
The Nine Chronicles Of Sovereignty

Aryan Reeves, a young, hardworking filial farmer boy, is crippled and left for dead with a kidnapped brother, dead parents and no hope.

Noma_Diciok · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Saga Of Absorption

EP = 6750/350

The 'Seed of Absorption Saga' required one to construct their own 'Sovereignty Seed', the reason for this was because the existence of the 'The Nine Chronicles Of Sovereignty' was to train someone to go beyond the Heavens, the ultimate existence, the creator of everything, however, how would that be possible using the talent bestowed by the Heavens, it wouldn't allow the possibility for something to surpass itself, but it is also impossible to completely remove one's talent, or their 'Spirit Seed', it's possible to break or damage it, but not completely remove it, therefore this technique requires an anomaly, someone forgotten by the Heavens, someone like Aryan, without a Spirit Seed so that they could create their own with the potential to surpass Heaven's limit.

However, doing so would require energy way beyond the limits of a usual Body Perfection Stage Cultivator would be able to withstand, but with Aryan's current physique as well as the stockpiled wolf crystals it should be possible, therefore he sat in a meditative position with 70 odd shiny rocks in front of him, the Saga required Aryan to absorb the energy and condense it all into a single point inside his stomach, which was different from the usual positions of Spirit Seeds, where they were normally around their chest, and recite another mantra.

Aryan popped in the first crystal, one of the smallest, activated Organ Overdrive and started pooling the energy into his stomach which was directed by the mantra, as soon as he finished digesting the first crystal he swallowed the next, and this continued for days, after 10 crystals Aryan started to fill full from the size of the crystal, it was about the size of a golf ball in his stomach, however, it was quickly compressed by the mantra into the size of a marble - this was the first layer, but by increasing the density of the energy ball it started to release pressure onto the insides of Aryans body, this is when he realized just how important it was to increase his strength, as this kind of pressure would have caused the Aryan just from a couple of weeks ago to explode. By the 20th crystal, the size of the ball had returned to the size of a golf ball, therefore, using the mantra Aryan compressed the size down to a marble again, giving it the second layer, and also, double the pressure, however, it still wasn't enough to cause too many issues.

By the 25th crystal, Aryan started using the larger crystals and by the 27th, the third layer was formed. By the 32nd crystal, the fourth layer was finished and by the 37th layer, so was the fifth, however, at this point, the pressure was too much for Aryan to resist alone so he siphoned some of the energy gained from digesting the crystals and used them to momentarily strengthen the walls of his stomach. He did this until he reached the eighth layer and 52 crystals had been consumed, he now had to activate Boundless Blood to heal the damage done to his organs, inside his stomach was a floating crystal about the size of a grape inside of which was eight distinct layers, the pressure released at this point was so strong that the surrounding trees had started to billow and bend. Then he began to absorb the 53rd crystal the 54th…57th….62nd….68th, Aryan's body had started to break and literally tear from the pressure, however, the worst had yet to come, he had to now compress the final layer, immediately after compression began the pressure double causing his organs to rip and Aryan spit out blood, seeing he wouldn't make it at this rate, Aryan activated Pure Survival, keeping a balance between construction and destruction of cells. Aryan kept compressing the Seed, it started to phase in and out of existence as if trying to leave this plane for another, this meant it was close.

The crystal kept shrinking and his EP kept diving until with an anti-climatic 'click', the ninth layer was complete, however, Aryan still didn't let it leave to another plane of existence, because, he had an idea, it might not have been a good one but he decided to give it ago, there were now only two Crystals left a medium-size one and the Alphas Crystal, and without second thought Aryan picked up the grapefruit-size Crystal, chewed it to pieces and swallowed it, an immense flow of energy hit the nine-layered crystal, equal to all the previous crystals energy put together, causing its new 10th layer to balloon to the size of an apple, caught off guard by the sheer amount of energy the increase in pressure ravaged his insides, causing his to cough up mouthfuls of blood, he quickly poured as the rest of his EP reserves, about 3000EP - his absolute limit-, into strengthening the muscle surrounding his stomach, he then started to compress the tenth layer. The ground Aryan sat on started to cave and crack under the immense pressure, trees started to uproot and boulders began to flip, as the crystal condensed to the size of a tennis ball, then a golf ball, the pressure continued to increase, the destruction of his organs now outmatched the recovery rate of Boundless Blood, leading to his organs to began to fall apart, seeing it was now all or nothing, he swallowed the last medium-size crystal and converted it into pure EP - about 600 - which was then used as a last push to protect his organs from the final compression, as Aryans consciousness began to fade from blood loss, he heard one last sound. "Click!".