
Chapter 7


I woke up and the faint smell of cinnamon apple wrapped around me. I thought that Jasper was next to me but there was nobody there.

I lifted my head and saw that his shirt was next to me which means... A shirtless Jasper is running around.

I got up to go find Jasper to give him back his shirt.

As I walked up and down the palace I realized I don't know where his room was. As I walked the hallway I missed having my sister with me to do dumb things with and so I wasn't walking the halls by myself, I had made up my mind to ask for my family once I get the moment as I was going to turn the corner I saw Jasper talking to someone.

She was a girl who looked around my height. She had pale skin and rich blonde hair. She was wearing a skirt that was a little too small for her. She saw me and then started to smirk. She looked back at Jasper.

"Let me show you how much I love you, " she said before she pulled Jasper into a deep kiss.

I felt a little pain in my heart as they kissed. I don't know who pulled away but, I just stood there in shock.

"Opps I didn't see you there," she said

Jasper turned around and saw me. I didn't know what to say or do so I ran, I didn't know where I was running to but I had to get away. I felt weird. Like I shouldn't be jealous but I was. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't realize Jasper had caught up with me.

I felt Jasper pull my arm to stop me. I couldn't meet his eyes.

"Amaya that-"

"Wasn't what it looked like?" I said finishing his sentence

"Yes, I know it may have looked like that but she-" he started but stopped and lowered his head.

"You know what it's fine I shouldn't be jealous, it's not like we're dating or anything." I couldn't meet his eyes like if I did I'd lose this battle.

"Your right, we're not but I want to. You and I are meant to have this special connection, I feel it and I know you feel it too. So please, believe me when I say she kissed me and it felt like her lips were on fire and not the good kind, and her breath made the kiss taste like some kind of dead meat and onions, her tongue was like slushy garbage."

I laughed a little when he was telling me about the kiss.

"But seriously, I didn't like it as much as you did."

"How do you know I didn't like it?" I asked

"Because you ran away and only people who care run away." he said with a cocky smile. I had to think of something to change the subject before I get hypnotized.

"Oh um. Here is your shirt back. I thought you were running around shirtless so." I said holding the shirt out.

"You were thinking of me shirtless?" he said in an 'oh really' voice. I thank God that I had dark skin because if I didn't then I would be as red as a tomato.

"Not like that," I said trying to defend myself

"Keep it."

"Why? it's yours"

"I want to know that my scent will be on you." he had the biggest ego but the biggest heart at the same time. Was that possible?

"Well you're going to have to wear it again, the scent is gone."

"Ok, that can be fixed." he lifted the shirt he was wearing taking it off. I wasn't surprised when I saw his abs, he had a toned body. He handed me the shirt that he had just taken off and took the other one to put on. I lifted the shirt to my nose to smell it my insides were on fire once I did.

"I love seeing him without a shirt," the voice said again. I was surprised to hear and feel her again, she seems to come out when I am having a moment with Jasper.

I could see the smirk that grew on his face as I focused on the voice of what may be my wolf. "What are you thinking about?" he asked fixing his shirt.

"Nothing, but I do have a question," I said

"What's up?"

"You've made it clear that I'm not being held hostage here, so may I see my family?"

I could see the hesitation in his face, I was afraid that he wouldn't let me go because I would tell them about this new world but I wouldn't because I knew they wouldn't be able to handle it.

"I won't tell them anything but I can't just leave them. They are my family" I pleaded with him

"You can go to see them but it will have to be the last time," he said

"What do you mean?"

"We can't have a life in this realm and the human realm, not only is it not smart but it's dangerous you will want to tell them sooner or later and I can't risk endangering my pack or any other pack. I can let you say your goodbyes but that's it."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, this man has already blown up my life, and now he wants me to leave the people who raised and loved me. I would be damned if he tried to take them away from me.

"No" I stated

"What?" he said looking confused at me

"I said no, I won't be saying goodbye to anyone. I think I can handle a secret, I'm not a child-"

"You may not be a child on the outside but in this world, in this realm you are," he said cutting me off, he was acting more defensive

His body language had changed too, he was chill and cheeky but now his whole body has stiffened and he had a brooding look on his face. I didn't like how quickly he changed the way he was acting.

"What's with the way you are acting?" I wanted to know if he was bipolar so I could make a mental note about it

"That's the thing about you newbreeders, you get an inch and then you want a mile" he started to move closer to me as I backed away from him. "Why do you have to ask for so much? Damn, I thought you were going to be different" he said before he stormed off.

I stood there shocked at what just happened he had blown up over the smallest thing. I was under the impression that I could be free here, clearly, I was wrong. I walked back to the room I was staying in. I sat on the bed thinking of a way I could leave this place, I could see a little town from the balcony of the room. If I could get there I could maybe call my mom and get her to come to get me.

"I don't want you to leave we just found our mate," the voice in my head said

"Why should you get to decide what I did?" I asked out loud

"I am your wolf spirit, I am what will help you turn into a wolf and get in touch with your supernatural abilities."

As I was about to ask another question to the wolf there was a knock at the door. The girl that was here from before with Jasper and the other guy came through the door I hadn't gotten a good look at her before. She looked to be a few inches shorter than me, she had hips that curved down to the perfect body. She had brown hair that reached her shoulders that complemented her green eyes.

"Hey just thought I'd come to check on you," She said walking closer, I got off the bed to face her as she talked.

"Well if you don't count the bipolar guy that kidnapped me and took me to a weird place and is forbidding me from seeing my family, then I'm fine," I said sarcastically as she giggled.

"I swear that Jasper is usually nicer it's just that the last newbreeder this pack had kind of torn apart the pack and that hurt Jasper personally" great I was destined to have a soul mate with unsolved issues.

"And that gives him the right to blow up at me, blaming me for something that I haven't done," if this is what this world is like I don't think I want to be a part of it my normal world is already like this.

"He just needs time, he's literally been waiting for you his whole life. Be open-minded, promise me you'll try to be open-minded it's the least you could do after almost breaking my mate's arm," she said lightheartedly. I had connected the dots and realized that the guy that came into the room when I woke up had been her mate.

"That was a fight or flight response, and I chose to fight" I joked

"It's okay but please try to be patient with him and this situation." I nodded to end this conversation but I know that if I felt uncomfortable at any time I would leave.

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Yoannashkee_LeBruncreators' thoughts