
The NightBlade

Arcania, a world where magic dominates, different races are fighting for the peak of the Holy Mountain where the you can receive the blessings of the Gods. The most Dominant of the races, which are the Undead is slowly becoming more and more dangerous with their dark magic. Thus to prevent this, the races formed alliances in order to stop the Undead. The Alliance, which consists of Humans, High Elves and the dwarves. The Marsh, which consists of the remnants of the beast race. The Sentinels, which consists of the Night Elves and the Dark Elves. These alliances had managed to win against the Undead. Because of this the Undead have been forced to live in the shadows for them to continue to exist. The remaining races formed a contract, in which they will no longer kill for the right to climb the Holy Mountains. They will hold competitions every decade for all the races in Arcadia in which each race will choose it's young generations to compete, the elders are not allowed because they have great battle experience in the Great War. The race that wins 100 matches shall have the right to ascend the Holy Mountains. Arcania, city of Varsandra, Human Race. There has been a revolution against the Empire because of the discrimination against the people who have low or zero affinity of magic, a few of the elders of the Magic Court had joined this revolution. There is a rumor that tells about a mysterious person that kills the generals of the Empire that is against the revolution, thus he was called the "Spark" of the revolution. There happens to be another rumor in which that mysterious person also kills the leaders of the revolution and that person was entitled by the Empire, the Imperial Justice. But there is another title in which he is famous, the NightBlade. He kills his targets during the night, with his unparalleled strength and speed and his swift and destructive magic. What is this man's aim? Whose side is he on? Is he the "Spark" of the Revolution? Or is he the "Justice" of the Empire?, or is he the Doom Bringer sent by the Undead?

NeMeSis_ChAoS · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

Chapter 12: Shadow Arts

The School Library is more silent today as students are focusing more on the School Competition. Kaito doesn't need to reserve tables anymore. He didn't mind to wait for Kairi as he can sense that she is already following him. He entered the Library and took a seat at a vacant table and waited for Kairi to arrive. Kairi arrived after some time then took a sit in front of Kaito.

"The Shadow Arts, one of the basic magic of the Dark Element, is what you are going to learn this day or more" Kaito said as he looked at the tons of books at the Library.

"Are you mocking me?, basics?" Kairi said as she was annoyed by the thought of going bact to basics.

"I don't, but the Shadow Arts is not as easy as you think it is" Kaito said with a serious face.

"Practicing the Dark Element can lead to your death" Kaito added.

"And why is that?" Kairi asked.

"When using the Shadow Arts, you use your life force as a base of the magic circle, if you fail to form it, your life force will leave your body, the more you fail, the higher the chances you'll die" Kaito explained.

"You can also quit here if you're afraid of the risk" Kaito said as he stood up, as if knowing that Kairi would quit already.

"I still wish to learn!" Kairi said, her head down.

Kaito was surprised a little, no man would ever risk his life for something he/she doesn't even know.

Kaito then walked up at Kairi, he placed his hand on her shadow.

"Can you move" Kaito asked.

"Of course" Kairi replied as she was wondering why Kaito would ask something as stupid as that.

"How about now?" Kaito asked again, a black magic circle appeared on Kairi's shadow.

Kairi was supposed to respond but she can no longer move, not even her mouth.

"As you can see, Shadow Binding is almost the same as Holy Binding, their major difference is, Holy Binding binds those who are weaker while Shadow Binding can bind anyone as long as you placed the magic circle at the target's shadow. Kaito explained as he removed the magic circle at Kairi's shadow.

"It's only weakness is, when your binded targets is three times stronger than you, your shadow will be binded as well, making you vulnerable. I advise you only use this at a one-on-one matches or fights". Kaito then took his sit.

"Is there a limit on how many you can bind?" Kairi asked curiously.

"None, as long as it's strength doesn't reach threefold of your strength, you can bind as many as you want" Kaito explained.

"Then if I c-"

"You can't use this too many times, remember that Dark Magic consumes your life force, if too much life force leaves your body, you might pass out, if that ever happened, the magic will wear off" Kaito said while looking at Kairi.

"When can we start?" Kairi asked.

"Try binding my shadow now" Kaito said as he stood up from his seat.

"EHH?? Now??" Kairi was surprised.

"Yes, now" Kaito said calmly.

"But the incantations" Kairi said.

"There is none, just transfer your life force to mine then a magic circle will form, if you transfer some condensed mana on it, it shall stop me from moving". Kaito said.

"I'll try" Kairi said nervously as she chanted a magic circle made of her life force at Kaito's shadow.

"Good, put some condensed mana now".

"Ah, yes" Kairi said as her hands continued shaking.

The magic circle glowed, and Kaito can feel that it's getting hard to move. The magic circle shook as it danced wildly at Kaito's shadow. Kaito immediately changed the flow of mana at the magic circle to stop it from activating.

"If I hadn't stopped mana immediately, you should have lost some years in your life" Kaito said as he sat back.

"S-Sorry" Kairi said as she was afraid of the thought of failing too many times will cost her life.

"Don't be nervous, focus" Kaito said as he wrote something in the air.

"Don't tell me this is what the top student of the Academy can do" Kaito said as he continued writing in the air.

Kairi breathed some air then calmed herself. She then asked Kaito if she can try again. Kaito stood up again and his shadow can now be seen clearly as he was blocking the path of light. Kairi then formed the magic circle, and focused as she transferred condensed mana at the magic circle.

As the two of them stayed at the Library, the results for the first 10 pairs have been selected.

Starting from Chapter 13, the chapters will be longer.

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