
The next generation (Book 1: The Awakening)

Basically the only relation to DC is the super powers and the speed force just because I like the power but I will change it a bit also I am getting ideas from my friends so hope you enjoy, now onto the facts. In a world where the weird is normal such as superpowers with powers like flight, teleportation, strength, fire control and mind control just to name a few with over 10% of the population have these amazing abilities, heroes were created to fight back the villains being paid lots to save the worlds from these constant threats to humanity, now a new group of heroes in training will rise up to fight with our main character faking, pretending to be weak and being slower, to save the mentor he sees as father. What challenges will he find in keeping his secret from his friends, classmates and future villains. Find out now. One of the people write this is my good friend, ProjectRun

PainsSpeedster33 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

The Disaster

As Jack saw the creature of destruction, he was frozen as he heard the words, all it took was a mere second to realise he wasn't prepared to fight this demon, as he just stood there looking around at the situation. Jack tried to run to help the civilians but was stopped by the demon when he had only just taken his first speed step.

When the demon was in front of Jack it was in an instant with the speed demon releasing their speed force aura.

"Jack," the speed demon yelled at them "you may try to be a hero but it isn't in your blood, you will join me whether now or after some tempting as I am Devastation in it's true form!"

As Devastation, as we know them now, said that he ran so fast he opened a rift but too fast for even Jack to see him, as he left a letter slowly fell in his all it said was " You have 6 months to answer me back, until then Light Speed."

Jack ran, ran faster than he had ever before knowing he was too slow, he would never be able to save his only loved ones if Devastation can come here and beat loads of heroes like it was nothing, he knew he needed to be faster and that is exactly what he will do.

Meanwhile... At a random mansion

A group of people in suits sat round a table with guards who held weapons at the sides of the room looking like defence.

"Myles, today is the day you start training for your first mission." ordered the person at the head of the table.

"What is it, grandfather?" asked the young boy, five seats down on the left from his grandfather, named Myles.

"Bring Alan Walker to me in 13 and a half months time." answered the grandfather

"Dead or Alive?" Myles asked a question yet again.

"Alive, I would like to get him and his powers in our hands." that was the last thing said by the grandfather before he left the room.

On Earth 73 (My other Earths will be different from both Marvel and DC)

"WHERE DID SHE GO?!" Yelled a huge annoyed guy.

"We Captain, we will do our best." answered almost everyone around him.

"Good, remember she is my daughter, yet possess powers of ice and can seemingly teleport, get her too me now." replied to his men.

"Yes Captain." they all chanted.

Back on Earth 1

Both Nevaeh and Alan where searching for Jack but couldn't see anything even after going to the place he zoomed of too, they won't forget him even if he disappears to never be seen again.