
The Noble Sovereign of the Realms

In a world where magic and forces reign supreme and where every single child is born with a powerful crystal called a soul stone, Azel happens to find himself without one yet he dreams to become an elite knight, the highest rankings of Knights who protect all the realms including the royal imperial city the sky realm. Despite this handicap Azel charged furiously towards his goal and dream to be a knight and to save people just like his Idol Sir Caes saved him. Will he succeed? Will he become the knight he has always wanted to be? Find out by flipping through a few chapters.

MeddieJ · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Soul stone or not

I sighted Hannes and Aimee seated on a rock at the top of a little hill by the village market. They saw me and Hannes grunted.

"Hey! You finally came? I was wondering if we had to come drag you out again"

I climbed the hill stealthily trying to avoid ruining my boots with sharp rocks. Mother had just gotten them for me a week ago. I couldn't ruin them.

"I was coming…it's just ..sister issues" I panted and Aimee gave a slight naughty smile.

"Speaking of sister when are you going to introduce me to Freya?

"Huh? I mean she knows you ….

"No no, I mean as the promised love of her life brother in law. I mean it's been hard sleeping these days. I mean the thoughts of her sweet face, her flawless hair and her angelic voice kept me up at night. Oh my sweet Freya" He waved his hands like some underpaid actor.

Hannes chuckled.

"If you like her so much, why don't you tell her? Hannes retorted.

"Oh wait ….maybe it's because you'll be crushed before you walk through the door" Hannes added with a maniacal laughter.

"Oh please, don't talk that way. My Freya is more than some crushing machine. She's an angel"

I scratched my head. I couldn't help but wonder if we were talking about the same Freya I knew or another. Just then I heard the neighing of horses and incessant sounds followed after. We all stopped and turned to look at what it was. We stretched a bit on the hill's end. There was a man clad in a fancy dress passing through the village market, there was some sort of sun emblem on his dress and I could tell he was a royal messenger. Behind him some lower rank Knight's followed. They were pasting some posters on the wall. Some folks scurried to where the posters were amidst muttering and mumblings. I couldn't overcome my curiosity. If that man was a royal messenger, then he was straight from the Sky realms! I had to see what it was.

I dashed off. Aimee gasped and screamed after me.

"Where are you going?

"I have to see what it is! I screamed back as I hopped down till I got to the market place.

Hannes sighed and held Aimee by the dress.

"And to think I had to make time to meet up with this idiot. Let's follow him. I don't intend to be an abandoned bride"


Hannes pulled him along as they climbed down the hill.

I released fearful pants as I got to where the people stood. I tore through the crowd attracting some displeasure from a few people and I muttered apologies as I moved. I got to the front my eyes lit up when I finally beheld the contents of the poster.

It was a call for the recruitment of people from our village to join the knight guard! My heart felt like it would explode.

"They had come this far to Chiming Rock valley? A voice said with an air of surprise.

"This is the first time this is happening. Could there be an issue? A lady's worried voice came.

"It doesn't matter, all that matters is that those royal high ups finally recognize our stuff. They just had to send an invite". An enthusiastic lad said but I couldn't care less for what they said.

Usually recruitments happened once every two years but they did in the tundra realm. Anyone who wished to be a knight in our realm would have to travel there in a deadly week's journey. A lot of people didn't survive it but I had pretty much been saving up for it. But then here was a golden opportunity right in front of me, one which came earlier than the last. They were going to hold a recruitment in our little village! I had to show this to Freya!

Without another word, I snatched the poster.

"Hey, why you….

"Sorry! I have to borrow this! I screamed. They wouldn't understand. This was important! A once in a life time opportunity.

Hannes and Aimee saw me running away from a bunch of guys and I could tell they were puzzled.

"Meet me at my place! I screamed at them as I ran away.

Hannes shook his head and sighed.

"At least he could have let us see what was in the damn poster"

"Maybe a forest festival? I do miss stuffing my face with peach cakes and also being served by a bunch of pretty looking ladies" He swooned and Hannes raised a brow.

"Oh but off course, my heart is sold out to Freya my queen. Come now, let us go. She'll be waiting for me" Aimee jerked up and moved swinging both arms around. Hannes followed after continuously sighing.

I charged into the kitchen where I saw Freya slicing up some vegetables. She gasped on seeing me.

"You're back already? Where's my shirt? She snorted.

"This isn't the time to think about some shirt, Freya! Take a look at this?

I stretched the paper to her and she frowned.

"Why don't you show me the side where the words are actually written?

"Oh sorry! I turned it around and I saw her eyes light up. She gasped and snatched the paper from my hands.

"They're coming…. here? To Chiming Rock? It even says here that Sir Caes will be here! Oh my! That means I don't have to save up for a tundra journey"

"Em…you mean we"

She scoffed.

"What do you mean 'we'?

"You're not the only one who wants to be a knight Freya. I mean hello. I'm right here"

Freya let out a short hysterical laughter and shook her head with a wide unbelieving grin.

"So how are you going to do that without a soul stone? You'll be killed before the training starts and I doubt if they'd even take you in the first place. You're powerless Azel"

I clenched my fist and bit my lips.

"Make fun of me all you want Freya but I'm going. I'll be a knight, no matter what it takes"

I made to turn but she held me by the shoulder.

"I'm not making fun of you. I just don't want my little bro throwing away his life to chase after some dream. Without a soul stone you'll be dead before it even starts. I don't want that for you" Her tone was more gentle now but it made me more upset. I didn't need pity. I didn't need anyone to pity me. I stopped being a pitiful pathetic weakling the day when Sir Caes saved me. The day when we were attacked and I wasn't strong enough to do anything! If it meant going through hell, I would do anything to get stronger to protect everything I cared about and people who are in need of help.

I wiggled out of her grip.

"It doesn't matter if I go through hell. I'm going to become a knight and I'll move the realms just to make that happen, soul stone or no soul stone" I said with a note of finality and stormed out. Freya sighed.

I was sitting on a moss filled rock under a tree behind our house when I heard Hannes and Aimee 's plodding steps.

"There you are idiot. We had to run halfway across the village because of you! Hannes smacked at my head and I winced.

"Sorry… I just…" I sighed trailing off. I extended the poster to the both of them. Hannes snatched it and both their eyes widened especially Hannes who like me wanted to become a knight.

"Whoah, this is amazing! Then why are you looking like some piece of shit? Shouldn't you be happy? That means you don't have to work at the blacksmith scrap yard like a donkey to save up money anymore" Aimee noted sitting care freely on the rock beside me.

"I guess….it's just….I've always wanted this…. but now I get the opportunity thrust in my face yet I can't help but wonder…what if my not having a soul stone becomes a much more bigger problem than I thought?

"True. Just give up" Hannes snorted and I shot him a cold glance. Aimee snorted.

"Hannes, that's not helping"

"Come on, there's no use for you putting yourself out there like a human shield. Yeah you've been training and you're good at combat but against a soul stone battle, you'll be pretty much useless. Just cause more than half the kids in our village want to become Knight's doesn't mean you have to. Just stay behind and live a normal life. Stop trying to play hero Azel"

His tone was violent and brash but inwardly I could tell it was coming from a place of concern like Freya but my mind was made up.

"You know Hannes, you're not really helping…. Aimee retorted but I stopped him.

"He's right. At this rate I'll be pretty much useless on the battle field but to tell me to sit back and relax….like some coward just because I'm scared is something I will never do. I was pathetic once, I won't be pathetic again. I'll make it happen. I'll make it work" I said looking dead right into Hannes eyes and I saw him scoff.

"I hope you don't get yourself killed"

I gave a cocky smirk.

"Well try not to die before me instead Hannes"

He gave a callous smile and Aimee looked at the both of us with a smile. He flung his hands on both our shoulders.

"No matter what happens guys, the three of us. We'll stick to the very end. I believe so" He said and we all smiled. I would give anything to make that all happen.