
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

The Kryptonian and the Doomsday

The prodigal clone of the last son of Krypton has returned. He will not serve Lex, the League, or anyone. He has chosen to use his abilities to become a hero and his first villain stands before him, or to be accurate, nearly a mile away. The beast growls as it charges at Superboy. Superboy is not fazed and prepares to fight him.

"You can't beat him alone. Let us help," said Raven.

"It's my responsibility. As a hero, I can't let innocent people get hurt. This beast will be slain in seconds. Trust me," said Superboy.

"If you need help, don't be afraid to fly towards us. We may be beaten up, but we're still heroes at the end of the day," said Raven.

"I'm going to showcase my strength and become a hero even better than Superman," said Superboy.

"Then, go slay that beast," said Raven.

"I will," said Superboy before he blasts off towards Doomsday.

"I wish Jordan was here. He would love this," said Beast Boy.

"Where is he anyway?" asked Cyborg.

"He'll be back. He always is," said Raven.

In Metropolis, Jordan has not yet received the news of the Doomsday attack. He is enjoying a slice of pie while he looks out the window. Disappointed that Clark doesn't want to raise Superboy, he just sits there. He will leave soon, but he will be forced now because breaking news appears on the flatscreen tv in the corner of the diner's ceiling.

"We have some very serious breaking news here! In Jump City, only a day after the terrorist attack at Titans Park on the new Titan's Day, the Titans face a new threat in the shape of a grey beast. The battle is destroying some parts of the city and there are probably many casualties, but we must have faith in our heroes. They have done the impossible before and they will do it again. Back to you, Henry," said the news reporter.

Jordan's face goes from a disappointed one to a serious one. He takes one more bite of the pie, drops his fork, places a few dollars on the table, and jets. He quickly exits the diner and runs towards an alley. He then pulls out a remote, presses the button, and his car drives towards him. He then enters the suave vehicle and places his seatbelt on.

"I leave the city for a couple hours and everything is already going to hell. Just fucking lovely," said Jordan.

Back in Jump City, the battle between the Superboy and the Doomsday has begun. Superbo lands the first hit and punches him in the stomach, sending him flying back into the same building. He then punches him a few times in the face before his left arm is grabbed and then he is headbutted back down the street. Doomsday goes on the offensive and leaps towards Superboy. He then smacks him into a building and then kicks him into the sky. Superboy tries to fly towards him, but Doomsday smacks him down with his fists. Superboy rockets like a meteor towards the streets below, but he regains his footing and flies back towards Doomsday.

"Time to go to space where you belong!" exclaimed Superboy.

Superboy grabs Doomsday and rockets towards space. He gets very close until he feels a stabbing pain in his stomach. He looks down and sees a white spike in his stomach and starts to fall. He lands through a building after falling for nearly a minute. He tries to pull out the spike, but it won't budge. He looks up and sees Doomsday falling towards him. He tries to pull out the spike faster, but it still won't budge. Before he gets smashed, the beast is sent flying into the street by a massive Starbolt.

"I said that I could handle him myself," said Superboy.

"You're doing such a good job at it," said Cyborg.

"Raven, heal him. We will cover you," said Starfire.

"Already doing it," said Raven as she heals the Kryptonian.

"Three of us against one powerful beast. The odds are hopefully in our favor," said Beast Boy.

"Jordan's on his way. We just need to survive for like thirty minutes," said Cyborg.

"Great. If we die, I want to be buried at Mount Rushmore," said Beast Boy.

"Why Rushmore?" asked Cyborg.

"I want to be remembered," said Beast Boy.

"Classic Garfield," said Cyborg.

"No time for jokes. Here it comes," said Starfire.

Doomsday quickly gets up and charges at the three Titans. Starfire takes it on first and rockets towards the beast, spearing him through multiple buildings as her two allies chase after her. She repeatedly punches the beast and kicks him into a bridge.

"Star, keep it away from the populace!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"I'm trying!" exclaimed Starfire.

"Try harder!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"I am!' exclaimed Starfire as she rockets towards the bridge.

The beast turns his attention to the people on the bridge and roars at them. He then charges at the citizens, but Starfire appears in front of him and uppercuts the beast. The beast is sent flying into the air towards the two other Titans.

"He's coming our way," said Beast Boy.

"Our attack needs to pack a punch if we want to damage this guy," said Cyborg.

"I got the flames if you got the boom," said Beast Boy.

"You read my mind, amigo," said Cyborg.

The beast gets closer, but it will not just get to its prey easily. Beast Boy transforms into a dragon and launches a giant fireball at Doomsday. Cyborg then releases a charged-up sonic cannon blast and sends Doomsday flying to another part of the city.

"Booyah!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"We just sent him into another part of the city. There's not much celebration to be deserved," said Beast Boy.

"Then, let's get over there and kick his butt," said Cyborg.

In the financial district, Doomsday lands on a building. He angrily gets back up and roars into the sky. He then hops off the building and lands on the busy street, creating a large crack. He finds a car and tries to grab it, scaring the people in the car, but he is hit by a few small missiles and sent flying down the street.

"Don't worry, citizens. I am here," said Jordan as he hops out of his car.

Jordan walks towards the beast as he slowly gets up. Jordan pulls out a few Explosive Claws and aims it at Doomsday.

"I'm not having a good week. First, our park is targeted by Luthor and now a beast is attacking us for no reason. Stand down or die," said Jordan.

Doomsday angrily roars in response and Jordan just smirks.

"Fine. You made your choice," said Jordan.

Jordan throws his Explosive Claws at Doomsday's face and they stab him. They then explode and blow off a few pieces of his head. This pisses him off and he charges at Jordan. Jordan tries to grapple away, but he is grabbed and thrown into a building. He is then hit with some heat vision and groans in pain. Jordan then pulls out a Claw, stabs it in the ground, and it starts to release high-frequency sound waves. Doomsday roars in pain and stumbles back.

"That hurts you, huh? Take some more!" said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a few more of the Sonic Claws and throws them around Doomsday. They produce even more sound waves and hurt Doomsday even more. Jordan slowly walks up to him and pulls out one of his blades.

"I don't know what you are, but it's time to go to Hell where you belong," said Jordan.

Jordan holds the blade over his head and tries to stab it into the beast's head, but Doomsday grabs it, breaks it, then grabs his arm, slams him on the ground, and then rockets through a few buildings with Jordan in tow. After thirty seconds of going through buildings, he is thrown into a statue.

"Next time, I will just kill you instead of talking," said Jordan.

Doomsday just rushes Jordan instead of allowing him to continue talking. How rude.

"Explosives and sound waves won't work, but what about some Kryptonite," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a Kryptonite dagger and stabs it into the gut of Doomsday. Doomsday roars in pain as Jordan stabs it in further.

"Do you think that I wouldn't notice, Lex? This is obviously one of your experiments. You made it to kill Superboy, but you made a mistake. You underestimated his friends. Superboy, now!" said Jordan.

Doomsday turns his head to the right and sees Superboy, now healed, rocketing towards him. He tries to escape, but Jordan grabs him with his giant hands and Raven uses her magic to create a black hand to keep him still. Superboy reaches the beast, winds his arm back, and punches Doomsday, so hard that his neck twists back and his head falls off. The beast has been slain by the Kryptonian.

"Is he dead?" asked Superboy.

"Yes. I think he is," said Jordan as he stares at the decapitated head.

An hour passes. Lex paces his office as Mercy stands outside of his office to keep watch. He looks at the computer on his desk and sees dozens of emails, covering the broadcast of the news. On the screen, the Titans are cleaning up the mess that they created.

"This is a catastrophe. Project Super is in the hands of the Titans and Project Doomsday is dead. Now, we have to recover in secret. Dark Phoenix probably knows of my involvement and is on the way. I need to get out of here. Mercy!" said Lex.

"Yes, Lex!" exclaimed Mercy.

"Prepare the chopper. We're going home," said Lex.

"Not so fast, Lex. We have visitors," said Mercy.

"Huh?" asked Lex.

"It would be rude to not let us in. Wouldn't it be, Lex?" said Jordan.

Lex turns around and sees Jordan standing behind him. He then turns around and sees Cyborg and Beast Boy standing in front of his desk. He turns back around and now Starfire, Raven, and Superboy float outside his window.

"Have you all come to hang out? Should have notified me. I would have made snacks," said Lex.

"There's no time to play games, Luthor. It's time to enter another cell," said Jordan.

"Your theories get wilder every day. I would recommend a therapist. This isn't healthy behavior," said Lex.

"Act all smug if you want. You won't be a free man after today," said Cyborg.

"What are you even talking about? I'm innocent," said Lex.

"Tell it to the boy scout and his super friends," said Jordan.

"What?" asked Lex.

Lex walks up to the window and sees his biggest nightmare. He sees many of the most powerful Justice League Members floating outside of his window. He gulps and his smile disappears.

"Bullocks," said Lex.

Now, nine hours pass. The early morning sun rises and starts to shine over the bay area city. The battle between the Titans and Doomsday caused much damage, but the people are rebuilding already. Superboy stands on the edge of the tower and stares at the sun as it shines on him. He hears a noise behind him but doesn't turn his head. He knows who it is.

"You're up early," said Jordan.

"I like the sun. It feels good to be around it," said Superboy.

"You did good yesterday. Without you, don't know if we could beat that beast," said Jordan.

"You guys would have done fine. You have a bunch of Kryptonite," said Superboy.

"I do not. Bruce has way more. I just have enough to defend myself," said Jordan.

"I know my purpose. It's not to be one of Luthor's experiments. It's to be a hero. A Titan that protects the world from evil," said Superboy.

"You learned that all in one day. Nice," said Jordan.

"Thanks to you. You're cool," said Superboy.

"I know. Hey, do you have a name?" said Jordan.

"Does Superboy count?" asked Superboy.

"Well, you're on Earth, so you need a Human name," said Jordan.

"Any recommendations?" asked Superboy.

"What about Connor?" asked Jordan.

"Why Connor?" asked Superboy.

"It's a common name here on Earth. Plus, it honors someone that you may not like now, but you will understand them later on," said Jordan.

"Connor is a good name. I like Connor," said Connor.

"Connor it is then," said Jordan.

"Ready up criminals. Connor is here," said Connor.