I know."

The Seer leans in, her eyes gleaming with ancient wisdom. "Control is an illusion, my friend. I merely guide the currents, nudging them in the direction I see fit."

Chae Joochul's skepticism is palpable. "And what's your stake in all this? Survival?"

The Seer nods, "Survival, indeed. Destiny is a relentless force, and to survive its impact, one must be prepared. I have made the apt preparations."

Chae Joochul's eyes narrow as he focuses on the Seer, who hovers gracefully in the air, her fan poised for another strike. The air crackles with tension.

The Seer flickers and appears before Joochul, her sword slashing through the air. With swift reflexes, he conjures a wooden staff into his hands, meeting the blade head-on. The clash reverberates through the air.

"You're still holding back, Joochul," the Seer taunts, her smirk unwavering.

"I'm just getting started," Joochul calmly replies, a confident smirk playing on his lips.

Undeterred, the Seer waves her fan from left to right, negating the momentum from Joochul's push. She raises her fan over her head, and a deadly scythe of wind materializes from its jagged tips. It descends with lethal speed.

Joochul inhales deeply, summoning a burst of wind that propels the Seer backward. However, she quickly regains control and counters with the wind scythe.

"Nice try, but you can't escape this with just that," the Seer mocks, her voice dripping with confidence.

Determined, Joochul forms a wall of magic power infused with the attributes of the five elements. The wind scythe slams into it, and for a moment, the clash holds. But the destructive force of the scythe cannot be contained.

"More than impressive." Joochul grits his teeth.

The wind scythe breaks through the magical barrier, leaving a trail of devastation. Joochul, untouched but surrounded by destruction, surveys the aftermath.

"The elements may bend to your will, but destiny is not so easily manipulated," the Seer smirks, her confidence unwavering. "You see, I can see through you."

The air crackles with an ominous energy as a dangerous aura suddenly emerges from nowhere. Black flames swiftly spread, infecting the clouds, and from further above, a blurry black shadow appears, engulfed in dark flames. Chae Joochul tenses, and even the Seer, usually composed, show a look of disdain.

"A variable has appeared," the Seer comments, her displeasure evident.

Chae Joochul narrows his eyes, scanning the darkened skies. Suddenly, the figure becomes clear, and to his surprise, he recognizes the face.

"Kim Hajin, is that you?" Joochul asks, his confusion evident.

The figure, bathed in dark flames, looks directly at Joochul, and a cold voice pierces the air.

"No, I am Shin Jonghak," the other person replies with chilling certainty.

Chae Joochul's confusion deepens, but before he can inquire further, Shin Jonghak turns his gaze toward the Seer. Without warning, she explodes in black flames, the once-composed aura now consumed by the dark fire.

"What... what did you do?" Joochul exclaims in shock.