
The Nine Queens Phoenix

She was a brave and warlike princess who had given up everything for love and eventually fed her love to a dog. In her new life, she stepped on this dog and crushed it into the dust, henceforth cutting off her love, but the strong shadow guards protected her with their lives and served her with loyalty, protecting her to the position that millions of people looked up to.

DaoistycR46S · ไซไฟ
60 Chs

Chapter 34: Climbing the Dragon

The third floor is not quite the same layout as the second floor.

A small open room is ventilated on all sides and can take in the whole view of Peach Blossom Mountain, but because of the perspective and height, it is difficult to see the view from elsewhere.

The corner of the staircase is guarded by guards, so no one can come up easily.

The four corners of the open hall are also guarded by black-clad guards, keeping an eye on all movements.

Night red aya stepped on the last stone stairs, as far as the eye can see, the entire third floor layout at a glance.

The middle of the open hall is covered with a soft crimson expensive carpet, a rectangular mahogany case in the middle of the carpet, dressed in a simple green man kneeling in front of the case, is focused on cooking tea.

The fragrance of tea is dense, diffused in the tip of the nose.

Night red aya silent look for a moment, did not deliberately to see the man's looks, just think that the other side was not ugly, a strong sense of presence, even at this time is doing the action of cooking tea, it is impossible to ignore the ... powerful aura emanating from his body.

Night red aya then quickly knew that to see himself is the person in front of him.

Lifting her feet and walking to the case, sitting on the blanket on the ground, she was silent and did not speak, as if extremely patient, waiting for the other party to complete the action of making tea.

The fragrance of tea lingers in the tip of the nose, seems to be able to brush away all the anxiety and disturbance, so that the mind and soul calm.

Night red aya turned her head to look out of the hall, the distant sky is vast and boundless, blue and clear, a blue as a wash. Pale as the mist of the clouds slowly surging, the sky is wide and clear clouds, vast and boundless.

"Princess Protector of the country is worthy of the Princess Protector of the country." The man took six teacups, slightly leaned over, and moved elegantly and calmly to pour tea for each teacup, "Please taste my handiwork, Princess."

From making tea to pouring tea, his movements from beginning to end as easy and elegant as flowing clouds, with a natural noble aura.

Night red aya retracted her eyes, quietly looked at the six tea on the long case, reached out and took the nearest one, placed it on his lips and sniffed it for a moment, then shallowly sipped it, tone light: "What are you? What do you want from this palace?"

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

The man in green raised his eyes, the ink hair draped over his shoulders naturally drooped as he raised his head, presenting before his eyes a noble and handsome face, as if deliberately carved by the heavens, perfect and unable to pick a flaw.

A strange man with noble and handsome looks and a powerful temperament.

"The princess is really an interesting person." The man's tone was light, and the deep color in his pupils lightly surged, "How is the taste of this tea?"

"This palace is a coarse person, can't taste the tea good or bad."

The man was stunned, obviously did not expect such an answer, could not help but stare at the night red aya for a long time, but how to look at her from this stunning beauty can not conclude that she is a coarse person.

But this point does not matter.

The man quickly raised his lips and smiled low: "Princess is still a wonderful person."

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

She is not an ordinary young girl of the age of love, and not so much leisure to play with each other what mutual praise, as for the flirtation, that is something that never existed.

So whether the other party is flirting or complimenting, in the night red aya is nonsense.

The man also seems to realize this, quickly into the subject: "Today to see your highness, there is something to talk to the princess."

Night red aya did not say a word, silently drinking tea.

"The Grand Instructor of the Divine Concealment Hall is one of the Princess's people, although he will not meet with the Princess, he will help Your Highness in the future when Your Highness has a need." The man picked up the tealight and tasted the tea, his posture was noble and elegant, "The Royal Shadow Guard he gave to the princess, Your Highness can use it with confidence, this person will never betray the princess."

Night red aya frowned slightly, the heart of her eyes coldly locked on the man in front of her, "What are you?"

The Mu Kingdom royal family's God's Hidden Palace knows everything, knows the Grand Instructor, knows Ayame, and knows what else?

If the affairs of the Mu Kingdom's royal family are under his control, then this person ...

"Your Highness Princess a little peace and quiet." The man seems to have seen the thoughts in the heart of the night red aya, smiling lightly and spoke, "I can not reveal my identity for the time being, but what was said is true. If I really have any evil intentions, today will not directly tell the princess this."

The night red aya convergence eyes silent.

"The only person who has seen the true face of this Royal Hidden Guard, besides the Grand Instructor, is the chamberlain who sent him into the Princess's residence." The man continued, "But that chamberlain has died."

Night Red Aya frowned slightly, only the Grand Instructor and that chamberlain?

"Your Highness did not mishear." The man smiled lightly, "even the emperor has not seen his real face, before in the divine hall hall training, hidden guards are wearing masks, only after leaving the hall can take off the mask."

Night red aya tone cold: "You know quite a lot about the situation of the divine Hidden Palace."

The man looked slightly paused, then slowly nodded his head, the tone of voice reveals a few profound meaning: "I have taken some trouble to check."

Night red aya also little reaction, only quietly drinking tea, eyebrows clear and cold, can not see the bottom of the emotions.

The man found that this protector princess is really a person with personality, even how good at lively atmosphere in front of her, only afraid that the heroes are useless.

The ordinary people after hearing his words, even if only out of wariness should certainly ask something, but the night red aya really is not a little curiosity like.

Even before asking his identity, but also with an absolute control of the overall situation of the air, he said, she listened; he did not want to say, she did not show concern - as if not put him in the eye.

Well, I should say, indeed, did not put him in the eyes.

After finishing a cup of tea, night red aya put down the tea: "If there is nothing else to say, this palace farewell."

The man was stunned, subconsciously reached out and pointed to the tea on the case: "The tea is not yet finished."

He spent half a day making it, and poured six teas with his own hands.

"You keep it for yourself to drink." Night Red Aya's tone was cold, and after saying these words, she turned to leave, without half a moment's hesitation of dryness.

"Your Highness wait a moment." The man opened his mouth, different from the seriousness of the party, the tone of voice with a slight carelessness, "Although I do not like Han Yujin, and I do not know this third son of Han too well, but I feel that using Han Qingbai to replace Han Yujin is an insult to this third son of Han."

This sentence was tantamount to nonsense to Night Red Aya.

So no matter what the other party wanted to test or express by saying this sentence, Night Red Aya was not interested in discussing with him and quickly lifted her feet to leave.

The man watched her obviously slim but than the man also craggy awe-inspiring back, slowly converge eyebrows, the heart of the eyes crossed a deep unpredictable light.

Princess Protector ...? The peach blossom forest is deep and quiet, the path is flat and winding, the air is lingering with wisps of crisp fragrance, refreshing the heart.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

"As a concubine son of the Han family, Qingbai rarely has the opportunity to walk in such harmony with the first son of the family." The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

Han Qi shook his fan, a leisurely and elegant: "Although the distinction between the first and concubine has always been strict, but in my opinion, the first son concubine itself can not determine their own origin, if the father can control the * * * and the family style, the Imperial capital of the son will only be the first son."

Han Qingbai smiled: "Han Gongzi's idea is very chic."

The only people who have ever said that concubine sons and daughters are inferior, and that concubines are not as honorable as the main family, but no one will blame the real culprit - if it weren't for men's inability to control their own a**, why would there be a difference between wives and concubines?

Whether it is the first son, or the humble concubine son, it is not up to you to decide.

But the current system gives men the right to three wives and four concubines, naturally, they are also divided into the first and concubine, ignorant babies are forced to divide the hierarchy as soon as they hit the ground, the first son enjoys the honor and thousands of favors, the concubine can only be tolerated and submissive.

The first son enjoys the honor and favor of thousands of people, and the concubine can only be patient and submissive.

"My family does not have so many bad things." Han Qi sighed, "If my father dared to take a concubine into the house and give us a concubine brother, my mother should not look for trouble with the concubine and the concubine son, and would just repudiate my father."

"The rumor that Shang Shu Han is afraid of his wife seems to be true." Han Qingbai laughed lightly, "But I really envy the fact that Lord Han grew up in such a home. The husband and wife are harmonious, the children are nurtured, and their temperament will be tolerant and upright."

"Third Prince is this a compliment?" Han Qi blinked.

Han Qingbai shook his head: "I'm telling the truth."

The two brothers of the Han family, the eldest son has a calm and indifferent temperament, low-key and introverted, the deputy commander of the forbidden army.

The second son, Han Pray, is optimistic and funny, the top of the list last year, but has not yet entered the court, in fact, he does not want to enter the court, to participate in the temple examination is also at the order of the elder brother, dare not disobey it.

"The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public. The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to the public.

Han Qingbai's tone was calm: "I'm just a concubine son, so I don't have any room to refuse in front of the princess."

"No room for refusal?" Han Qi was slightly silent, his eyebrows furrowed, "You mean to say that Princess Protector forced you?"

Han Qingbai shook his head and smiled lightly, "I did not say that."

Han Qi wrinkled his eyebrows, staring at his smile for a moment, his heart understood: "I understand."

On the surface, it was the princess who forced him to be her side husband, but Han Qingbai himself actually did not have much resistance.

As for the difficulty ...

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you are getting into.

The person who is included in the royal family, even if it is only a concubine, can not be implicated by the family - of course, provided that there is someone from the royal family shelter.

Han Qi can't say what his heart feels like, but suddenly he feels that ... the people of this world are really nothing interesting.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on this.

"Han Gongzi is disappointed with me?" The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Han Qi frowned slightly, but did not say anything.

He is a man of grace, will not arbitrarily comment on anything without knowing the facts.

"This idea is actually not guessed, I am indeed a person who climbs the dragon and phoenix, not so much high and pure character." Han Qingbai turned his head, looking ahead at the blue sky, the bottom of his eyes is a clear and bland, "Han Gongzi family style is strict and harmonious, brother and brother, so do not understand that some families, some people, some things are not visible ... In fact, over the years I have been holding a story in my heart, do not know who to tell I don't know who to tell it to."

The story?

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

But Han Qingbai shook his head: "This story concerns me personally, I am not close enough to you to share secrets."

Han Qi was silent.

"But there is one thing I can tell you, Sir Han." Han Qingbai smiled lightly, "But whenever I have a chance to send the Han family and the Shen family down to the eighteenth level of hell together, I will do it without hesitation, even if the world curses, even if the stench of a million years, I will not hesitate."

Han Qi was startled, and his eyes fell on him.

"I am a concubine son, lowly status, no power, no power, the heart has hate can only endure, the heart has revenge can not be revenge. In the Han House can only look at the first mother and first brother's face to live, twenty years like walking on thin ice." The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

He was smiling, but his eyes were flooded with the coldest light, the deepest hate.

Han Qi pursed his lips.

He is still too superficial.

Even though the word loyalty and filial piety is the bottom line that a gentleman must adhere to in this world, without knowing the experience of the other person, you have no right to comment on the other person's style of action.

The first thing you need to do is to get the dagger into the chest of the princess.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good idea of what you're getting into.

If the heart hatred is huge, then not to mention climbing the dragon and phoenix, even if it is to abandon as a man or even the most basic dignity and pride as a person, some people will not hesitate.

"I'm sorry." He spoke, "I ..."

Han Qingbai shook his head: "It's nothing. Duke Han doesn't need to feel sorry."

Han Qi was silent for a moment and said solemnly, "Today I met third son as soon as I saw him, if third son does not mind, let's make friends. If you need any help in the future, as long as you ask, Han Qi will not resist."