
The next generation (Book 1: The Awakening)

Basically the only relation to DC is the super powers and the speed force just because I like the power but I will change it a bit also I am getting ideas from my friends so hope you enjoy, now onto the facts. In a world where the weird is normal such as superpowers with powers like flight, teleportation, strength, fire control and mind control just to name a few with over 10% of the population have these amazing abilities, heroes were created to fight back the villains being paid lots to save the worlds from these constant threats to humanity, now a new group of heroes in training will rise up to fight with our main character faking, pretending to be weak and being slower, to save the mentor he sees as father. What challenges will he find in keeping his secret from his friends, classmates and future villains. Find out now. One of the people write this is my good friend, ProjectRun

PainsSpeedster33 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


Nic's P.O.V

So my friend, Nevaeh, has a friend who has been missing for about 4 months now, his name was Jackson Allen, I think that was it.I tried to search for him as help to Nevaeh and Alan look for him but we couldn't find him.

Hopefully we find him soon, I heard them say he has powers and everyone needs a powerful hero right now.


In the multiverse, the first nine worlds, earth 1 - 9 are in chaos, the speed demon named Devastation is going around as he still hadn't got the reply he searches for more speedsters

New Flash's P.O.V

I woke up after my training from yesterday, I have recently, ever since fighting Black Death, a speedster on this earth, have been going at least 10 times my average speed going at ruffle 1,000,000 miles per second, I have aged 4 months even though on this earth it feels like 8 years.

I need to be at least double my speed now, to be fast enough to stop him from destroying my first earth, I once wanted to go there, back home but it would never help anyone, especially not the ones I care about.

I am will help here on Earth 13 while I can but the villains are different in a way I have never seen before, they are usually either cybernetic or normal humans.

Some such as 'The Crusher' who is a cyborg who has two giant cybernetic arms while wearing a exoskeleton armour on the rest of his body, or another one being 'Dead Eye' who has a cybernetic eye and fights with guns almost always hitting his mark with his laser rifle he fights with.

Both of them were hard to beat, with Crusher I had to phase his arms of of his body to be able to beat him as those arms are too heavy to carry and his armour allows him to stay in place as well as being immune to lightning.

While with Dead Eye his laser rifle goes at the speed of light with me only just being able to dodge all of them once I activated a mode I call the Speed Mode allowing me to almost have full control over the speed force for 1 minute maximum before I can't do it again for 1 month, in that form I can go as fast as I want with the downside being If I use it for longer than 1 minute I will be knocked unconscious for 7 and a half months.

I need to get faster in the next 4 years on this earth if I want to win, I am the New Flash.