
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs


Years ago, Tamarind was seemingly a normal planet. The warrior culture existed and was very popular, but at least they were free. They owned much territory and enjoyed centuries of independence until they met their greatest rival. The Gordonians are from a few galaxies away. These rivals wanted to conquer them and this caused the separation of the Royal Family. We now cut to this very moment. We will see the departure of the prince of Tamaran.

"Do we have to do this?" asked the queen.

"Yes. We have to save our bloodline," said the king.

"Shall we send Koriand'r and Komand'r away as well?" asked the queen.

"No. They're old enough to survive this," said the king.

"They can protect him. Why must he go?" said the queen.

"They may be strong, but they're just kids and we're all over the planet. He will not have one hundred percent protection. He needs to be sent somewhere safe," said the king.

"Where?" asked the queen.

"I don't know, but he will be safe. He must become king," said the king.

"He will be lonely," said the queen.

"A sacrifice for his right to live," said the king.

"We will defeat those nasty aliens and then come and get him," said the queen.

"That may not be too easy. They are doing amazing against us," said the king.

"Don't give them too much credit. We are warriors," said the queen.

"But, just being warriors won't be enough. Not for him or anyone," said the king.

"It's time for him to go. I can see them through the window," said the queen.

"Then, let's say our goodbyes. We won't be seeing him for a very long time," said the king.

"Hello, my son. I know that you can't understand me and you won't remember my face, but I want you to know that we are not abandoning you. We are sending you off for your safety. We will save you once we have defeated those dirty conquerors and we will be a family. Just remember these words ok. No matter where you are or how you feel, always know that your parents and siblings are here to protect and love you," said the queen.

We now cut to the present day. It is just another day in Jump City. People are walking around and enjoying the warm weather while others are cooling off in their homes. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary until something appears in the sky. It is light green and it rockets toward the ground. It hits it in less than a minute and creates a large crack in the road. It gets up and reveals its orange skin and green eyes. It looks around and sees that he is being watched and filmed by the citizens standing around him.

"Eherw ma i?" asked the alien.

The alien doesn't receive a response and decides to speak a little louder.

"Eherw ma I!"e exclaimed the alien.

This scream scares the citizens and they back away. The alien notices this and decides to take a softer approach. He walks out of the large crater and up to a woman. She tries to run away but nearly trips. She puts her hands up and tries to defend herself, but she won't get hit with anything but a kiss. The alien smooches with the human female for a few seconds until he backs away.

"Thank you, human. You were very helpful," said the alien.

"No problem," said the woman awkwardly.

The alien looks up and sees the tower of the guardians of the city. He smiles and then rises into the sky. He proceeds to zoom toward the tower at top speed. He needs to see his sister. Back in the tower, his sister is doing something very important for the soul. Meditation. She floats in the air and meditates with her grey friend.

"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos. Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos," repeated the friends.

The two Titans continue to meditate until the window in front of them breaks in a large crash sound. They immediately open their eyes and stop meditating. They get into a fighting stance while the invader just watches.

"Who are you?" asked Raven.

"What do you want?" asked Starfire.

"Sister, it is me," said the alien.

"I have no idea who you are," said Starfire.

"It's me, Ryand'r. I was sent away because of the Gordonians invading the planet. I have returned to see you," said Ryand'r.

"That's impossible. You're supposed to be dead," said Starfire.

"I never died. I may have been a baby, but I found my way to a good family on a distant planet," said Ryand'r.

"You could be lying. Tell me something that only we would know," said Starfire.

"No matter where you are or how you feel, always know that your parents and siblings are here to protect and love you. No matter where you are or how you feel, always know that your parents and siblings are here to protect and love you," said Ryand'r.

"You are, Ryand'r!" exclaimed Starfire as she leaps onto her little bro and starts to crush him in a bear hug.

"Sister, you're crushing me," said Ryand'r weakly.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in years," said Starfire.

"I've been good. How about you?" said Ryand'r.

"Good, but now, I feel spectacular," said Starfire.

"Very nice to hear," said Ryand'r.

"We heard the alarm. What's going on?" said Jordan as he and the rest of the Titans enter the living room.

"Did you know Kori had a baby brother?" asked Raven.

"She has a what!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"He burst in here while we were meditating. We thought that he was an enemy, but he convinced us that he was her long-lost brother," said Raven.

"What's his name?" asked Jordan.

"Ryand'r," said Raven.

"Similar to Star's. He must be her bro," said Jordan.

"We can't trust him. He can just be an evil clone for all we know," said Connor.

"He will have to earn our trust, yes, but I doubt that Star will let us interrogate him," said Jordan.

"She won't, but we get to him when she's not looking," said Connor.

"Guys! This is my brother, Ryand'r! Say hi!" exclaimed Starfire as she drags her brother over to them.

"Hi," said Ryand'r.

"Ditto," said Jordan.

"I'm going to give him a tour of the tower. He will be here for a little while," said Starfire.

"I didn't agree to this," said Jordan.

"He needs a place to stay on this planet. He can't be homeless and he has no money," said Starfire.

"We know nothing about him. He could be a shapeshifter pretending to be your brother. I can't take the risk. Not again," said Jordan.

"You must be the leader of these superpowered warriors. I'm Ryand'r, or in your language, Wildfire. I have not come here to join your team, but to see my sister that I haven't seen in such a long time. I will be gone before the week is over. I promise. Warrior's promise," said Ryand'r.

"You have three days. If I see anything strange going on, we will have an issue," said Jordan.

"I won't cause any trouble, sir," said Ryand'r.

"You better not," said Jordan.

"So, I can show him the tower?" asked Starfire.

"Yes, you may," said Jordan.

"Sweet! Come on, brother!" exclaimed Starfire as she grabs her brother's arm and drags him out of the living room.

"She needs to stop grabbing people. It hurts," said Beast Boy.

"She has always been the hands-on type of person," said Jordan.

"So, what do we do now?" asked Cyborg.

"Pizza?" asked Beast Boy.

"We need lives," said Jordan.

"Agreed," said the other Titans.

For the next hour, the two Tamranian siblings explore the tower. No nook or cranny is safe from Starfire. They visit every room and every corner and Ryand'r receives a deep lesson about everything in the tower. They return to the living room and Ryand'r falls on the couch, nearly exhausted.

"That was long," said Ryand'r.

"This tower is very big," said Starfire.

"Look, sister. I like exploring, but next time, can you not go so fast? It's not good for my body," said Ryand'r.

"Sorry. I'm just very excited," said Starfire.

"Don't apologize. I'm excited too," said Ryand'r.

"So, what do you want to do next?" asked Starfire.

"I came here for another reason. I need your help," said Ryand'r.

"What's wrong?" asked Starfire.

"It's the Gordonians. They have come for my adopted homeworld and I don't believe that I can take them down alone. You have the strength that will be needed to take them down. Please help me," said Ryand'r.

"Of course. It is my job as your big sister to protect you and help you when you need it," said Starfire.

"Really?" asked Ryand'r.

"Definitely," said Starfire.

"Then, we must leave now. I can't allow my people to be hunted and destroyed by those savages," said Ryand'r.

"We need a ship. We won't get to your homeworld fast enough without one," said Starfire.

"Don't worry. I have one," said Ryand'r.

"You do?" asked Starfire.

"You can't have too many ships. Let's fly," said Ryand'r.

Four hours pass. After rocketing through the cosmos, past many stars and alien planets, Starfire and Ryand'r finally reach his adopted homeworld. It is a mix of yellow and orange and is currently being invaded by the darn Gordonians.

"There is my home and there are the savages. Have you dealt with them before?" said Ryand'r.

"Yes. I was once their slave before I was saved by my friends," said Starfire.

"Then, you hate them as much as I do?" asked Ryand'r.

"No hate. Only disdain," said Starfire.

"Well, we are different in that department. They took our parents, our freedom, and even my home. I refuse to allow those bugs to keep on living," said Ryand'r.

"Do you need to talk with someone?" asked Starfire.

"No. I'm fine," said Ryand'r.

"If you need to talk, just ask," said Starfire.

"Focus on the mission. We're here," said Ryand'r.

"I'll hop on the ship and take them out silently," said Starfire.

"No. I want to send them a message," said Ryand'r.

"What do you suggest?" asked Starfire.

"We take out their capital ship right there and show them who their daddy is," said Ryand'r.

"Where did you learn this language?" asked Starfire.

"You don't wanna know. Let's go," said Ryand'r.

Ryand'r's ship stops moving once it reaches the capital ship. The bottom of the ship opens and the brother and sister duo hops out and lands on the capital ship Ryand'r uses his energy bolts to blast a hole in the top of the ship. They hop into the ship and start to go crazy. Ryand'r doesn't hold back and cuts down the aliens with his hands and his blasts. Star goes easier on the aliens but also takes them down just like her brother. They continue doing this until they reach the control center of the ship. Ryand'r kicks down the door and immediately starts blasting. The Gordonians are easily defeated in seconds and their ship is taken. Ryand'r runs up to the control panel and starts to press buttons. Starfire walks up behind him and sees what he is doing.

"You're going to blow up the ship," said Starfire.

"Duh. That's how you deal with a capital ship," said Ryand'r.

"I have no problem with this. I'm just surprised. You didn't seem vengeful," said Starfire.

"You don't know me," said Ryand'r.

"You're correct. I don't know you," said Starfire.

"Once I get the self-destruct started, we move on to the smaller ships and then the planet itself," said Ryand'r.

"Are we just going to slaughter all of these soldiers?" asked Starfire.

"Yes. They get no mercy," said Ryand'r.

"Not all of these Gordonians are evil savages," said Starfire.

"You say that, but you hate them as much as I do," said Ryand'r.

"No, I don't," said Starfire.

"Then, you are a garbage sympathizing fool," said Ryand'r.

"What is going on in your brain?" asked Starfire.

"Don't talk to me like you know me. I just met you today. All I need is some help and we don't have to see each other ever again," said Ryand'r.

"I don't want that. I want to be a family," said Starfire.

"As the Gordonians still breathe, my mission is not over. Mother and father have to be avenged," said Ryand'r.

"You don't have to do it. It is my responsibility as well," said Starfire.

"You won't understand. Not yet," said Ryand'r.

"What do you mean?" asked Starfire.

"I'm sorry that I have to do this sister, but I won't let you get in my way," said Ryand'r.

"Huh?" asked Starfire.

Ryand'r snaps his fingers and Starfire is hit with a blast of very strong electricity. She is shocked for a few moments before she hits the ground hard. Ryand'r approaches her unconscious body and kneels.

"I'm sorry, Kori, but you are annoying," said Ryand'r.

An hour passes. Starfire is no longer on the capital ship. She is now attached to a trap on a wall. She slowly opens her eyes, but they hurt from the light shining on her face.

"What did he do to me?" thought Starfire.

"I didn't kill you, sister, but I don't want you to stop me," said Ryand'r.

"Ryand'r. Why?" said Starfire.

"I could have just left you alone. I really wanted to, but my ally wouldn't allow that to happen. She wants your head on a stake. I won't allow that to happen, but she won't take no for an answer," said Ryand'r.

"Who is your ally?" asked Starfire.

"Me, little sister," said Blackfire.

"No," said Starfire.

"Yes, sister. You shouldn't be surprised. I told you that I would return," said Blackfire as she walks out of the shadows.

"Why are you here?" asked Starfire.

"I couldn't not see you in such a sorry state. Trick you by bringing in our long-lost brother and then capture you. Now, you shall die," said Blackfire.

"No. She won't," said Ryand'r.

"Brother, don't do this right now," said Blackfire.

"I won't let you kill her. I just want to deal with the Gordonian scum," said Ryand'r.

"And you will. Let me have my fun," said Blackfire.

"Never," said Ryand'r.

"Fine. No need to be a sourpuss," said Blackfire.

"You won't die, but you can't stop me from achieving my goal. I'm going to slaughter those aliens and then you can go home," said Ryand'r.

"I won't go home until I save you," said Starfire.

"I don't need to be saved," said Ryand'r.

"Toodaloo," said Blackfire as she and her brother walk away.

"I need to get of here, but how?" thought Starfire.

Starfire starts to look around and notices something. Her powers aren't completely gone. She still has a little juice left. She tries to form a Starbolt and almost does it, but it pops at the last second and disappears.

"I guess that I will be here for a while. Bummer," said Starfire.

In the hallway near the holding cell that Starfire is currently in, Ryang'r looks out a large window at space. He watches the planets stay still and asteroids fly by. He wishes that he could do this more often, but those nasty Gordonians still exist.

"Enjoying the view?" asked Blackfire.

"Yes, sister. This view is truly beautiful," said Ryand'r.

"Maybe if you stopped chasing after the Gordonians, you could spend more time looking at space," said Blackfire.

"I can't. I need to avenge our parents and our people," said Ryand'r.

"You should have killed Koriand'r the first chance you got. She is their warrior and favorite slave," said Blackfire.

"I won't kill her. Stop asking me to. You deal with your issues," said Ryand'r.

"I try to, but you won't let me," said Blackfire.

"She's our sister. What has she done to deserve your hatred?" said Ryand'r.

"She sold us out. She fought for them. What else do you need to know?" said Blackfire.

"It doesn't seem to be in her character to do that. She seems nice," said Ryand'r.

"Our parents thought that and now they're dead. Don't let her trick you. Don't let her get into your head," said Blackfire.

"I shouldn't have let you get into my head. You have too much hate," said Ryand'r.

"Hypocrite," said Blackfire.

"Don't touch her. I need her alive," said Ryand'r.

"Are you going to bring her back to Tamaran? You know that I can't go back there. She has brainwashed them with her fake love," said Blackfire.

"Fake love? Do you even know what love is?" asked Ryand'r.

"Brother, don't think of me as a heartless monster. I have a heart, but I also have a brain. Think with your head and you will never be wrong. I will leave Koriand'r alone for now, but if she tries to hurt you physically or mentally, then I will be there," said Blackfire.

"I know you will, sister. That is what family is for," said Ryand'r.

An hour passes. Ryand'r wants to speak to his "traitor" of a sister and enters the room. He then walks up to her and she quickly opens her eyes.

"Ryand'r," said Starfire.

"I have come to talk to you," said Ryand'r.

"What do you want to hear?" asked Starfire.

"I need to know why. Why did you betray us and choose the Gordonians?" said Ryand'r.

"I never did that," said Starfire.

"Don't lie. You're a traitor," said Ryand'r.

"I didn't join the Gordonians. I was sold into their slave trade. I escaped and crash-landed on Earth. I met my friends and they helped me defeat the Gordonians. I am forever their ally," said Starfire.

"You must be lying. Komand'r said-," said Ryand'r.

"She's a liar and a manipulator. She wants me dead. She framed me the first time we met in such a long time. She even forcefully took over Tamaran six years ago," said Starfire.

"Not true. She was out searching for me. We were going to defeat you and the Gordonians together," said Ryand'r.

"Yet another lie. She is using you, little brother and she will keep on doing it until she is ready to whack you," said Starfire.

"She wouldn't. Would she?" said Ryand'r.

"You're in her way, so yeah," said Starfire.

"How do I know that you're not just lying to save your sorry butt," said Ryand'r.

"Look into my eyes, Ryand'r. Do they look like the ones of a liar? Like our sisters?" said Starfire.

"Lies! How dare you try to manipulate our brother, you witch!" exclaimed Blackfire as she storms into the room.

"Calm down, sister," said Ryand'r.

"Step away. I will deal with her before she poisons your mind," said Blackfire.

"Remember our agreement," said Ryand'r.

"I only remember one side," said Blackfire as energy appears in her right hand.

"Do it and prove that you're just like I described you," said Starfire.

"You took too much away from me and I will snuff you out like the rat you are," said Blackfire as she raises her fist.

"Too predictable," said Starfire.

Starfire uses her immense strength to burst out of her confinement and grabs Blackfire's fist. She then grabs her face and rockets through the ship, making a hole. She hits her sister with a hard left and sends her flying back toward the deep dark abyss of space.

"Don't fight! We can talk it out!" exclaimed Ryand'r.

"Talking is over! You're dead, bitch!" exclaimed Blackfire.

Blackfire rockets towards Starfire and she gets ready to fight. Starbolts are charged into her hands and she launches many at her evil sister. Blackfire has to dodge them to avoid taking damage, but this is not the case for Starfire. Blackfire lands a nice right hook, but it doesn't do much damage. She throws a left hook and it also doesn't do much damage. Starfire smiles and headbutts her away. She then speed-blitzes her and knees her in her orange stomach before slapping her away. Blackfire doesn't get time to regain her stance before being speared back into the ship.

"What's wrong, sister? You seem weak," said Starfire.

"How did you get so strong?" asked Blackfire.

"I have friends. Unlike you," said Starfire.

"You may be stronger, but I have the numbers. Ryand'r will save me," said Blackfire.

"Why would he? He should know your intentions by now," said Starfire.

"He doesn't know about those Gordonians. They are real of course, but they didn't come to conquer that planet because they're trash. I ordered them. I sold you to the Gordonians. I'm the big bad that you've been looking for all along," said Blackfire.

"You are pure evil," said Starfire.

"You shouldn't expect anything else, sis," said Blackfire.

"Komand'r," said Ryand'r.

"Brother, save me. Don't let her kill me," said Blackfire.

"Don't do it. She's manipulating you. She brought the Gordonains here. She's the true traitor," said Starfire.

"I know. I'm a fool," said Ryand'r.

"What?" asked Blackfire.

"I always had this weird feeling that you were a liar. I allowed you in because I thought that family was always right, but you are just pure evil. Way worse than any Gordonian," said Ryand'r.

"That's not true. That's not me," said Blackfire.

"Koriand'r. Do what you like. Just don't kill her. She needs to pay for her crimes," said Ryand'r.

"Gladly," said Starfire.

"Wait. Wait!" exclaimed Blackfire before her world turns black.

Twenty minutes pass. The brother and sister shake hands and smile at each other. Blackfire's plan has been foiled and the universe is safe once again. I am a sucker for good endings.

"I'm sorry, my sister. I'm an idiot," said Ryand'r.

"No, you're not. It's normal for her to do those things. Just don't allow her to do that again," said Starfire.

"I won't," said Ryand'r.

"So, what will you do with her?" asked Starfire.

"Take her into the Green Lantern Corps and then redeem myself by becoming the most powerful warrior Tamaran has ever seen," said Ryand'r.

"Ambitious, but you may never surpass me, so don't hurt yourself over it," said Starfire.

"I'll show you," said Ryand'r.

"I know you will," said Starfire.

Starfire turns around and walks away from her little brother. He smiles and waves at her as she walks further and further away. She gets around a few feet away until something buzzes. She reaches into her suit and pulls out her communicator. She clicks the answer button and Jordan appears on the screen.

"Where are you? It's night," said Jordan.

"Space," said Starfire.

"What?" asked Jordan.

"I'll be back in a few hours. Go get some sleep," said Starfire.

"What happened up there?" asked Jordan.

"I'll explain later. Nothing out of the ordinary though," said Starfire.

"How's Wildfire?" asked Jordan.

"He's a good kid. Can't wait to see him again," said Starfire.

Thank you for pre 400k views! Thanks for sticking around for such a bumpy ride. I'm sorry for being so inconsistent, but we're getting closer and closer to the end. I hope that you continue staying loyal. Enjoy the chapter and have a good night.

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