
Great Sage Inside the Stone

"Great Sage, say no more. Those three years are unforgettable for me! As long as you can find a way to restore my Supreme Blood, enabling me to avenge this grudge, I am willing to be a servant for you in the future!"

Su Yang gritted his teeth.

"Hehe, I'm not interested in slaving you. Not with your current cultivation realm, at least. However, if it weren't for the Supreme Blood in your body, I wouldn't have awakened so quickly. Speaking of which, I have to thank you."

"After a while, I'll help you restore the vitality in your body. When that happens, find a place with no one around and hide."

With that said, Su Yang felt a familiar warmth surging into his body. It spread through his limbs and bones, and his emaciated body began to grow flesh and blood. Vitality was gradually returning.

Like a rejuvenated bamboo shoot, full of vitality, he quickly regained the ability to stand. Emerging from the water, he knelt on the shore, looking at his hands filled with flesh and blood. His eyes filled with excitement.

"I... I've restored my flesh and blood!"

"Hahaha! I've regained my flesh and blood. My Supreme Blood has not dried up yet!"

Su Yang's eyes were slightly red, and two lines of tears slowly flowed out.

He wanted to shout loudly, venting the torment he had endured for so many years. But he held back; he knew that he had only restored his flesh and blood, with no trace of spiritual energy inside him. If he shouted loudly now and attracted mythical beasts, he might truly become their meal.

"Kid, don't get too excited too soon. There's a powerful mythical beast nearby, not far from you. If you don't want to die again, find a place to hide quickly."

The voice of the Great Sage inside the stone echoed in Su Yang's mind once again.

Upon hearing this, Su Yang hastily got up. After looking around, he happened to see a small stone cave not far from the water pool.

The cave wasn't large, just enough to accommodate Su Yang.

So, Su Yang hurriedly entered the stone cave. However, just three seconds after entering, he rushed out like the wind, with a fierce wild wolf chasing after him.

"Damn it! Damn beast!"

Su Yang couldn't help but curse.

"Come on, don't waste the the Supreme Bloodline within you! Although there's no spiritual energy in your body now, a mere beast shouldn't be hard to be dealt with for you!" The voice in Su Yang's mind sounded again, expressing a bit of frustration.

Upon hearing this, Su Yang hastily stopped running and said in surprise, "Oh right! I've already restored my flesh and blood now. Why should I be afraid of a wild animal?"

"Damn it!"

Su Yang also felt that he was too weak. It seemed that three years of captivity had made him forget the desire of battle!

"Howl!" The wild wolf bared its teeth, its green eyes staring fixedly at Su Yang.

"Hmph! I almost let you, a beast, scare me away. Perfect! I haven't had meat for a long time. Today, I'll relive the feeling!" Su Yang clenched his fists, and the long-lost power surged through his body.


After a roar, his figure flickered. His right fist, like a gust of wind, fiercely struck the wolf's head.

Although it seemed like an ordinary punch, it created a sonic boom. The wolf seemed to realize that the human in front of it was extraordinary. It attempted to turn and flee, but found its entire body paralyzed. After a pitiful howl, Su Yang's punch sent it flying above the stone cave, slowly descending.

Its head shattered like a watermelon, and a mixture of red and white flowed out.

"Not bad. I've just restored my flesh and blood, and I already have such strength."

The voice echoed in Su Yang's mind once again.

Hearing this, Su Yang looked at the wolf, which was already dead, and felt the burst of power. He couldn't help but reveal a long-lost smile and said, "This feeling, so refreshing."

Then, he looked towards a certain place in the void, a murderous intent evident in his eyes, and said, "Wang Yiyi, and the rest of the Wang family, your good days are about to come to an end."

At this moment, within Wang Mansion in Yebei City:

"Lord Wang, we have finished the matter as you instructed."

"So many years have passed, Lord Wang, it's time for you to fulfill the promise you made to us," three black-clad figures looked at Wang Lang, who was seated on the throne.

"Haha, of course. You three have done a lot for me over the years, and I will naturally fulfill the promises I made to you. However... there's one thing I forgot to tell you," Wang Lang picked up the tea cup beside him, holding the lid with his right hand.

"Oh? I wonder what Lord Wang has yet to mention?" The leader of the three black-clad individuals frowned.

"Hehe, it's nothing much. It's just that you can get rewarded from me, but pay it with your lives!" As these words were spoken, a powerful force instantly erupted from Wang Lang.

The three black-clad individuals knew what was about to happen.

Their expressions changed simultaneously. The leader of the trio didn't hesitate; a surge of power erupted from him, and he launched several punches toward Wang Lang. "How dare you do this to us? Do you think we are pushovers? If we can't leave Wang Mansion alive today, within an hour, the deeds of the Wang family over the years will be known throughout Yebei City. At that time, the City Lord's Mansion won't let your Wang family off."

Facing the attacks of the black-clad individuals, Wang Lang remained unmoved. He just smiled faintly and said, "Oh? It seems you suspected that I would turn hostile? Not bad! But even if this matter gets out, so what?"

"As long as my daughter can step into the Divine Martial Realm, what can the City Lord's Mansion do to my Wang family?"

"You've done well all this time. The only mistake you've made is knowing too much. Don't be so foolish in the next life."



A tremendously strong spiritual energy burst forth, instantly transforming into three powerful forces that struck the black-clad individuals fleeing in three different directions. The formidable power gave the three individuals no chance to resist.

In just a moment, three lifeless bodies fell from the sky.

"Although you three have been wholeheartedly devoted to my Wang family, you are, after all, outsiders."

"Someone, drag their bodies out to feed the dogs."

Wang Lang put down the tea cup, his tone ice-cold and devilish.

Deep within Wang Mansion, a graceful figure was in closed-door cultivation. At this moment, two different bloodline auras were erupting inside her body, constantly merging and surging.

The aura on her body was rising at an astonishing speed!!!