
The Ninja With Extraction System

A lucky individual transmigrates with a special system. Rare Ninutsus? Secret Training Methods? Rare Affinities? Why choose when you can have it all !!

Krishna_Is_Here · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

CH 9 Joining Root and New Skills

'Go on you bastard, try to be pretentious. I will insult you and your forces just like that in return. Two can play this game after all.' Alcor thought as he waited for Danzo to give his sales pitch.

After all, he had been waiting for this moment for months. He would act to perfection and make this perverted bastard give him the best condition possible for joining ROOT.

'After all, you need me more than I need you, and unfortunately for you, bastard, I know that.' Alcor thought viciously as he waited for Danzo and his infamous speech.

"Well, what if I said that there was a better and faster way for you to be powerful enough?" Danzo said.

"Sir, if there is one thing I know in my life, it is that there is no shortcut to power. Power can only be acquired by one's hard work, blood and sweat." Alcor said with a proud expression on his face while cringing inside. Man, how could people in Naruto-verse spout such dialogues with straight faces and complete conviction?

'Oh gods and deities in the sky, please forgive me for such a liar when we all know that my power is gained through the system, the epitome of shortcuts.' Alcor prayed internally so that he won't be blasted by a lightning bolt from the sky.

"Don't worry child, this method is no shortcut. You will have to work just as hard for your power and will be able to protect the village with that power." Danzo said.

Alcor pretended to think about it for a while before asking Danzo a question, "Before I reply to your offer, Sir, may I ask why would you want to help me?"

"That is a very simple question with an even simpler answer." Danzo said "You are talented, and it is shocking that our Hokage is wasting your talents like this. If you decide to join me, I will make sure you burst out with all your potential and achieve things you never thought could be possible."

"Moreover, it's absolutely appalling that Hokage let you be attacked like that by outside spies. I have long maintained the stance that Hokage's policies are making our great village weaker and this just proves it. My organization is made with like-minded people who would defy Hokage's policy's in the interest of the village." Danzo said sanctimoniously.

'Yeah, the 'village'. You power-grabbing, two-faced, lying traitor. You could not give two shits about the village. You only care about one thing, and that is yourself and your vision.' Alcor thought furiously on the inside while making thoughtful expressions on the outside.

"Sir, your words are very convincing. Before my incident, I might have hesitated, or even refused, to agreeing to this. But, the attack on me showed me how weak I was. If you can give me the path I could use to get stronger while also helping the village, then I have no problem in accepting." Alcor said as he bowed slightly.

"Good child. I know you had the interests of our great village in your heart. Why else would you let your self-created Taijutsu style be publicized instead of hoarding it like those traitorous people from the clans." Danzo said, nodding in approval.

"Sir, we have talked so much, but we didn't talk of who you are or what your organization is," Alcor said.

"Ah, how forgetful of me. I was having so much fun talking to a like-minded young hero that I forgot this matter. I am Lord Danzo, a member of Konoha's Elder Council, and Leader of ROOT."

"ROOT is a hidden faction, similar to ANBU, and we take care of threats and problems to the village's stability from the shadows. Unlike those pretentious people under the Hokage, we don't do it for recognition. We only have the interests of Konoha in our hearts." Danzo said with a proud expression.

'Hah, more like you don't dare be identified for the atrociousness you commit in the village's name, you power-hungry bastard.' Alcor thought.

"Alright then, young hero. I guess this concludes our meeting young hero." Danzo said as he got up "Oh, and all our discussion here will be confidential."

"ROOT doesn't want to have interference from Hokage's forces, so we try to keep our affairs hidden as much as we can. Since you are joining ROOT that is the first thing you will have to learn. In a week you will have your initiation to ROOT. Until then, rest and recover." Danzo said as he left.

Alcor waited for half an hour after Danzo had left before dropping the persona he had maintained.

'God, that was nerve-wracking. Say what one might, the man does have a presence. Not Hokage level, but he does have something that would make people follow his ideals.' Alcor thought 'If he was not a lying scum, who would be ready to commit genocide for his ideals, then I might have even considered following that guy genuinely.'

'Anyway, it was good of him to bring so many presents for me at our first meeting though.' Alcor thought with glittering eyes as he looked at the bunch of rare and powerful cards he had extracted from Danzo.

[Chakra Affinity: {Wind(High)}, {Earth(Mid)}, {Water(Mid)}, {Fire(High)}, {Wood(Low)}, {Yang(Mid)}, {Yin(Mid)}]

[Ninjutsu: {Hiding in Surface(Mid)}, {Regeneration(Low)}, {Summoning Technique(Mid)}, {Spontaneous Tree Summoning(Low)}, {Wood Clone(Low)}, {Wood Release: Wood Dragon(Low)}, {Wood Release: Wood Spikes(Low)}, {Wood Release: Great Forest(Low)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere(High)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves(High)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere(High)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Waves(High)}]

[Kenjutsu: {Wind Release: Vacuum Blade(High)}]

[Fuinjutsu: {Reverse Four Symbol Sealing(Low)}, {Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal(High)}, {Self-Curse Seal(Low)}, {String Light Formation(Mid)}, {Multiple String Light Formation(Low)}, {Advanced Fuinjutsu(Mid)}]

'Thank you all the gods in heaven. Four of the Five Basic Affinities, plus even the Yin, Yang, and Wood affinity. Just this was enough, but I even got other prominent cards like Advanced Fuinjutsu, various Fuinjutsu Techniques, and various Wind and Wood release techniques.'

'When combined with cards I had got from Hiruzen, I will instantly get proficient in a vast amount of Elemental Jutsu. Not to mention the Summoning, Advanced Fuinjutsu and other Fuinjutsu Technique cards from Hiruzen.'

'Summoning and Advanced Fuinjutsu skills of these two friends should complement each other well, enough to turn the two skill cards to high proficiency, and make my Knowledge more complete.'

While browsing through the cards, Alcor suddenly frowned. He had noticed a discrepancy in the cards that made him stunned.

'System, I had noticed that Wood Affinity and its Techniques are all in Low-level proficiency for me. Whereas I distinctly remember them being on the High proficiency level when I saw them on Danzo. Why this change?'

[Danzo Shimura has used the cells of First Hokage to forcefully increase his affinity and proficiency in Wood Style. His true understanding and affinity to the Wood Release are nonexistent. It is through System's ability that Host was even able to extract it as a card at Low-Level proficiency.]

'No wonder that is the case. Only Yamato is a Wood Release expert in the Village who can use it without any additional supplements. People like Danzo and even Madara had to use Hashirama's cells to do the same.' Alcor remembered.

'Well, no worries. Unlike them, I will become a true and natural Wood Release expert by installing this card. With practice, I am sure I can raise my affinity and skill to a High level with no external supplement. Except for the System that is.' Alcor thought.

He installed the cards he got from Danzo, while at the same time installing relevant cards he extracted from Hiruzen. The vast amount of information nearly put him in a coma for an hour as he processed the years of experience these two friends had put in honing their skills.

After recovering from his coma-like state, Alcor viewed his status screen with glee.

[Alcor (Male, 11 year old)]

[Rank: Genin]

[Chakra Affinity: {Wind(High)}, {Earth(Mid)}, {Water(Mid)}, {Fire(High)}, {Wood(Low)}, {Yang(Mid)}, {Yin(Mid)}]

[Taijutsu: {Shuriken Technique(High)}, {Kunai Technique(High)}, {Ghost Wire Style(Low)}]

[Ninjutsu: {Thousand Illusion Flash Step(Low)}, {Mystical Palm(Low)}, {Medical Mode: Body Analysis(Low)}, {Hiding in Surface(Mid)}, {Regeneration(Low)}, {Summoning Technique(High)}, {Spontaneous Tree Summoning(Low)}, {Wood Clone(Low)}, {Wood Release: Wood Dragon(Low)}, {Wood Release: Wood Spikes(Low)}, {Wood Release: Great Forest(Low)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere(High)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Serial Waves(High)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere(High)}, {Wind Release: Vacuum Waves(High)}, {Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation(High)}, {Earth Release: Earth Dragon Bullet(High)}, {Earth Release: Earth Flow River(High)}, {Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall(High)}, {Earth Release: Shadow Clone(High)}, {Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet(High)}, {Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet(High)}, {Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire(High)}, {Water Release: Water Bullet(High)}, {Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet(High)}, {Water Release: Water Colliding Wave(High)}, {Water Release: Water Fang(High)}, {Water Release: Water Formation Wall(High)}, {Water Release: Water Severing Wave(High)}, {Shadow Clone(High)}, {Shuriken Shadow Clone(High)}, {Telescope Technique(High)}, {Sensing Technique(High)}]

[Fuinjutsu: {Four Red Yang Formation(Mid)}, {Dead Demon Consuming Seal(Low)}, {Five Elements Seal(High)}, {Five Elements Unseal(High)}, {Reverse Four Symbol Sealing(Low)}, {Cursed Tongue Eradication Seal(High)}, {Self-Curse Seal(Low)}, {String Light Formation(Mid)}, {Multiple String Light Formation(Low)}, {Advanced Fuinjutsu(High)}, {Sealing Technique: Three Directions Seal(High)}]

[Kenjutsu: {Leaf-Style Willow(High), {Wind Release: Vacuum Blade(High)}}

[Genjutsu: {Intermediate Genjutsu(Mid)}, {Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing(High)}, {Demonic Illusion: Sensory Disarray(High)}]

[Basic Skills: {Chakra Control(Max)},{Hand signs(High)},{Escape Technique(High)}]

[Bloodline (Currently Can't Be Extracted): None]


Mind : (Mid-Chunin)

Body : (High Genin)

Chakra : (Low Chunin)

'Oh man, this is like watching a fridge full of delicacies. Just watching so many powerful skills makes me so satisfied. I guess I have two new goals now.'

'First, Gaining Danzo's trust so that I can extract everything ROOT has to offer. Second, train hard to raise skills to the max and fuse them to gain even more powerful skills.'

'Also, I have to make sure I only display skills that I am 'supposed to know. Don't need people looking into my business to see where I learned forbidden skills from.' Alcor thought as he made various training and future plans.

One thing was certain, he was going to be really busy in the next few years.