
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Terra Rises

Three months have passed since Terra left in a hurry, angry after she believed that Beast Boy revealed her secret to his friends. Knowing that he didn't, Beast boy ran after her, but she was already gone. After Terra's departure, Beast Boy became sad, but his mood was immediately lifted after the days passed. Now, Jordan jumps into the air and spikes a volleyball. The ball rockets towards Cyborg and he spikes it back. The ball goes towards Beast Boy and he spikes it towards Starfire who spikes it back towards Jordan. With one powerful spike from the leader, the volleyball darts towards Raven.

"Raven, look out!" exclaimed Jordan.

Without even turning around, Raven blocks the ball before it hits her.

"Can you return the ball? We have a game to play," said Beast Boy.

Raven uses her magic to throw the ball so hard that once it hits Beast boy's stomach, it nearly knocks him out.

"Thank you," said Beast Boy weakly.

"Are you sure that you don't want to play with us? Your magic would come in handy," said Jordan.

"Yeah. Come and volley the ball with us," said Starfire.

"I'll even play with one hand tied behind my back," said Cyborg.

"I can't. I must meditate," said Raven.

"Can you not meditate for two seconds?" asked Beast Boy.

"No," said Raven.

"Sourpuss," said Beast Boy under his breath.

"Let her meditate. Besides, we don't need her to beat these bozos," said Jordan.

"Oh really? Prepare to be slaughtered," said Cyborg.

"Beast Boy. Use your strength to destroy them," said Jordan.

"On it, boss," said Beast Boy.

Beast Boy transforms into a gorilla and spikes the volleyball so strongly that the volleyball flies past the other side and towards Raven.

"Raven, get the ball!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

Raven doesn't get the ball and just moves out of the way.

"Oh no!" exclaimed the Titans.

"I guess that I'll get it," said Beast Boy.

"No need. I got it," said Terra.

"Is that?" asked Beast Boy.

"The best earth manipulating superheroine. Yes. Yes, I am back, baby," said Terra.

A giant rock hovers to the rooftop and the blonde that left the titans a few months before stands on it.

"Terra," said Beast Boy.

"Now, who's team am I on?" asked Terra.

"Terra, old friend. You're back," said Starfire.

"Back in the flesh," said Terra.

"Well, is it not my favorite rock and roller," said Cyborg.

"Victor, Jordan, what's up?" asked Terra.

"Why have you returned? You ran away the last time because of some dumb secret," said Jordan.

"I needed to take some time off to learn how to control my powers. I didn't want to accidentally kill someone," said Terra.

"We could have trained you here. It makes no sense for you to have learned how to control your powers by yourself when you couldn't do it before," said Jordan.

"I was just motivated this time," said Terra.

"Motivation huh? Wasn't Beast Boy's motivation enough?" asked Jordan.

"No," said Terra.

"Then, who motivated you then?" asked Jordan.

"Well, umm you see," said Terra.

"Stop hounding her for a second. Let her have some time to chill and relax. This is her first time here in a little while," said Beast Boy.

"Sorry. It's just how I am," said Jordan.

"Don't worry about it. We're all weird on the inside," said Terra.

"I never thought that we would see you again. That I would see you again. Raven, Terra's here," said Beast Boy.

"I can hear. She can have anything in the fridge, but she has to close the door when she leaves," said Raven.

"I've been thinking of staying," said Terra.

"Well, the last time you just ran away and now you randomly pop up after three months and want to become a Titan is suspicious," said Jordan.

"What our insecure leader is trying to say is that it's weird that you want to join the team even though last time you got mad when he found out that you couldn't control your powers. Why are you no longer mad?" said Beast Boy.

"I can control my powers now. Watch," said Terra.

Terra jumps into the air and hops onto the large rock. She uses her powers to use the other rocks to follow her like little toy soldiers and speeds around the tower.

"Look. She finally has control of her powers," said Beast Boy.

"She just picked up some tricks. That's all. It doesn't make her any less dangerous," said Raven.

"Where did she learn these tricks? There aren't many heroes around that can manipulate Earth," said Jordan.

"Whoever did a good job," said Beast Boy.

A minute passes before Terra uses her powers to make the rocks collide and creates a firework display. She then slowly descends to the rooftop on her giant rock.

"Fantastic," said Cyborg.

"You're incredible," said Beast Boy.

"Where did you learn that?" asked Jordan.

"See. I have everything under control," said Terra.

Seconds after she says this, the Titans feel an earthquake happen.

."What was that?" asked Beast Boy.

"Wasn't me," said Terra

"An earthquake, but it only lasted a few seconds, so it isn't a regular one. Someone must be up to something. We have to find out who it is and who's doing it," said Jordan.

Two minutes pass. On the giant screen in the living room, multiple red dots appear on a map of the city.

"The red dots are all of the earthquakes that have happened in the last couple minutes," said Cyborg.

"That's impossible for that many natural earthquakes to happen in just a couple minutes," said Terra.

"It's because they're not just naturally occurring earthquakes. They're a trail. Look at the dots. They move in a worm-like pattern. Something big must be moving underground and causing these earthquakes and we have to stop them before people die. Titans, go," said Jordan.

As the rest of the Titans run towards the exit to the tower, Terra doesn't move. Raven and Jordan notice this and stop running.

"Are you coming?" asked Jordan.

"Am I a Titan now?" asked Terra.

"We'll have to see about that. We still don't trust you," said Jordan.

"Why is it that only the two of you can make the hard decisions?" asked Terra.

"We don't have time to argue. Are you in or out?" said Raven.

"I'll come and show you that I can be a Titan," said Terra.

"You shouldn't be focusing on impressing us. If you want to be a Titan, you have to prioritize saving lives, not doing heroic things for selfish reasons," said Jordan.

"Whatever. We have lives to save," said Terra.

Terra runs past the two young heroes and rubs against Raven, causing her to have a vision in which multiple images flash in her mind.

"Is something wrong, Raven?" asked Jordan.

"Is it wise to have her here?" asked Raven.

"No, but we will need her help right now. We'll find out the true reason that she's here later," said Jordan.

"Hopefully she won't do anything drastic before then," said Raven.

"She won't. I'll make sure of it," said Jordan.

Twenty minutes pass. As the citizens of Jumpy City go on with their normal lives, a giant mechanical worm with a drill pops out of the ground. Due to the random appearance of the giant mechanical worm, a bus gets stuck. The bus driver tries to move the bus, but it won't move. Before the bus and everyone in it are turned into ground beef, Raven uses her magic to move the bus out of the way at the last second.

"The bus came six minutes ago. You're late," said Jordan.

"I guess that you will just have to take a cab," said Cyborg.

Cyborg picks up a cab and throws it at the mechanical worm. It explodes on contact but barely affects it.

"Azarath Montron Zin-," said Raven.

"I got this!" exclaimed Terra.

Terra raises a huge rock from the ground and knocks the mechanical worm back. Beast Boy then transforms into a mastodon and knocks the mechanical worm back. The mechanical worm responds by shooting an energy blast at Beast boy and sending him flying into a building.

"Beast Boy," said Terra.

"Get Beast Boy out of here. I'll cover you," said Starfire.

As Terra carries Beast Boy away with a large rock, Starfire launches multiple Starbolts at the mechanical worm. The mechanical worm tries to hit Starfire with an energy blast, but Starfire flies away to escape the blast. A few feet away, Terra places the dazed Beast Boy on the ground behind Jordan and Cyborg.

"Good job, Terra. I need to get up to its face to destroy it," said Jordan.

"On it, boss," said Terra.

Terra raises multiple rocks and Jordan runs across them like they're steps. The mechanical worm tries to hit Jordan with energy blasts to avoid being taken down, but Jordan reaches its head and throws explosives in his mouth. The explosives don't kill it, but it does a little damage.

"That didn't work. This thing must be pretty durable," said Jordan.

"I guess that we will have to do this the prehistoric style if you know what I'm saying," said Beast Boy.

"Maybe we can mix that prehistoric style up with some alien tech," said Cyborg.

Beast Boy transforms into a pterodactyl and picks up Cyborg. He then darts towards the mechanical worm and hits it with a couple blasts from his sonic cannon, but even that doesn't destroy it.

"What is this thing made of? This is ridiculous," said Cyborg.

"I don't know, but maybe we have to take it down from the inside," said Beast Boy.

"Did you just say something smart?" asked Cyborg.

"Shut up," said Beast Boy.

Back near the ground, Starfire carries Jordan and launches him at the mechanical worm. The mechanical worm tries to blast him out of the air, but the blasts are unable to hit the leader as he lands on the worm's head. He takes out a katana and tries to forcefully open a panel, but the katana snaps in two.

"I can't get through its metal skin. This thing is tough," said Jordan.

"So, how do we beat it?" asked Starfire.

"I don't know, but we have to," said Jordan.

"I can do it," said Terra.

"What if you can't? You can get people killed," said Raven.

"I won't. Trust me," said Terra.

"Trust you? I barely even know you," said Raven.

"This isn't your call," said Terra.

"I'm not trying to make it mine," said Raven.

"Then let me do this," said Terra.

"Fine. Just don't screw this up," said Raven.

"I won't, but I'll advise you to move back," said Terra.

"Why?" asked Raven.

"This is going to be a large-scale attack and I need room to do it properly," said Terra.

"Then, do it. No one is in the buildings and the civilians have already run away," said Raven.

"Ok. I can do it," said Terra.

Raven creates a portal with her hand and enters it. Once she does, Terra's eyes turn yellow and the entire section of the city starts to shake as large parts of the Earth rise to the sky. Terra moves her hands and slams the pieces of Earth on the mechanical worm and squashes it like an actual worm. A couple minutes pass before the other Titans return to where Terra is standing.

"Is that thing dead?" asked Raven.

"Yeah. I took it down," said Terra.

"Good job, girl," said Cyborg.

"You did good, Terra," said Beast Boy.

"Maybe I was wrong about you, Terra. You're good at what you do. You deserve to be on the team," said Raven.

"Do you think that? I didn't do anything impressive," said Terra.

"Stop being the modest. You destroyed that worm with ease. Jordan, can she umm, where did he go?" said Starfire.

Starfire looks around, but she doesn't see her friend.

"Where is he?" asked Starfire.

In an alley, Jordan slowly walks through it with his communicator in his hand. It continues to buzz until Slade appears on the screen.

"Hello, Jordan. It seems that you dealt with my worm," said Slade.

"What did you do to Terra after she left us three months ago?" asked Jordan.

"What are you talking about? I didn't do anything," said Slade.

"Then why are you calling me?" asked Jordan.

"I could send more of those worms, but I won't. Terra has shown me enough," said Slade.

"You're trying to make her your apprentice. It won't work. She may not be super smart, but she will never be yours," said Jordan.

"Jordan, you should know me well. I always get what I want," said Slade.

"Did you forget what happened last December?" asked Jordan.

"That was a fluke. Batman won't be there to protect you forever," said Slade.

"I won't need him to deal with you later," said Jordan.

"That's what they always say," said Slade.

"I'm not like everyone else," said Jordan.

"I know. That's why I wanted to make you the heir to my throne, but you threw that away for your friends. What a disappointment," said Slade.

"I'll make sure Terra is a disappointment as well," said Jordan.

"We'll see about that. See you later, Dark Phoenix," said Slade.

"Yeah. I'll be seeing you soon, Slade," said Jordan.

One hour passes. Raven and Terra walk down a dark hallway in the tower on their way to a secret meeting.

"So, friends?" asked Terra.

"Woah now. Let's just say that we don't hate each other," said Raven.

"I'm cool with that. So, where is this secret meeting?" said Terra.

"Right here," said Raven.

Raven presses a button on a door and the two heroes enter the room. Raven flips the light switch on and reveals the rest of the Titans in the room.

"Surprise!" exclaimed the Titans.

"What is this?" asked Terra.

"Your room. You can't live in Titans Tower without having a room," said Beast Boy.

"You guys did this all for me? You guys rock," said Terra.

"You did take down that worm thing all by yourself and saved lives, so you deserve it," said Beast Boy.

"You also deserve this," said Cyborg.

Terra looks at Cyborg's open hand and sees a communicator. She grabs it and Cyborg doesn't stop.

"Am I a Titan now?" asked Terra.

"Yeah. You have earned the title of a Titan," said Cyborg.

"I'm glad to have you on the team," said Starfire.

"Ditto," said Jordan.

"There's only one way to commemorate this moment. Waffles," said Cyborg.

"Ooh. The waffles," said Starfire.

"Can they be non-dairy?" asked Beast Boy.

"Hell no," said Cyborg.

As the Titans walk out of her new room, Terra just looks at them.

"Just give me a few minutes. I'll be down there in a second," said Terra.

"Just don't rush. You don't want to accidentally break something," said Beast Boy.

"I won't," said Terra.

Terra walks towards her new bed and hops on it. She places her arms under her head and looks at the ceiling.

"They trust me," said Terra.

"They may, but I don't. Not at all," said Jordan.

Terra hops out of her bed as she hears Jordan's voice coming from her doorway.

"You may have tricked them into trusting you, but you won't trick me. You didn't learn how to control your powers by yourself. You got help from Slade," said Jordan.

"Help from Slade? What are you talking about? How insecure are you?" asked Terra.

"Don't give me that attitude. I know that you work for Slade. You ran from us and went right to him. In exchange for training, he made you a spy. You're here to take us out from the inside, so he can control the city. How dumb do you think I am?" said Jordan.

"You know nothing about me," said Terra.

"You may think that your past is hidden, but you can't hide things from me, Princess Terra Markov. You can't hide a damn thing," said Jordan.

"Get out of my room," said Terra.

"It won't be your room for long. When my suspicions are confirmed, I will take you down with the force necessary to deal with you. I won't let you hurt my friends or the civilians of this city," said Jordan.

"I said get out," said Terra.

"Terra, I don't hate you. I just don't trust you. Earn my trust and prove me wrong and maybe we can become friends. See you later, Princess Markov," said Jordan.

Jordan walks out of Terra's room and she is shocked.

"He's on to me," said Terra.

"No, he's not. He's all talk. Just act normal and nothing will happen," said Slade.

"He was trained by Batman. I can't act normal without him noticing," said Terra.

"He won't notice a thing. He won't do anything until the last second. Trust me and you will be fine," said Slade.

"Alright. I trust you," said Terra.

"Good girl. Now, go enjoy some waffles. You have to make friends for our plan to succeed," said Slade.

"Yes, sir," said Terra.

The "WBverse" theory will come next time. In reality, I'm just holding it back because I'm lazy. Anyways, next chapter is going to be lit. I beleive that next chapter is the best chapter or episode of this story so far. "One Last Joke" was my favorite last season. It has action, romance, and dark twists. It comes the day after Thanksgiving, so you can enjoy your leftovers while you read. Next chapter will be heat and to find out what happens, tune in on Friday. Also, my least favorites so far are "Rise of the Pheonix" and "Terra Markov". They're not bad, but either not as good or too similar to canon. Season 1 over 2. Enjoy the chapter, have a good day, and have a nice Thanksgiving!

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