
The Nihility Chef

In a World of swords and magic, schemes and conspiracies and the looming threat of the fucking abyss can a chef truly survive and cook his way to the top? A young chef reincarnates into a fantasy world with his golden finger being his pseudo OP physique and bloodline. He strives to reach the peak of cooking and on his journey he becomes a legend, he becomes the strongest. In this world strength is all that matters. The strong rule and the weak serve. So tell me what are you, the strong or the weak? Will you control your own life or be at the mercy of others? Will you fight for your rights, for your freedom or will you surrender? I do not own the cover art :0

GluttonyAndGreed · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

New Members

People were streaming into the guild hall, quickly filling up the empty palace. Imum, the lich was wearing a charcoal grey tuxedo, with a golden tie that paired up nicely with his eyes. Under the ice blue light in the guild hall his pale skin almost looked translucent, it was dreamy.

Long Ke Ai, the cute little dragon was wearing a light pink pouf dress, that had a black ribbon tying the waist. She was wearing black stockings that reached the middle of her thighs, on her feet were suede and magenta Chelsea shoes. Her hair was pinned up by a silver dragon hair pin, she looked pure and playful, like a fairy in the mortal world.

Omaira was in sky flying towards The Void's Owl guild house, she was wearing a maroon red female blazer and pencil skirt. Her wings were twinkling in the moonlight as they screeched against the wind, she was moving at insane speeds. The screeching sound was not in sync with her movement due to her breaking the sound barrier!

Also in the air was a devilishly handsome teen. He had shoulder length, dark purple hair and one short black horn poking from his forehead. On his back were two black and leathery wings. The wings seemed to create sounds of anguish and pain whenever they flapped. He had ash coloured eyes and was wearing a black sweater with white polo shirt under it, black slacks and white dress shoes. He had quite fair skin and no other devil/demon feature indicating he had a very high-tier bloodline.

20 minutes later.

Alice had walked up to the centre after realising no one else was coming to the opening and she said her speech.

"Hello everyone, I'm glad you could make it. Before I say anything, I just want to thank Miss Omaira who built our beautiful guild." she announced pointing towards the genius architect.

Starting with Alice, the sound of clapping resounded throughout the guild hall, the seven executive members of The Void's Owl were clapping excitedly they were truly grateful to Omaira for what she made for them.

As soon as the clapping came to the end Alice continued, "Today, is the day The Void's Owl has truly started and the only thing I'm going to say is.... to all our enemies in the dark, beware, The Owl is watching you." she voiced domineeringly completely switching up the joyful atmosphere.

"Other than that, I hope you all have a great time." she said smiling like a spring breeze. Before any one could recover she had already walked to Samael signifying the start of the party.

After a brief awkwardness people began socialising, a lot of the freshman walking towards to Omaira to inquire if she could build their guild hall, she will probably have an enormous amount of work on her plate after tonight.

The main hall was decked out with food (the main hall can act as a dining room, living room and will also be where missions are posted, due to its huge size and how its already full of furniture.) Countless dishes from countless cultures were placed on the long table allowing the guests to get their own food.

The two dragons were happily running about putting everything they can find on their plate, Long Ke Ai, had dozens of Xiaolongbao (soup dumplings) on her plate it was almost like a mountain. Eos on the other hand, had a massive portion of mashed potatoes and Pinnekjott (Norwegian sheep dish??? if I got this wrong I apologise.). The Pinnekjott was made of Nine Yang Lamb and gave the eater a temporary fire breath, due to the immense hotness.

"Hey that's mine." two immature voices said at the same time.

The two dragons glared at each other both their hands were holding the same piece of an apple strudel, their was clearly another piece next to them but I guess their races rivalry also eliminated their IQ. While everyone else was having a fun timr, a life and death battle was happening right next to them, the atmosphere between the dragons grew tense if either of them made a move it would set of a series of attacks.

They were in a stalemate!

The slitted pupils signature to their race constricted, magenta eyes peered into black and black eyes peered into magenta.

'How beautiful' the two thought.

The tense atmosphere almost disappeared but they remembered what the other was and quickly went back to glaring.

"Hey guys, let's calm down." A gentle voice floated into their ears, it was Acala, "Put down your killing knives and turn to friendship, turn to peace." the monk said.

"Or at least ignore each other." he blandly said destroying his profound temperament.

Long Ke Ai and Eos stared at each other one more time and huffed, "Fine." (These two seem to be in sync a lot. :0)

"Look you're going to be in the same guild now, put aside your differences or I'll tell Sami not to cook for you anymore."

"No" Eos said, his immature face had a terrified expression on it.

"Don't" Long Ke Ai exclaimed, "I promise I won't lower myself to fight him again."



On the other side of the main hall was Titan he was 2.25 metres tall (this is the smallest state he can be in, his true form is obviously bigger), his ice blue skin wrapped tightly around his huge muscles. He had short black hair and very soft features.

His temperament felt very docile or meek, however his clear green eyes shone with unbreakable determination. Most surprisingly however were his slender, long and smooth hands, they looked like hands that were used in something gentle like playing piano.

"Hello, handsome man wait up."

Samael felt chills crawl up his spine, 'He knew handsomeness was too much for these scrubs' he narcissistically thought.

The man who spoke looked weirdly at Sami, "Hey I'm not interested in you, I was just making an observation, also I'm pretty sure I'm better looking than you.."

Sami turned around to face the man.

The teen stretched out his hand, "Well, my name is Kane Oizys and I'm, as you can clearly see a devil" Kane said grinning, " And this devil wants to join your guild."

Time passed and The Void's Owl guild opening soon came to an end, the people that were still here either wanted to sign up for the guild or knew the seven. Dozens of people joined the guild, maybe due to the potential of the members or something as simple as the great food served today. Some of those people included Long Ke Ai, Eos, Imum and Rosa as they mentioned before and then people who came here today, Kane, The Titan and many others.


Info of the day - Spirit Fires

Spirit fires are semi sentient treasures. Semi sentient beings are similar to something like A.I in the real world, they may not have emotions but they can do what's instinctively best for them.

Spirit fires work similarly to Natal Treasures they can grow with you and are stored in your body, however you will not lose your cultivation if they are broken, you just have to experience the excruciating pain of them leaving your body.

Spirit fires can be stolen and eaten people that steal them/eat them are called Flame Devourers. They are mainly used by Alchemists or Forgers due to fire being needed in their line of work.

They are a unique existence as even though there are other treasures that cans help you auxiliary none of them have any intelligence. The semi sentience of Spirit Fires can become very helpful at times for example if you were unconscious your spirit fire could help you and protect you.


Next Chapter: Bastard!

This chapter is 25 minutes later, sorry about that I was doing some finishing touches. Also I was planning out the next few chapters, get ready bangers are gonna be created.

We have finally got the basis of the guild and we can truly get in to the fun stuff.

What is your moral alignment? Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil or Chaotic Evil.

I'm chaotic neutral, that's why Sami is chaotic neutal too.

GluttonyAndGreedcreators' thoughts