
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
235 Chs

Countdown II

The city lies in ruins, a chaotic landscape of debris and destruction. Among the rubble, a diverse group of superpowered individuals has assembled in the open area.

I materialize in front of Chae Joochul, his weathered face etched with lines of experience and power. My eyes narrow as I confront him.

"You old fool," I reprimand, my voice carrying an edge. "Do you have any idea what morals are?"

Joochul meets my gaze, his eyes holding the weight of centuries. "Yoo Jinhyung needs to be punished for his treachery," he insists, his voice resonating with a grave certainty.

I shake my head, frustration bubbling within me. "No. Humanity is already on the brink of extinction, and you're pushing us further towards the edge. If we cannot kill, we won't. The Afterlife as we know it is about to be screwed over."

Joochul scoffs, his power crackling around him. "Hypocritical as ever. Survival demands sacrifice. You, of all people, should understand that."

I clench my fists, the urgency of the situation pressing upon me. "There has to be another way. We can't save humanity by wiping it out in the process. We're supposed to protect, not become the architects of our own demise. Yoo Jinhyung is as much of a victim as anyone out there."

He stares at me, a moment of tension hanging in the air. Finally, he relents, the gravity of the situation settling in. "Fine, but know this – he will be punished."

I turn away from Joochul, acknowledging the fragile peace, and approach Yoo Sihyuk with a nod of gratitude. "Thank you for your cooperation, Sihyuk-ssi. You really saved our ass this time."

Yoo Sihyuk raises an eyebrow, his sharp gaze scrutinizing me. "I didn't sign up for this, but you called. I'll do what I can to help. Bringing Yoo Jinhyung is also in my best interest."

I nod in understanding, realizing the complexity of the situation. "I know it's not ideal, but we have to try. The fate of humanity rests on our shoulders, and we can't afford to let personal grudges dictate our actions. Though you know the Seer in a personal capacity, I hope that won't destroy our friendship."

Yoo Sihyuk sighs, his swords strapped to his back gleaming in the faint light. "I never thought I'd see the day when the Seer is a part of a problem rather than the solution. Strange times we're living in."

I offer a wry smile. "Desperate times call for desperate measures. We need all the help we can get. Now, please retrieve Yoo Jinhyung and assist with the evacuation. We can't waste any more time."

Yoo Sihyuk grunts in agreement. "I'll do it, but you owe me for this."

Joochul's eyes narrow, and he steps forward, his voice laced with annoyance. "How dare you hijack this operation and start giving commands?"

I meet his gaze, frustration bubbling over. "I just saved your and Nayun's ass back there. I'm done playing the supporting character in this mess. And what operation? You and your old ass got ambushed!"

Nayun, having overheard our exchange, stretches her limbs with a nonchalant air. "He's got a point," she remarks. "In emergencies like this, we can't afford to let pride get in the way. Maybe you should listen to him, Grandpa."

I nod in agreement, adding my own voice to Nayun's. "Exactly. Principles are great, but in a crisis, you need to adapt. I may be lacking in principles, but damn it, I should be listened to in situations like this. We need all the help we can get."

Joochul glares at me, but the weight of the situation seems to make him reconsider. After a tense pause, he grumbles, "Fine, but don't think this changes anything. We're dealing with this my way once we're out of immediate danger."

I smirk. "Deal. Just make sure we survive first." The chaos outside this pocket dimension must be at an all-time high, and we need to act swiftly if we're going to get through this unscathed.

Nayun turns to her grandfather, her eyes pleading with urgency. "Grandpa, please, stop working your way to take any advantage you see. Now is the moment we must discard our self-interest and truly begin working together."

Joochul looks at her, his expression torn between stubbornness and the weight of Nayun's plea. "This is not the time for sentimentality, Nayun. Survival demands sacrifice."

Nayun shakes her head, and frustration is evident in her voice. "Survival also demands unity. If we don't work together now, we won't survive this. Our personal agendas can wait."

As their exchange continues, the pocket dimension we are in starts to tremble, and with a deafening roar, it shatters. The 666th Timeline reveals itself, and the sight is grim. Gigantic Devils surround us – grotesque beings with red skin, big eyes, and mouths covering every inch of their twisted forms.

I stare at the nightmarish scene unfolding before us. "We're here to protect this world?" I mutter, disbelief coloring my voice. "Oh fuck, I rather run… but seriously, we are going to run… do you guys understand?"

Nayun, her previous argument momentarily forgotten, eyes the monstrous creatures surrounding us. "It seems we have our work cut out for us. Grandpa, now more than ever, we need to stand united against these threats."

Joochul, faced with the overwhelming reality before him, nods begrudgingly. "For now, we fight together. But once this is over, we settle our differences."

"Move fast!" I call out to my comrades as we make a break for it. Our objective is clear – escape and return to Under Cube. There's no time to waste.

Just as I'm about to snap my fingers to cast invisibility over my allies, a burning spear hurtles towards me with specificity. Instinctively, I raise both palms in a praying posture, catching the fiery projectile. The spear tugs, a force trying to pull it away. After a moment's struggle, I release it, eyes narrowing.

Standing before us is a formidable presence. He rides a gigantic red horse, a knight or soldier adorned in imposing red armor. This is one tough enemy, and the air around him feels oppressive.

"Well, well, looks like we have company," I mutter, sizing up our adversary. "Get ready, everyone. This won't be an easy fight."

My comrades prepare for battle, weapons at the ready. The imposing figure on the red horse stares us down, a silent challenge in his gaze.

The imposing figure on the red horse announces himself, his voice resonating with power. "I am Berith, the 28th Devil of Solomon," he declares, a name that sends a chill down our spines.

As Berith makes his presence known, imps from all corners converge upon us, casting fireballs in our direction. The air is ablaze with chaotic energy.

Joochul acts swiftly, summoning a barrier of wind that deflects every incoming fireball, protecting us from the fiery onslaught. "Stay behind the barrier!" he commands, his focus unwavering.

Jonghak, his eyes narrowing dangerously, glares at the surrounding imps. A dark aura envelops him, and suddenly, all the imps burst into black flames, their menacing forms reduced to ashes. It's a display of power that leaves an eerie silence in its wake.

Meanwhile, Yoo Sihyuk guards Jinhyung closely, ensuring his safety. Nayun readies her sword, eager to pounce at the enemy. The protective stance of Sihyuk and the strength of the barrier are the only things keeping us safe in the face of the devil's strategic onslaught.

"Listen up," I address my allies urgently. "Once I cast my ability, you'll be perfectly invisible. You won't even be able to see each other. When I give the signal, go. Move fast, but avoid any unnecessary collisions."

I focus my energy, preparing to unleash my ability, <Not Here>. As the invisible cloak descends upon my comrades, I shout, "Go!" The air shimmers as the spell takes effect.

Joochul, Jonghak, Nayun, and Sihyuk vanish from sight, leaving only myself visible. Berith, the 28th Devil of Solomon, glares at me with confusion as my comrades disappear before his eyes… as in disappeared completely as if deleted from existence.

With a smirk, I taunt the devil, "Hey, wanna dance?" I position myself as the visible target, drawing his attention. The invisible allies around me already running at this point.

In the midst of the chaotic battleground, I survey my surroundings, assessing my options. Berith, a formidable opponent, stands before me with a menacing spear, ready for the impending clash. I decide it's time to unveil a new strategy, something beyond the typical arsenal at my disposal.

"I won't rely on the undead this time," I mutter to myself, eyes narrowing in focus. "I need to buy some time."

Summoning cards into both of my hands, the ethereal energy emanating from them glows ominously. Berith eyes me warily, his spear poised for an attack. I take a deep breath, knowing that the upcoming move will be crucial.

"It's time to discard these things," I declare, determination evident in my voice. The cards in my hands, pulsating with latent power, are no longer needed. They served their purpose, and now it's time for a significant weapon upgrade for the distant future.

With a swift flick of my wrists, I launch both cards towards Berith. He reacts instantly, parrying them with a skillful swipe of his spear. However, the moment the cards make contact with the spear, a powerful explosion erupts, sending shockwaves through the air. And the cards? It is strong and vicious enough to cause cancer to its target.

"These cards have been storing unstable magic power," I explain to Berith, maintaining my composure. "And there are fifty more where that came from."

Berith glares at me, realizing the threat I represent.

The imps surrounding me persist in their relentless assault, casting fireballs in every direction. The heat is intense, but I pay them no mind. Swiftly, I dodge the fiery projectiles when possible, and when evasion is not an option, I skillfully alter their trajectory with calculated movements.

My attention, however, is fixed on the red knight, elevated on his high horse, calmly observing my every move. His imposing presence demands respect, but I know I must remain focused on the larger threat. The Devil, recovering from the mutated cancer cells wreaking havoc within its system, remains idle for the moment.

A grin creeps across my face as I comprehend the situation. "So, the Devil's taking a breather," I remark to myself, my gaze fixed on the looming adversary. Without hesitation, I flick more cards in its direction, the ethereal energy trailing behind them.

I taunt the Devil, my words filled with confidence, "Bluffing and staring won't work on me. I know you're not done yet." The cards soar through the air, aiming directly at the devilish entity, determined to break through its facade of idleness. The battle rages on, and with each calculated move, I inch closer to gaining the upper hand against the formidable foe and its fiery minions.

The third, fourth, fifth, and so on… Berith stands right there, unable to move. At this very moment, I have cast <Haunting Feels> at Berith. This particular ability allows me to kill any feelings from a certain organ, limb, and even a creature's cells. Moreover, the magic power and effects imbued in my cards are so deadly I reckon few can survive its infection, even a Devil.

Devils are unkillable in the sense that they can respawn, but they can still be killed. In my case, I am going to make Berith suffer. I find the pressure around me lessening. I casually hurl a kunai and a senbon needle at the imps as finally… I stand before Berith just a meter away.

Berith's horse slumps and falls, finally succumbing to the cancer that wormed its way into its system. I stand before Berith eye to eye. Under the Devil's helmet, I recognize something I identify as fear. I comment, "You have a good poker face even under that helmet."

The imps no longer hurl fireballs at me, as I have full blast cast <Haunting Feels> on them, removing their eyesight.

I stab the last of my cards, at the crevices of the Devil's armor.

And with one final good look, I vanish.