
Chapter 6

Jasper Pov

I was shocked when I heard Amaya say that.

I loved how she could just stand up for herself. Most girls would have cowered next to me but, Amaya stood her ground.

"You got a feisty one there, cousin," Mason said

"Cousin?" Amaya questioned.

"Oh, he didn't tell you? Our moms are sisters."

"So you were hitting on someone you know is with your cousin? Wow, what a great cousin you are"

"Hey, I saw a cute girl so I shoot my shot."

"And you missed. Come on Amaya we have a few stops to make."

I turn Amaya away, walked with her into the palace, and took her to the pack doctor the only person I know that could help Amaya talk to her wolf.

Once we got there, I knocked on the door and heard someone shout "come in!" I opened the door and the pack doctor was in front of the cabinets on the side of the room. She was wearing a dress under her white lab coat with her hair pinned back a little.

"Alpha. Luna. To what do I owe this visit for?" she asked looking at us.

"She is a newbreeder and she needs to get into contact with her wolf"

When I told her that Amaya was a newbreed her face went blank.

"A newbreed we haven't had one of those in years, come dear sit." she led Amaya to the table to lie down.

"Stay still." She asked Amaya and she slightly nodded.

She took out a needle and Amaya looks scared.

"Wait you're going to poke me with that?"

"Yes, it's a dose of a mix to break any barriers that are up stopping you from communicating with your wolf." the doctor answered

"Does it have to be a needle?" she asked. I could feel her fear from where I stood.

I lightly squeezed her hand, little sparks danced in our hands. "I'm right here," I told her to give her some comfort.

Amaya nodded her head at the doctor and she squeezed her eyes shut and my hand.

Amaya looked in and out of a stable mind.

"This will make her wolf come out. So she needs to sleep." the doctor said

Amaya tipped over to the side, I caught her and picked her up. She was bigger than most girls but that's what made her look loveable.

I walked her to the room she was staying in and put her on the bed. As I placed her down she started to move. I took off my shirt and lie it down next to her. She dug her face into it and didn't move.

I left her room and went to mine and changed clothes. As soon I was done changing my Dad's mind linked to mine.

"Jasper, Come now we have a problem. "

I walked to his office and opened it. I saw my father sitting at his desk and Chloe in one of the chairs in front of him.

Chloe was a close family friend and my step-inmate. A step-in mate is when the alpha has lost a mate or his mate has died, the step-in mate is meant to become the alpha's mate, and the pack's Luna. After I turned sixteen and didn't find my mate Chole became my step-in mate which I don't need anymore, now that I have Amaya.

"Come in son." my dad said

I walked all the way in and sat down.

"What's up?"

"Well, it would seem that Chloe and her parents think it's time for you two to step up as Alpha and Luna." my father stated

"Together?" I said dumbfounded

"Yes, your parents are getting old and we are ready. My combat is so much better and you've always been good so we're ready." Chloe said.

"Come on baby," she said trying to grab my hand. I yanked it away from her.

"I can't be with her. I've found my mate and she's the rightful Luna." I started getting mad that they think I would be with her.

"What who?" Chloe asked standing up to look me in the eyes.

"Her name is Amaya. She was just turned by Jacob."

"The newbreeder?" my dad said in a questioning tone.

"Yes. Her wolf just started to talk to her today. And she's seen my wolf." I felt my voice sound more joyful as I remembered the things that happened today.

"SHE WHAT?" my father yelled

"Why would you show a human your wolf after knowing you for half a day," he said as he rubbed his temple.

"But she believes. This means that she will be luna. Right?" I asked my father.

"No, she can't. I was promised that I was going to be luna. That I would rule, which means that if this isn't fixed then I'll tell my father." Chloe said in a pouting voice.

Chloe's family helped my family build the pack. If they left we would lose more than half of our pack.

"Ok let me think. Son where is your mate?" my father asked turning to me.

"She's resting," I said

"Ok, when she wakes up we will pick this back up ok?" Chloe and I nodded our heads and left. I walked away as fast as I could but not fast enough.

"Are you sure she's your mate?" I heard Chloe ask. I turned around and looked at her as if she had asked the dumbest question.

"Am I sure? Yes, I think I know who's my mate and who's not." I told her. I was starting to get pissed off by Chloe today.

"But we have such a good connection. I love you she doesn't," she said coming closer to me.

" She'll grow to love me. She just found out that shifters are real. Think she can learn to love me." I spit the last part to her. But she didn't back down.

"But we don't know that for sure. I'm here and I love you, I always have and always will." she came closer to me and put her hand on my chest. I grabbed it and tighten my grip.

"I don't love you. My mate will love me as much as I love her. And you will not touch me ever again. Got it?" I told her with a growl

Not only was she disrespecting me but my mate also. And I can't have that. I harshly let go of her hand and she almost fell to the floor.

She got up and straightened herself.

"Let me show you how much I love you." before I could do anything she pulled me into a kiss. It felt nasty and unsatisfying. I pulled away from her and she had a smirk on her face.

"Oops I didn't see you there," she said. Then the scent of spicy vanilla hit me.

I spun around and saw a daze Amaya, looking at us. I was about to step closer when she started to run.

"Amaya wait!" I yelled running after her.

If Chloe ruined any hope I had with Amaya it would be her head on a platter.