
The NightBlade

Arcania, a world where magic dominates, different races are fighting for the peak of the Holy Mountain where the you can receive the blessings of the Gods. The most Dominant of the races, which are the Undead is slowly becoming more and more dangerous with their dark magic. Thus to prevent this, the races formed alliances in order to stop the Undead. The Alliance, which consists of Humans, High Elves and the dwarves. The Marsh, which consists of the remnants of the beast race. The Sentinels, which consists of the Night Elves and the Dark Elves. These alliances had managed to win against the Undead. Because of this the Undead have been forced to live in the shadows for them to continue to exist. The remaining races formed a contract, in which they will no longer kill for the right to climb the Holy Mountains. They will hold competitions every decade for all the races in Arcadia in which each race will choose it's young generations to compete, the elders are not allowed because they have great battle experience in the Great War. The race that wins 100 matches shall have the right to ascend the Holy Mountains. Arcania, city of Varsandra, Human Race. There has been a revolution against the Empire because of the discrimination against the people who have low or zero affinity of magic, a few of the elders of the Magic Court had joined this revolution. There is a rumor that tells about a mysterious person that kills the generals of the Empire that is against the revolution, thus he was called the "Spark" of the revolution. There happens to be another rumor in which that mysterious person also kills the leaders of the revolution and that person was entitled by the Empire, the Imperial Justice. But there is another title in which he is famous, the NightBlade. He kills his targets during the night, with his unparalleled strength and speed and his swift and destructive magic. What is this man's aim? Whose side is he on? Is he the "Spark" of the Revolution? Or is he the "Justice" of the Empire?, or is he the Doom Bringer sent by the Undead?

NeMeSis_ChAoS · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 15: Cherished Dreams

As Kairi and Val watched the shadow move at an instantaneous speed.

"It's heading to exit the Academy" Kairi said.

"Should we chase it?" Val asked.

"I don't think we can even tail it" Kairi responded.

Kairi was racking her brain for why would the shadow exit the Academy. Is it from the outside?, if it is, is it hiding it's true form or is it a type of monster? These questions were bugging Kairi. There were different types of beasts, such as the sacred beast, Phoenix, high beast, Lunar Wolves and the sacred beast, Lightning Wyvern and a lot more. If this "Shadow" is really a beast, then it might be a new specie.

"Do you think it's a beast?" Kairi asked Val.

"Uhh, I don't know, but it's completely a shadow right?" Val replied.

"A shadow" Kairi was thinking, when she suddenly remembered Kaito, if he knew about the Dark Element maybe he might know what this shadow is.

"Maybe we should ask Kaito" Kairi suggested.

"You think so?"

"Yes, if he knows about the Dark Element, maybe he might know what that" Shadow" truly is" Kairi answered.

"Then lead the way" Val agreed.

The two then went on their way to find Kaito.


Outside the Academy, The Great Forest's entrance:

"Running away sure is tiring" Kaito said as he tried to catch his breath.

"They're really curious, aren't they?"

"Good thing that I already lost them, if not, I think I should have died"

Kaito sat down near a tree. He stabilized his breathing and looked at the beautiful blue sky.

"If only everyone is as pure as the sky, will you be still be by my side?" Kaito said as a tear flowed out of his right eye.

"I should go back" Kaito told himself, he then vanished.


"Where is he?" Kairi said as she took a seat.

"I think we've already searched the whole Academy" Val said as she stabilized her breathing.

"We shou-" A voice from behind interrupted.

"You were looking for me?" Kaito said.

"Were you following us?" Kairi asked.

"Just now" Kaito replied.

"Where have you been?"

"Forget about that, why are you looking for me?"

"We have a question for you" Kairi answered Kaito.

"What is it?"

"It's something that has a human shape but it's body is purely shadow, I guess" Kairi said.

Val also listened at what Kaito has to say.

Kaito was silent for a while.

"A shadow beast, it's a beast formed by human emotions, the shadow's intensity increases as it's emotion is stronger, though for some cases the shadow beast can have multiple emotions". Kaito explained.

"Can they speak?"

"Naturally, -"

"Kairi! The fights for the 1v1 matches have been announced" Veronica shouted.

"Veronica?" Val was surprised.

Veronica saw Kaito and her expression changed as she still remembered what Kaito did, even if he did managed to save Kairi, but it doesn't change the fact that he relied on her to win. She was also curious as why would Kairi even keep talking to a loser like him.

"We should leave Kaito for now" Val whispered at Kairi.


"We can't destroy what he plans to keep, if we are kept being seen together with him, his low profile will get destroyed" Val continued whispering.

"Fine" Kairi replied as she glanced back at Kaito and left with Veronica and Val.

They then went to see the upcoming matches. Whenever Veronica would ask why Kairi was with Kaito, Val would always change the topic, this way they avoided exposing Kaito's secret and also keep his low profile.

Kaito watched them for some time and then  went on his way.


In one of the streets of Varsandra, near the Academy:

"Our plan is nearing" an old man said.

"Yes, finally, our longed cherished dream will be granted" another said.

"Don't celebrate too early, even though this plan is good, it's not perfect. We still doesn't know who is helping her in the shadows" an intimidating voice said.

"If this plan fails, we have to use "Him" ". An elder suggested.

" I just hope it won't come to that"


A burning land can be seen. Shouts of anguish and fear can be heard throughout the whole land.

A man standing in the midst of the chaos while carrying a girl at his left hand while a sword at his right hand.

"You can stop now"

"How can I do that?"

"I'm only a burden to you"

"That's not true"

"I want you to live"

"Then we can live together" the man said as tears flowed out his eyes.

"I'm sure you can live on without me"

"How can you say that!"

"I know, because your - - - - -" the girl said as she breathed her last.

"AHHHHHHHH!" the man cried.

Beasts from different directions came and pounced at him. A dark light came from the man and the beasts were all evaporated in an instant.

"I'll make sure none of you will walk this land as long as I'm alive"

The man continued to massacre the hordes of beasts, even the dead bodies evaporates as he passed through them.


Kaito woke up from his sleep.

"From all of my memories, why does it have to make me remember this" Kaito said as tears started flowing.

"If only"

"If only they hadn't come" Kaito said, his voice full of hatred.

A knock can be heard at his door.


"Anybody home?"

He knew this voice. It was Kairi's.

Kaito then wiped his tears and went to open the door.

"Uh, sorry for coming without notice" Kairi said as she entered. The whole room was messy, it seemed like this house was never cleaned for a week.

"It's fine, sorry for the mess" Kaito replied. He then took a seat at one side if his room. Kairi looked for one and placed it in front of Kaito, she then took her sit.

"Are you living alone?" Kairi asked.

"Forget about me, what are you here for?" Kaito responded.

"It's about the school competition"

"What about it?" Kaito was curious.

"Our teacher told me, that if I ever lose the upcoming match, she will pick me a new partner, if that happens, I'll lose all my reasons for being with you. I still have a lot to learn, I really need to get strong enough" Kairi answered.

"I don't think you'll lose, you have your own strength and weaknesses, if you can find a way to make up for your weaknesses, then your chances of winning shall rise. Of course you should also plan ahead depending on your opponents" Kaito replied.

"You really think so?"

"You're not the Academy's no. 1 student for nothing right?"

Kairi was surprised, she never thought that she would hear this words from Kaito. She also wanted to thank Kaito for agreeing to teach her and Val the Dark Arts. Maybe, this time is right.

Kairi smiled warmly and said:

"Thank You"

Tears flowed out Kaito's left eye. He had forgotten this warmth, he had always wanted to feel it again but fate didn't let him. Overwhelmed by his emotions, he stood up and hugged Kairi.

"K-K-Kaito??" Kairi was surprised and confused. Why would Kaito shed tears and then hug him?

"H-Hey, are you alright?" Kairi said as she tried to shake off Kaito. But she noticed that he is already asleep, his face is was too close at Kairi's. This made her blushed.

"Hey" Kairi repeatedly tried to wake Kaito up but didn't succeed. She then used wind magic to transport Kaito's sleeping body back to his bed. She then breathed out a sigh.

"Why did this happen in the first place?" Kairi asked herself while waiting for Kaito to wake up.