
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Tokyo's Most Wanted

An hour has passed since the Titans split up to have "fun". Even though they believe that they will be tricking Brushogun this way, he knows their plan and his new creatures are tracking their movements from the shadows. Jordan and Raven now walk into a crowded city center. The people in the crowd watch two giant sumo wrestlers wrestling in a small ring. They cheer as the wrestlers try to push each other out of the ring.

"What is this?" asked Raven.

"Sumo wrestling. It's pretty popular around here," said Jordan.

"How is this entertaining?" asked Raven.

"I don't know, but they love it, so I'll respect their culture," said Jordan.

"I would dominate in this sport," said Raven.

"You are the daughter of the devil, so of course, you would dominate," said Jordan.

"Raven: the sumo wrestler of darkness. Don't mess with her or she will hand you a loss and curse your family," said Raven.

"You would also have to gain a bunch of weight, so I doubt that you would like this as a career," said Jordan.

"As long as I can read, I'll allow it," said Raven.

On the screen, the sumo wrestler on the right flips his opponent over the ring and wins the match. The crowd starts to cheer seconds later and Jordan joins in. Even Raven surprisingly joins in the celebration.

"Why are you celebrating? I thought that this sport was no fun," said Jordan.

"My mind can be changed," said Raven.

"You're not as stubborn as usual. What's up?" said Jordan.

"We need to pretend to have fun, so pretend," said Raven.

"You're not good at pretending," said Jordan.

"Let's go. Can't stay in one place for a long time," said Raven as she drags Jordan away.

"I'm following your lead," said Jordan.

As the two friends quickly move further into the giant city, a ghostly creature peeks from an alleyway. He is on their tail and he won't be quitting anytime soon. Twenty minutes pass. Jordan and Raven reach an arcade and enter it. Many people and arcade games can be seen in the giant building.

"What is this place?" asked Raven.

"An arcade. They fell off in the US, but are very popular here," said Jordan.

"Beast Boy would have died if he saw this place," said Raven.

"Come on. Let's find a cool game to play," said Jordan.

Jordan grabs Raven's hand and drags her deeper into the jungle of video game bliss. They play some classics. A little whack a mole here, a little Pacman there. They gained many tickets and gained a crowd of many curious patrons. Maybe because of their combined skill or because they never saw a black guy before. They have much fun until they reach the ultimate game, Dansudansureboryūshon.

"This is our time to showcase our dominance on the genre of arcade games," said Jordan.

"It seems like a dance game," said Raven.

"It's not just a dance game. It's the ultimate one. The highest score is over a million. We need to break that record today," said Jordan.

"I'm ready," said Raven.

Then, let's do this," said Jordan.

Jordan and Raven walk onto the game's artificial dance floor. Jordan then taps a button on the panel and the game begins. The lights on the floor shine bright and different symbols appear on the screen. This may have been hard for regular humans, but a sorceress and a shadowy vigilante can easily do this. They sweat. They struggle, but importantly, they had fun. A few minutes of dancing ensues before they do it. The high score has been reached and surpassed. The crowd behind them cheers and shout in excitement. Jordan and Raven look at each other, smile, and blush as they enjoy the moment.

"We did it," said Jordan.

"Yeah, we did. Let's do something different now. I can barely feel my legs," said Raven.

"I know the perfect place," said Jordan.

Two hours pass. Jordan and Raven reach a pier and look at the lake. They see many people and couples taking boat rides on the cold water.

"Wanna go for a ride?" asked Jordan.

"Yeah. the water looks beautiful this time of year," said Raven.

"Then, let's get some tickets," said Jordan.

Jordan and Raven walk up to a middle-aged salesman. He is nearly half asleep until the two adults walk up to him. He quickly wakes up and gets to work.

"Kon'nichiwa, shinki no okyakusama. Dōiu go yōkendesu ka?" said the salesman.

"2-Mai no chiketto," said Jordan.

"Ā naruhodo. Anata wa anata no josei no yūjin to ichido ni darekaga hoshīdesu. Hitori de mōsukoshi jikan ga hitsuyōna baai wa, ato sū-en dake seikyū sa sete itadakimasu," said the salesmen.

"Kekkōdesu. Bōto ni notte hoshī dakedesu," said Jordan.

"Bakkin. 20-En," said the salesman.

Jordan hands him the money and the salesman quickly hands him two tickets. The two titans then hop on a boat and Jordan starts to row away from the wooden pier. Raven stares at the skyline as they move further away from it.

"What did he say?" asked Raven.

"Nothing special. Just a perverted old man giving me good luck," said Jordan.

"Good luck for what," said Raven.

"Nothing in particular," said Jordan.

"So, why do you know Japanese?" asked Raven.

"As a hero, it's my job to stop crime wherever I go. Bruce, Dick, Barbara, Jason, and I spent some time all around the world. We were mostly in Gotham of course, but sometimes we had to travel to another country. You can't do your job efficiently if you don't know the native tongue. Plus, I have a photographic memory," said Jordan.

"I have learned about many cultures in my study, but this one is fascinating. I don't know how different the culture would be without Brushogun, but I don't think it would be as unique," said Raven.

"Are you thanking the villain?" asked Jordan.

"I guess so. No, I must be regressing to my father's level. What are we going to do?" said Raven jokingly.

"Funny. Very funny," said Jordan.

"I know right," said Raven.

"Do you think that Brushogun will pop out and ruin our fun?" asked Jordan.

"Probably. With our luck, I wouldn't be surprised if he blew up the city," said Raven.

"He isn't strong enough to do that right?" asked Jordan.

"I guess we will never know," said Raven.

Ten minutes pass. Jordan and Raven continue to conversate until they hit land. They hop off the boat and step onto the land. They choose a direction to walk and walk in that direction. From the shadows, the ghostly figure still watches them but doesn't attack them. Not yet. They need to be split up somehow. Now, ten hours have passed. Jordan and Raven now sit on top of a giant building and watch the sunset.

"Brushogun is still out there. He's hiding because we're on to him. He'll be back and will be ready to take him," said Jordan.

"Can you ever stop talking about Brushogun for two seconds?" asked Raven.

"You know me. I can never stop talking about catching villains," said Jordan.

"Can you just for once. Just look at the sun and enjoy the evening heat," said Raven.

"Sorry. I'm just worked up. He destroyed our tower and tried to kill us. You can't blame me," said Jordan.

"I'm not mad. Just a little annoyed," said Raven.

"When we defeated the Brotherhood, I thought that we would only have to deal with Slade. Now supervillains are popping out of the wazoo," said Jordan.

"It's the superhero life. We signed up for this years ago," said Raven.

"Sometimes, I just wish that the villains would just stop doing crime and go into a catatonic state or something," said Jordan.

"We're on vacation now. You can relax here," said Raven.

"Can't really relax when you're being hunted by a supervillain and being lied to by the commander of the Tokyo Troopers," said Jordan.

Raven doesn't respond by talking to her friend. No, she places her grey hand on Jordan's big hand and looks at him. He looks at her and starts to smile. The time has come. Jordan's face and Raven's face move closer to each other. Their lips pucker up and are close to touching until Jordan sees something. The ghostly figure moves quickly when Jordan sees him in the corner of his eye.

"I'm sorry," said Jordan.

"What?" asked Raven.

"He's here," said Jordan.

"Brushogun?" asked Raven.

"I just saw one of his creatures. He's been tracking us all day. We can't be caught off guard. We have to split up," said Jordan.

"Again?" asked Raven.

"Yes, again. We have to be ready, so expecting them to attack us will work. I'll go north. You go south. There are probably five creatures. One for each one of us. We take them on one on one and we destroy them. If you see me on the evening news, don't worry. I'm fine," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out his utility belt and pulls out a grappling hook. He then grapples into the sunset as Raven watches. She is sad, but also angry. Brushogun has to pay for ruining her day with a "friend". Forty minutes pass. The sun has now set and the night engulfs the city.

"I was inches away from securing the girl and I decided to jet. Stupid! Now, his creatures don't want to do their job. What am I supposed to do now?" said Jordan.

Jordan's wish is granted and an explosive shuriken is thrown at him and it explodes right next to him. Jordan hops off the roof at the last second and grapples to another. He sees Saico Tek standing on a building in a fighting stance.

"Saico Tek," said Jordan.

Jordan releases the line and grapples to the building that Saico Tek is standing on. SaicoTek tries to fly away, but his jetpack is destroyed by a Claw thrown from Jordan. Saico Tek falls back to the rooftop and Jordan quickly leaps on him and smashes his head on the roof.

"I want answers! How did you escape from the tower! Where is your boss! Answer or the arms go first!" exclaimed Jordan.

Saico Tek suspiciously doesn't speak and flips his limbs. He then kicks Jordan off of him and flips back to his feet. Jordan then punches him in the face and then spin kicks him. Saico Tek punches him in the chest and the face, but Jordan is barely affected. Jordan tries to chop his neck, but his cape is grabbed and he is thrown in the other direction. Saico Tek then runs for the billboard.

"He isn't the same as last time. His suit has changed color and he no longer speaks. Plus, he's secreting something pink. Like ink," said Jordan.

Jordan stops thinking and runs after Saico Tek. Saico Tek reaches the billboard and backflips through it as Jordan runs on the outside. Jordan reaches Saico Tek at the end of the billboard and spheres him onto the neighboring rooftop. He throws down an ice grenade and freezes the assassin.

"You can't get out of that. You're not strong enough," said Jordan.

The assassin is indeed strong enough and breaks through the ice. He then creates sai out of his skin and charges at Jordan.

"You're not one of his goons. You're one of his creations. Well, it doesn't matter. I'm getting my answers tonight," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out his escrima sticks and charges at the pink assassin. The pink sai and the grey sticks clash multiple times and create large noises above the city. Saico Tek switches up his strategy and decides to punch him in the stomach. He then kicks Jordan in the face. Saico Tek takes advantage of the hero stumbling back and cuts him multiple times with his sai. This pisses Jordan off and he runs after the fleeing Saico Tek. He jumps into the air and throws explosive disks in front of the assassin. He then catches Siaco Tek from flying back too far and tackles him into a billboard so hard that it creates a huge crack and the billboard falls towards the street.

"Shit," said Jordan.

Jordan drops Saico Tek and grapples a hook to the roof and then grapples one to the billboard. He then uses all of his strength to lift the billboard and prevent it from crushing the citizens below. They quickly move out of the way as Jordan starts to bleed and his suit starts to rip. Jordan can no longer hold the billboard and he drops it on top of the already dead assassin. Jordan doesn't know this yet and he hops off the roof and glides down. He lands on the billboard and pulls out a gadget. He then pulls off the cap, shoots out a laser, and cuts out a hole. Jordan expects an assassin, but he only sees a pink splat. Saico Tek is no more.

"Used too much force. Now, I can't get any answers," said Jordan.

"Hands up, my young friend. You are in trouble," said Daizo.

Jordan turns around and sees the Tokyo Troopers behind him and their guns are drawn, aiming at his head. Jordan puts his hands up to prevent from getting shot. He has other things to do tonight.

"What have I done, commander?" asked Jordan.

"Don't be smart with me, boy. Look at what you did to the billboard, the street, and to the people. You are causing too much of a disturbance and it's time to go home. I know that you want to play hero, but Tokyo is not a place to do it. I gave you a choice earlier today, but today I'm telling you. Leave Tokyo with us or prepare to be imprisoned," said Daizo.

"Heh. You're nothing like Gordon, but I can not complain. I love a challenge," said Jordan.

"Arrest him," said Daizo.

"You can't arrest me when I have disappeared in the smoke," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out two smoke bombs and smoke covers the street. The Tokyo Troopers rush in to apprehend the hero, but he has already disappeared. He wasn't lying about disappearing into the smoke.

"Sir, he's gone," said a Tokyo Trooper.

"I want an APB put out for him and all of the Titans! I want them out of my city!" exclaimed Daizo.

"Yes, sir!" exclaimed the Tokyo Troopers.

"Kid, you do not know what mess you are in now," said Daizo.

Thirty minutes pass. Jordan now walks down a dark alley as the city is now on high alert. The police are searching for him and he is searching for Brushogun. Oddly deep huh? As Jordan continues to walk through the alley, he hears someone behind him. He stops walking and the person stops walking.

"Give me all of your money and nothing will go wrong," said the mugger.

"Do you know the story of Jordan King?" asked Jordan.

"Jordan who?" asked the mugger.

"Jordan King entered the darkness in a mugging gone wrong. Do you want to create another one of those beasts?" said Jordan.

"What are you even talking about, man?" asked the mugger.

"I know that I shouldn't have talked to you. You obviously aren't smart enough to understand classic literature," said Jordan.

"Give me your money before I get mad," said the mugger.

"I don't have my wallet on me, but I can give you a little something," said Jordan.

"I'm not gay, bro," said the mugger.

"You really are a fool," said Jordan.

Jordan leaps and backflips in the air. He then lands behind the mugger and kicks him in the back of the head. The mugger drops the gun and flies into the wall. Jordan then runs up to him and grabs him before slamming him into the wall.

"What do you want, man?" asked the mugger.

"Where can I get info on Brushogun?" asked Jordan.

"There's a bar a few blocks from here named Sunitchi. Some of the biggest Yakuza and criminals hang there. If you want info on someone, they have it," said the mugger.

"Thanks," said Jordan.

"You're welcome?" said the mugger sacredly.

Jordan repays the man's kindness by smashing his head into the wall, knocking him out instantly. He then turns around and starts his short trek to Sunitchi. He reaches it in a couple minutes and walks up to the door. Two bikers stand outside and move away quickly as the hero approaches. He walks into the bar and everyone stops drinking and talking and just stares at the door and the hero.

"Why is everyone staring at me? Am I naked or something?" asked Jordan.

The bar patrons stop staring and start drinking and enjoying the bar experience again. Jordan walks up to the bartender and sits down. The bartender tries to act unfazed but sadly fails at it.

"What do you want?" asked the bartender.

"Answers. Where's Brushogun?" said Jordan.

"He's just a myth," said the bartender.

"Don't lie to me! I've heard that one too many times!" exclaimed Jordan as he grabs him by the neck.

"The Tokyo Troopers tell us to not talk about him. 'His legacy inspires more criminals' they say," said the bartender.

"Inspire me," said Jordan.

"He's somewhere in this city. He's making a comeback and he wants the city back. That's all I know," said the bartender.

"Thanks for nothing," said Jordan.

Jordan throws the bartender into the alcohol and walks towards the door, ignoring the staring patrons. He exits the bar but doesn't get far. A light is shined on his face and he looks at who is shining the light. The Tokyo Troopers have come for him and they will not let him disappear this time.

"Hands up. You're not going to get away this time," said a Tokyo Trooper.

"Have you ever heard of the Flash? He's pretty popular back in the states," said Jordan.

"What are you talking about?" asked another Tokyo Trooper.

"I'll be back in a flash is what he says all the time. For me, I won't be back until Brushogun is in handcuffs," said Jordan.

"Huh?" asked one more Tokyo Trooper.

A few seconds pass until Jordan's bike flies over the crowd of Tokyo Troopers and lands in front of Jordan. Jordan quickly hops on it and zooms through the crowd before entering the highway. The troopers hop back into their cruisers and chase after the hero. Jordan continues to speed down the highway until she sees that the troopers have blockaded the exit. He instantly brakes and stops his bike.

"Get off the bike. You can not win," said Daizo.

"You're right, commander. I can't win. Alone," said Jordan as he gets off his bike.

Seconds later, Raven swoops in, grabs Jordan's hand, and saves him while the Tokyo Troopers stare in awe and anger.

"Back in your vehicles, they are still wanted and we have to hunt them down!" exclaimed Daizo.

"But, they're escaping by flight. They could get anywhere," said a random Tokyo Trooper.

"That doesn't matter. They are our enemy and it's our job to hunt down Tokyo's most wanted," said Daizo.