
Return to Yebei City

"Get lost!" Elder Yu, desperate to save Sha Jia, didn't care much and consecutively slapped out two palms. However, these two palms were easily dissolved by the purple lightning lion. The latter then slapped Elder Yu on the shoulder and said in a displeased tone, "Old man, my boss is having a one-on-one fight with that kid. If you want to intervene, give it a try?"

At this moment, Elder Yu's expression looked extremely ugly. In front of this beast-like giant, he found himself unable to muster any resistance. Even his body couldn't move.

This made Elder Yu feel a deep sense of fear. Without thinking, he knew that the giant in front of him had strength far surpassing his own, even much stronger...

"Elder, let's talk. I am the external sect elder of the Seven Kill Sect..."
