
The next generation (Book 1: The Awakening)

Basically the only relation to DC is the super powers and the speed force just because I like the power but I will change it a bit also I am getting ideas from my friends so hope you enjoy, now onto the facts. In a world where the weird is normal such as superpowers with powers like flight, teleportation, strength, fire control and mind control just to name a few with over 10% of the population have these amazing abilities, heroes were created to fight back the villains being paid lots to save the worlds from these constant threats to humanity, now a new group of heroes in training will rise up to fight with our main character faking, pretending to be weak and being slower, to save the mentor he sees as father. What challenges will he find in keeping his secret from his friends, classmates and future villains. Find out now. One of the people write this is my good friend, ProjectRun

PainsSpeedster33 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Earth 73


On Earth 73, a world were the corrupt are strong with abilities while the ones who believe in justice are weak.

Villains from this world are more powerful from the beginning, one who could freeze the essence of time while being able to create and control ice, her name being Frostica.

The few strong heroes on Earth 73 are a group known as the 'Gods of Few' all naming themselves after Greek Gods such as their physically strongest member who can lift a skyscraper, their name being Heracles or Cronos who is said to be fast enough to go through and change time itself. The leader of the group is named Zeus who can create, control and turn into lightning.

Anyway let's go to the leader of the main city around this Earth, Maple Zelus, he has the power to put thoughts into people's heads making them think it was there idea, he is a verbally abusive parent to his daughter, or was as his daughter has gone from that Earth reaching Earth 1 and fighting a vigilante nicknamed Void.

Maple realising this, or more like realised that he was getting more angry, made an agreement with a speedster for his men to be put around the multiverse in search of her.

Them not knowing that Devastation has claimed Earth 1-9 they were all slaughtered by his goons in an instant.

On Earth 73 though for about a week a hero named New Flash was there but left after realising he ages like normal there but when he was there crime dropped around 26.5% but left in almost a hurry.

One good thing though about this Earth is all the food and drink is too the best qualities as well as there being almost no corrupt hero unless they are extremely weak and have to be.

One battle between heroes and villains on this Earth was were The Gods of Few had almost died with only just being saved from being blown to hell by Chronos as he traveled back in time and killed the villain before he was even born.

For now though that is all we know about that Earth, what will we find out next.