
The next generation (Book 1: The Awakening)

Basically the only relation to DC is the super powers and the speed force just because I like the power but I will change it a bit also I am getting ideas from my friends so hope you enjoy, now onto the facts. In a world where the weird is normal such as superpowers with powers like flight, teleportation, strength, fire control and mind control just to name a few with over 10% of the population have these amazing abilities, heroes were created to fight back the villains being paid lots to save the worlds from these constant threats to humanity, now a new group of heroes in training will rise up to fight with our main character faking, pretending to be weak and being slower, to save the mentor he sees as father. What challenges will he find in keeping his secret from his friends, classmates and future villains. Find out now. One of the people write this is my good friend, ProjectRun

PainsSpeedster33 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs



As Light Speed disappeared in the distance from Nevaeh and Alan more explosions occurred as well as villains showed up, one blasting ice in every direction, loads of villains harming others or destroying the surroundings as well.

Suddenly lots of them had suddenly gotten slashes as they fell to the ground with anti-power handcuffs on, all of them were unconscious, well all the ones that were slashed, as Light Speed stands over them some of them left including a girl that was fighting with ice before while the rest stayed to fight Light Speed or Jack as his real name.

Suddenly, all of them charged, one creating cover for the others while the ones who could fire projectiles stayed with them as the close combat came up, blades swiped at Jack as a flame fist hit him from behind burning him, he started phasing through the attacks, first ran and took out the long ranged fighters then went to the one making the close combatants have cover as well as higher defence.

After taking out her, he ran at the close combat fighters, one who was faster than the others managed to land a hit when Jack wasn't paying attention breaking a few bones in his body.

Jack then saw heroes arriving, one being the top hero in the country, maybe even the world, they have super strength, speed(not on speedforce level), durability, stamina and can fly, his name being The Ultimate Jackass, as Jack likes to call him, his actual hero name being The Ultra Being, they are known for their strength and annoyingness, constantly being an idiot letting people die if it gets him good and better fame.

Light Speed quickly ran towards the next fight even with his broken bones as they were already starting to heal, Jack got to the place where the first explosion happened, only to find most of the top heroes on the ground, most likely dead as a sort of demon stands on top of the bodies.

"Hello, Light Speed, ready to join me or ready to die." the demonic being says as they sort of look down at Jack as this creature was a foot taller with Jack being 6ft 2 at this moment.

The being gets up looking at Jack as the speedster is frozen in space, scared for the first time in almost 4 years now.