
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

The Night of the Talons

Ten minutes have passed since Talon released all of the Talons to take over Gotham. The Court of Owls may have just been slaughtered, but the Night of Owls, now known as the Night of Talons shall go on. The Batfamily has mobilized to protect their city, but will this be enough? Now, let's cut to the police detective's point of view. She grapples to the rooftop of the building owned by Robert Mourne, patriarch of the Mourne family. She looks around, but no one is there.

"Ok. All I have to do is wait," said Yin.

Yin doesn't have to wait long before the gas tank on the rooftop explodes in front of her as a female Talon lands in front of the fire. Yin is nearly sent flying off the rooftop, but she grabs an edge of it, preventing her from falling to her doom.

"That was an entrance. Maybe next time you will try to speak before you start blowing things up," said Yin.

The female Talon doesn't respond and walks towards the edge of the rooftop. As the female Talon gets closer, Yin makes her move and uses her core strength to flip over the female Talon and kick her in the back of the head. The female Talon nearly falls off the roof, but catches herself and kicks Yin in the face without turning around. She then flips over Yin and elbows her in the face. She punches the vigilante a few more times before putting all of her strength into one kick and kicking Yin off the rooftop. Yin quickly acts and grapples back up to the rooftop, but the Talon has vanished.

"She got away. Dammit," said Yin.

Yin decides to chase her down and tries to grapple away, but she feels a buzz in her utility belt. She pulls out her phone and sees that Commissioner Gordon is calling her. Strange. Yin picks up the call and places the phone next to her ear.

"What is it, sir?" asked Yin.

"Where are you? You've been missing all day. You didn't come to work today," said Gordon.

"Well, I've been doing a little investigation on a string of murders around town for the last week. I believe that something could be going down tonight," said Yin.

"What could be going on tonight?" asked Gordon.

"Have you ever heard of the Court of Owls?" asked Yin.

"It's just an urban myth. Secret societies don't exist," said Gordon.

"Well, this one does. Batman and his allies have been dealing with Talons all week and tonight may be the night where they make their move. Just be on alert," said Yin.

"What about you?" asked Gordon.

"I'll make it to the central police department. You guys need me to protect you," said Yin.

"We're not kids, Yin. If you were Batman, maybe we would need you to protect us, but we're police officers in Gotham for god's sake. We got this," said Gordon.

"I don't know about this comish. I don't know," said Yin.

Yin hangs up the call and places her phone back in her utility belt. She then turns around and grapples in the direction of the central police department. She has to find that Talon, but also protect her allies. Fifteen minutes pass. Yin, now out of her suit, walks out of a dark alley and enters the police headquarters, but it seems more like the Asylum than a police department. Many people are running and dropping papers all over the place. They must be working very hard.

"What is going on in here?" asked Yin.

"Yin, you came," said Ethan.

Yin turns around and sees her old partner and friend standing to the side of her while every other officer runs around them.

"Ethan, I didn't expect the department to be so overworked," said Yin.

"Everything's going to shit. Politicians, millionaires, billionaires, and everyone in between are winding up dead. Your Court of Owls theory must be right," said Ethan.

"It is, but why do you believe that they're doing this?" asked Yin.

"They want power, so they're taking it tonight. We have to stop them somehow," said Ethan.

"We will. Batman will," said Yin.

"Batman and his allies are amazing and all, but I don't think that they can handle this. Not on this scale," said Ethan.

"They've done the impossible before. I'm putting my trust in them," said Yin.

"Do that then. Commish wants to talk to you. He's a little pissed, so don't piss him off anymore," said Ethan.

"I'm not the best talker, so I'll try," said Yin.

Yin walks through the crowds of rushing and bustling officers and walks up to the door of the police commission and knocks on it.

"Come in!" exclaimed Gordon.

Yin opens the door and walks into the office. Even though it is his office, many officers are in.

"Detective Yin, what do you want?" asked Gordon.

"You guys need my help, so I'm here," said Yin.

"What can you help us with?" asked Gordon.

"I can give you this," said Yin while she takes out her phone.

On the screen is a symbol of the Court of Owls and the female Talon that she fought on the rooftop.

"How did you get this?" asked Gordon.

"I work with Batman. I'm his contact," said Yin.

"What can we do with this?" asked Gordon.

"This is a Talon. These assassins are zombies and they are targeting the Court's enemies. We have to deal with them all to finally destroy the Court of Owls," said Yin.

` "These guys are killing all of these people? How many are out there?" asked Gordon.

"Hundreds," said Yin.

"We don't have the strength to deal with these guys. We can barely take on one," said Gordon.

"Let me directly get in contact with the Batfamily. If we can send officers to every location where a Talon is found, we can defeat them," said Yin.

"That's a good plan. I was thinking about doing something like that, but you beat me to it. Good work," said Gordon.

"I have to go outside to get a better connection. I can't contact him while all of these officers are in here," said Yin.

"Go ahead. Do what you need to do to protect Gotham," said Gordon.

"I will," said Yin.

Yin exits Gordon's office and makes her way outside. She pulls out her communicator and puts in a number. After a few seconds, she is connected to Oracle.

"Yin, what's happening?" asked Oracle.

"I'm outside the downtown precinct. It's bad down here, Barbara. What's the body count?" said Yin.

"52," said Oracle.

"52! They're going to work," said Yin.

"Yes, but we are saving some. That's all we can do," said Oracle.

"I fought a Talon, but she escaped. I don't know where she is now, but she's probably going after a new target. I'll be back in action in a few minutes. I just have to-," said Yin.

Yin stops talking and looks up. Little cartridges are being floated down via parachutes. Barbara is confused and starts to talk.

"Yin? Yin? What's happening?" asked Oracle.

"Something. Some things are floating towards us. I don't know what, but it can't be good," said Yin.

"Get inside. It may be explosives," said Oracle.

"Ok, but I have to test out my theory," said Yin.

"Don't do anything drastic," said Oracle.

"Science isn't drastic," said Yin.

Yin pulls out a Batarang and throws it at one of the carthages. It blows up and others start to blow up around it.

"Well, I think that proves my theory," said Yin.

Yin turns around and runs into the precinct. She then hops on top of a desk and starts to scream.

"Everyone! Get away from the entrance! There are explosives outside! They can explode any-," exclaimed Yin.

Yin can't finish screaming when the explosives hit the ground and explode. Some of the officers are sent flying backward as the glass doors are destroyed. Yin hops behind a desk as fire enters the precinct. She makes her way to the back door and exits the department. She runs towards the alley and grabs her briefcase. She opens it and dawns her batsuit. She grapples to the rooftop and tries to grapple to another, but she is kicked in the face by the female Talon.

"There you are. You must be done playing your little game of Hide and Seek. Let's start round two," said Yin.

Yin grabs the edge of the rooftop and flips back onto the roof. She then throws a couple Batrangs into the Talon's chest and it barely affects her. Yin then kicks the Talon in the stomach and she is sent flying a few feet back. The female Talon throws a few throwing knives at her and Yin can't dodge in time before she is stabbed multiple times. The female Talon then charges towards Batwoman and spheres her off the roof. They crash land on the ground a few seconds later. While struggling to prevent from being finished off by the Talon, Yin looks up and sees a giant owl symbol in the sky instead of a bat.

"What the hell is the Court doing?" asked Yin.

On Gotham's East End, Jordan walks up to a door and places his head next to it. He hears something going on inside of the office. He tries to quietly open the door, but it won't budge. Must be locked. He then decides to be a little radical and kicks the door down. This was a bad idea.

"Mr. Lane, I'm here to-," said Jordan.

Jordan's mouth drops when he sees what's going on in the office. Mr. Lane is doing some bedtime sparring with his secretary. The two lovers are shocked by the intrusion of the vigilante and quickly get up and cover their parts.

"What the hell are you doing in here!" exclaimed Mr. Lane.

"Well, I didn't know that you two were doing things in here. I thought a Talon was here," said Jordan.

"A Talon! What even is that!" exclaimed Mr. Lane.

"Many powerful and rich people are dying tonight. Just put some clothes on and come with me. I'll escort you to safety," said Jordan.

"I don't need to be escorted! I'm fine!" exclaimed Mr. Lane.

"Stop screaming. A Talon could hear you," said Jordan.

"I don't care about no damn Talons! Get out before I call the police!" exclaimed Mr. Lane.

"Ok. I'll leave. Just make sure to listen out for trouble," said Jordan.

"Whatever! Just get out!" exclaimed Mr. Lane.

"Fine. I'm going," said Jordan.

Jordan takes a few steps towards the door until he hears a noise and stops. He looks up and backs up and pulls out a Claw.

"What are you doing now? Come on and go," said Mr. Lane.

"Someone's here," said Jordan.

"Nobody's here. You're just-," said Mr. Lane.

Someone is there. A Talon busts through the ceiling and lands on the ground. He then pulls out a throwing knife and throws it at Mr. Lane, but Jordan throws a Claw to block it.

"What the hell is that!" exclaimed Mr. Lane.

"A Talon," said Jordan.

"It's my lucky day. I can take down both of my targets for the price of one. Nice," said Talon.

"Stay back, Mr. Lane. I got this," said Jordan.

"You better. I don't want to die yet. I'm too young," said Mr. Lane.

"Get your side piece and go. I'll deal with him," said Jordan.

"I'm not his side piece!" exclaimed the secretary.

"Shut up, ho and go before you become fresh meat for the Court," said Jordan.

"Fine," said the secretary.

The secretary and her boss scurry naked out of the door as the Talon watches.

"Are you not going to go after him?" asked Jordan.

"You are my target as well. I'll take you down first," said the Talon.

"Won't happen," said Jordan.

"Ahhh!" exclaimed the Talon.

The Talon charges at Jordan, but he is easily taken down with a few precise strikes. He is then stabbed in the heart by Jordan's blade and finally killed again. That was easy.

"The ones in the labyrinth were way better. I'm disappointed," said Jordan.

He takes one more look around the office and finds nothing. Jordan taps his cowl and connects to Oracle. Oracle quickly picks up the call and Jordan's face appears on her screen.

"What's going on, Jordan?" asked Oracle.

"Talon down. I'm moving down the list," said Jordan.

"That was your sixth tonight. You're moving fast," said Oracle.

"Six isn't good enough. There are probably hundreds more. I have to move faster," said Jordan.

"You're still injured. Don't push yourself," said Oracle.

"I have to push myself. The Court will take over Gotham if we don't move fast enough," said Jordan.

"People will die. We can't save everyone. Not tonight," said Oracle.

"I will try, Barb. I must," said Jordan.

In the office of mayoral candidate Lincoln March a half-hour later, the candidate pours some coffee into a white coffee mug. He takes the mug with him to his desk and takes a long sip. The coffee is hot, maybe a little too hot.

"It's so lonely in here at night. I should manage my schedule better. I'm too old for this," said March.

"You have company, Mr. March," said a man.

"I do? Wait, who said that?" asked March.

"The grim reaper and I have come for your soul," said a man.

"Impossible. The grim reaper doesn't exist," said March.

"Then, why do I exist!" exclaimed a man.

A few seconds pass before a Talon bursts through the window and appears in front of the candidate. He pulls out a throwing knife and throws it into the shoulder of the mayoral candidate, but he was aiming for his head.

"I missed! Impossible!" thought the clumsy Talon.

"You can't kill me like that! Take this!" exclaimed March.

March pulls out a gun and shoots the Talon in the shoulder. He then pulls out a taser and leaps on the intruder. He tases the head of the Talon and electrocutes him with a high voltage. The Talon kicks the candidate off and grabs a knife. He walks towards Lincoln, but he doesn't get in stabbing range until Batman bursts through the window and drops a smoke bomb. The room is filled with smoke and the Talon is a sitting duck.

"Where are they? If I don't get out of here, I'm screwed," thought the clumsy Talon.

Talon looks around, but he only catches a giant right hook and then a left and then a kick to the side of the face. He is then punched once again and he is sent through the window. He lands hard on the pavement under them, but he heals fast enough, so he can run away.

"He's already running? He's fast," said Batman.

"Go get him, Batman. Rid that scum of our streets," said March.

"I will. Just stay safe and hide. More Talons may be coming," said Batman.

"I can handle myself, Bats. I'm stronger than I look," said March.

Batman dives out of the window and glides towards the running Talon. By following his green blood, he gets closer and closer. He nearly reaches the Talon, but three Explosive Claws are thrown into his chest. They explode and his upper body explodes as well and green blood bursts out all over the alley.

"That guy was mine," said Bruce.

"He was going to get away, so he became mine," said Jordan.

"Ok, boys. Relax. This isn't a competition. There are more of these guys out there. A lot more," said Oracle.

"I just dealt with mine and she was a doozy. I'll need a nap after this," said Yin.

"You only got one. That's sad. I got four," said Dick.

"Amateurs, I have 11," said Jason.

"Can we cut down the chatter and get to Talon slaying? The night is still very young," said Oracle.

"Relax, Barbara. We're moving at a good pace," said Dick.

"Umm, guys. We have a problem," said Jason.

"What is it?" asked Bruce.

"Just look through my helmet," said Jason.

Jason taps his helmet and holograms appear on the gauntlets of Jordan and Bruce. On the Hologram, hundreds of Talons jump through the trees on their way to Wayne Manor. In front is Talon, the man behind the invasion.

"They're coming for Bruce or Batman. I don't know if they know, but even if they don't, we have to take them down," said Jason.

"We'll go to the manor. Alfred, lock down the manor until we get there," said Bruce.

"Yes, sir," said Alred.

"Dick, Yin, Jason, work overtime. We'll be defending the cave and the manor. You guys have to deal with the rest of the Talons. I'm counting on you all," said Bruce.

"We won't fail you, Bruce," said Dick.

"Good. Now, we have an army to beat/ Let's give the court a welcoming that they will never forget," said Bruce.

There are many underated shows that exist. A couple days ago, I have started rewatching one of the best underated shows that I've ever seen, Spider-Man: The New Animated Series. This show was a more mature Spider-Man show that aired only thirteen episodes on MTV in 2003. It was cancelled after only one season and we have yet to get an official season two. A fanmade one is being made and it looks lit. I will probably watch it. Anyways, this show was amazing. I loved the CGI art style (it's a little dated, but still pretty good for the time), the animations are so human-like that it looks like mocap, the voice acting was good (NPH is an amazing Spider-Man/Peter Parker), I liked the darker tone and themes, I liked the original villains and revamped characters, I loved the character designs (the Spidey Suit is amazing), and most of the epsodes were good. My favorite is "Law of the Jungle", but "The Party" is a close second. Spoiler alert, Electro was CREEPY and a tragic character. Also, the finale was pretty good. It wasn't the best ending ever, but it's honorable in a way and a proper end to this short series. It probably would have went on way longer if this show didn't air on MTV. Like, who at MTV thought it was a good idea to create a Spider-Man series and put it on a channel that people only came to watch music videos? But, I have to give them credit for making such a good series. If this went on longer, I would have liked this more than Spectacular Spider-Man, another show that was taken away from us too soon (Spectacular is my favorite Spidey show btw. This show is a close second). It's a solid 7.5/10 from me and I suggest that you watch it. The finale of this arc within an arc comes Wednesday. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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