
The Nightmarish And Awesomely Heroes: The First Heroes

Before we go ahead, this Novel was supposed to have character images in it, where it does have images on other Novel Sites, so in this non-image version, the characters will just be described in detail and so on. Now without further ado. In a world with constant war between races like humans, elves, beasts, angels, demons and Nightmares and so on. A team of Supernatural, Mythical, Nightmarish and Powerful Heroes has gathered together to stop the war once and for all. And to protect the world from all those that are evil and pure chaos that wants to conquer or completely annihilate the world! This will be the first Novel of Nightmarish And Awesomely Heroes (Also known as TNAAH), In this Novel the first heroes will be born to protect the world known as Earth (In an alternate universe, this Earth is known as Earth 25746). Be aware, this story contains intense violence, gore, and potentially dark content, and there won't be any sexual content, but there will be indications and suggestions of it.

Mr_Tank_Writer · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Prologue 1 – How it all began

Long, Long… Like super very long time ago, when there was nothing in existence but pure darkness, A speck of light was

born, and it was known as a Creator, it was the first Creator to exist, it then started creating things, it was like something

told it to create, and it was creating planets, stars, nature and then life, for centuries it was creating, but then another Creator

was born, The Creator of Darkness and Death, it hated the Creator of Light and Life's guts, so it created wicked things that

would destroy or conquer the creations of the other one, But the Light Creator fought back and created its own powerful

creations, and so they fought for millennia, Both trying to out create something stronger than the other, it was a war that

Shattered Planets and Stars everywhere…

But that wasn't the end of it, subsequently even more Creators were born, But they're colourful, and there were thousands of

them, They all joined with the Light creator strengthening their forces, together they were able to drive back the dark Creator,

forcing it to create a private Pocket dimension to hide in, After that a few of the coloured ones decided to help create with the

light one, and another few wanted to create things on their own…

Then there were others that caught the corruption and darkness that the dark one left behind, they started making creations

of chaos and evil to destroy the creations of others, After that happened a few more coloured Specks of light were born, but

they looked a little different from the usual circular specks that creates, Some looked circular, but they were a bit spiky, Some

looked like a square… also known as a block, two looked like a Triangle… or a pyramid, one of them is flipped upside down,

And… *Ahem* THEN THERE WAS THE ONE… AND ONLY… ME!… A smaller circular speck thingy… ANYWAYS. Back to the story at hand, The spiky circle-looking ones started eliminating the normal circles known as Creators

that wreaked havoc, Surprised as heck, all the bad ones panicked and created their own dimension, pocket dimension, universe,

you name it, Some that weren't bad feared the spiky's and did the same, and some decided to make their own public

normal pocket dimension and universe, Including the Light Creator, And so the spiky's roamed the universe making sure the

ones that create doesn't cause too much trouble for the universe to handle, otherwise they will be eliminated, And the block-

*AHEM* Square ones are there to make sure the Creators doesn't make anything way too outlandish or too powerful for

the universe to handle, or if their creations are the exact same as other creations of other Creators because their job is to

destroy it if there is, The two Triangle's job is to modify the creations the Creators created (Try saying that a couple of times

over) making them better… stronger… or weaker… And if the Creators aren't allowing it then well… the other twos an option.

And there you have it, There are the Creators That create, and a lot of them have similar or almost identical types that

creates similar things like the other, like there's a Creator of inferno, Creator of fire, and Creator of flames, they are able to create fire type creations, and there can only be one Creator with the same name.

Now the ones that eliminate Creators are called the Eliminators, even though they can eliminate Creators, The Creator with

the same name will be reborn in a single year, but they will have a different personality.

The ones that destroy creations and copies from Creators, And looks like a block are called a Destructor, and then the two types of triangles Or pyramids that modify, The one that's upside down can modify life and living creatures, it's called a

Blesser, The one that can modify inanimate things, non-living, is called an Upgrader.

And now finally me, I will be your Guide, or Narrator… Reader, I am the only one that knows about your existence, I was born to guide or narrate you through the story, I am known as a Guider, Now there were others, but they are long forgotten or eliminated by the eliminators, so there is no point in telling what they were.

Now with that finally settled, Welcome to our Galaxy! A Galaxy name Alt Alternate, Now it's time to jump into the story!

After years of creations Planet Earth was born, Created by the Creator of Light and Life and a few hundred of other

Creators, the Planet Earth went on for thousands of years without any catastrophic incidents, until the prehistoric ages…