
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Sisters Once Removed

Three months have passed since the five young heroes protected Jump City from the threat of the Gordonians. After their success, they have grouped up and formed a team of teenagers to protect Jump City: the Teen Titans. Now, the Titans spend some quality time at the pier. The leader and the cloaked girl sit together on a Ferris Wheel.

"You don't get out much do you?" asked Jordan.

"How did you know?" asked Raven.

"Well, you're always in your room reading and meditating. You never like to hang out with the rest of us. Why is that?" said Jordan.

"I like to be alone," said Raven.

"You don't have to be alone. You have friends that have superpowers. You're not weird or creepy. You're just like us," said Jordan.

"Maybe," said Raven.

"Maybe? You need to boost your self-esteem," said Jordan.

"How would I do that?" asked Raven.

"Get out more. Buy more clothes that aren't black. Get some sunlight you know," said Jordan.

"I like these clothes," said Raven.

"I didn't say that you didn't have to wear them. I'm just saying to lighten up your wardrobe," said Jordan.

"I've been alone for a very long time. I don't think a change of clothes and some sunlight will help me," said Raven.

"It will. Just try," said Jordan.

"I might," said Raven.

The two friends sit in silence for a minute until they see fireworks blow up in the sky.

"Have you ever seen fireworks before?" asked Jordan.

"My parents kind of sheltered me," said Raven.

"Why?" asked Jordan.

"They were kind of strict," said Raven.

"What happened to them?" asked Jordan.

"I don't talk to them anymore," said Raven.

"Do they know that you're here?" asked Jordan.

"No, I don't want them to know," said Raven.

"You should tell them. I don't want them to bust down our door at three in the morning," said Jordan.

"Trust me. They'll know," said Raven.

"Ahh!" exclaimed Starfire.

"What was that?" asked Jordan.

Jordan looks down and sees his alien friend being grabbed by an alien and forcefully taken into the sky.

"What is that thing?" asked Raven.

"I don't know, but we have to save Star," said Jordan.

"I'm already on it," said Raven.

Raven uses her magic to make a flying disk and Jordan hops on it. The flying disk zooms towards the tentacle alien. In the middle of the ocean, Starfire uses her super strength to escape from the tentacle alien. She rockets towards the pier as the tentacle alien continues to chase her.

"No more chasing now please!" exclaimed Starfire.

Thye tentacle alien doesn't listen and continues to chase after the alien girl. Before it can try to grab her again, two claws are lodged into its head and it blows up above the water.

"That thing was weaker than I thought," said Jordan.

"Were you able to figure out what it was?" asked Raven.

"No, but that thing has friends and we will learn more from them," said Jordan.

Thirty minutes pass. The Titans enter the tower and walk into their living room, but see someone strange. Everyone notices except for Starfire.

"To thank you for saving me, I will recite all 6,000 verses of the poem of gratitude," said Starfire.

"It seems that nothing has changed. I always saved Starfire when she was young," said the sister.

"Sister!" exclaimed Starfire.

Starfire runs up and hugs her black-haired sister.

"I brought you a present. Wanna see it?" said the sister.

"Yes please," said Starfire.

The black-haired sister pulls out a necklace with a gem on it and shows it to her younger sister.

"Is that a Centauri Moon Diamond? Where did you get it?" asked Starfire.

"From the Centauri Moons of course," said the sister.

The sister places the necklace on Starfire's neck.

"It looks just like your eyes," said the sister.

"You are so sweet, sister. You have to meet my friends> Guys, this is my big sister-," said Starfire.

"Blackfire and since my sister told me all about you guys on her transmissions, you must be Victor," interrupted Blackfire.

"Nice to meet you, little lady," said Cyborg.

Cyborg sticks out his hand, but it's crushed by the girl's super strength.

"Little lady has a big handshake. I like it," said Cyborg.

"Rachel, I like your clothes. I've always been a fan of darker colors," said Blackfire.

"You do? I've been thinking about freshening up my wardrobe," said Raven.

"You shouldn't. You look cool. Beast Boy, what's up?" said Blackfire.

"Nothing but the ceiling baby," said Beast Boy.

"Good one," said Blackfire.

"She thinks I'm funny," said Beast Boy.

"Of course someone would find your lame jokes funny," said Raven.

"Sourpuss," said Beast Boy.

"And you must be Jordan. I'm loving these clothes. It's so chic," said Blackfire.

"How did you get past the security system?" asked Jordan.

"I am a girl full of surprises," said Blackfire.

"You destroyed it, didn't you?" asked Jordan.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. You're just going to have to find out," said Blackfire.

"This isn't a good impression," said Jordan.

"I'm not trying to impress you. I just want us all to be cool," said Blackfire.

"Don't do something like this again. I spent hours crafting that system," said Jordan.

"Heard, skipper," said Blackfire.

"So, why are you here, sister?" asked Starfire.

"I just stopped by to party. I almost got sucked in by a black hole on my way here, " said Blackfire.

Blackife hops on the couch and Raven, Cyborg, and Beast Boy sit around her.

"A black hole?" asked Cyborg.

"That's so cool. Tell us more," said Beast Boy.

"Well, I guess I can share some tales. Starfire, can you grab me one of those sodas that I've been hearing about?," said Blackfire.

"Sure. It seems that you haven't changed one bit, sister," said Starfire.

"Jordan, do you not want to hear my tales?" asked Blackfire.

"I don't need to. I have a security system to fix," said Jordan.

"Don't take too long," said Blackfire.

"I won't," said Jordan.

Two hours pass. After completing the security system repair, he walks into his gym but finds Blackfire in it.

"Why are you in my gym?" asked Jordan.

"I was looking for the bathroom until I stumbled in here. It looks cool," said Blackfire.

"Get out. You have to ask for permission to be in here," said Jordan.

"Relax. I'll be leaving," said Blackfire.

"A tentacle alien tried to kidnap Starfire earlier tonight. After that, you conveniently appeared in our living room. Why are those things after you?" asked Jordan.

"I don't know," said Blackfire.

"You know everything except for important things like this," said Jordan.

"I honestly don't know. A lot of people in the galaxy don't like me, so it could be anybody," said Blackfire.

"I'll believe you for now, but if you try to get Starfire in danger, I will deal with you," said Jordan.

"Don't worry, birdboy. I won't do anything evil," said Blackfire.

"I don't know why, but I severely doubt that," said Jordan.

"If you don't trust me, that's on you. I just came here to have fun," said Blackfire.

"Your fun is the dangerous kind," said Jordan.

"You know what they say. Living life on the edge is the way to live life," said Blackfire.

"Whatever you say, Blackfire," said Jordan.

Twenty-two hours pass. Jordan and the rest of the Titans now sit in the living room and watch some tv. The door behind them opens and Blackfire, in Starfire's clothing, walks into the living room.

"Forget the boring tv. We're going out," said Blackfire.

"We are? Why do you have on my clothes?" asked Starfire.

Blackfire doesn't respond and just walks past her sister on her way to the couch.

"I heard of a cool party downtown. Hot music and a cool crowd. Plus, it's in a creepy abandoned warehouse," said Blackfire.

"Yeah," said Beast Boy.

"I'm in," said Cyborg.

"I guess that I'll come too," said Raven.

"Why are you wearing Starfire's clothes?" asked Jordan.

"I just like them," said Blackfire.

"Of course you do," said Jordan.

"Are you coming or not?" asked Blackfire.

"Fine," said Jordan.

The Titans get up from the couch without even turning off the tv. They quickly walk past Starfire on their way out of the tower.

"Sweetie, I borrowed some clothes from your closet. I hope you don't mind," said Blackfire.

"Why would I? You already borrowed my friends," said Starfire.

Starfire slowly follows as a new report appears on the large tv screen.

"Breaking news! The mysterious Red Hood has struck once again at the Jump City Art Museum. He or she has stolen yet another expensive painting. When will this thief be captured by the police or maybe the young Teen Titans will finally stop this menace," said the reporter.

Twenty minutes pass. The Teen Titans open the warehouse's door and the loud music slaps them in the face. They see hundreds of teenagers dancing to the tunes.

"Step aside, earthlings! The party queen of the galaxy has arrived!" exclaimed Blackfire.

The Titans dive deeper into the abyss of dancing teenagers except for Starfire. Jordan notices this and walks over to her.

"You don't want to be here, do you?" asked Jordan.

"Not really," said Starfire.

"Wanna talk?" asked Jordan.

"Yes," said Starfire.

"There's a spot on the rooftop. No one will be up there," said Jordan.

Jordan sticks out his hand and Starfire takes it. Jordan maneuvers through the waves of rowdy teenagers and reach the door. He opens it and the two friends walk up the staircase. They reach the rooftop and take a seat on the edge.

"So, what's wrong?" asked Jordan.

"My sister has always been like this. She was always more popular than me. Cooler than me. Better than me at practically everything and now I fear that she will take my friends from me. I don't believe I belong here anymore," said Starfire.

"Of course you belong. We're your friends. We won't just dump you because your sister is cooler. To be honest with you, I don't trust her at all. She's sneaky and I think that she is planning something, but I don't know what," said Jordan.

"So, you don't like her?" asked Starfire.

"Why would I? She's nothing more than a party-loving troublemaker. You may not be as popular as her or as cool, but you're a better person and that's all that matters," said Jordan.

"Really?" asked Starfire.

"Really," said Jordan.

"How do I look?" asked Blackfire.

Starfire and Jordan turn their heads and see Blackfire hovering over the rooftop with a pink wig on.

"Why do you have on a pink wig?" asked Jordan.

"I like pink," said Blackfire.

"You said you only liked darker colors," said Jordan.

"A girl can't like pink and black?" asked Blackfire.

"Give us a moment. We were talking," said Jordan.

"I don't feel like waiting," said Blackfire.

"I don't care about what you want. We were talking," said Jordan.

As the tension on the rooftop increases, a tentacle alien zooms by Jordan's ear with Starfire in tow.

"Not again. Blackfire, we have to go save your sister," said Jordan.

Jordan realizes that Blackfire has disappeared instead of chasing after her sister.

"I knew it," said Jordan.

Joran runs down the stairs and re-enters the rowdy party. He quickly looks throughout the warehouse until he finds Beast Boy and Cyborg.

"Have you guys seen Blackfire?" asked Jordan.

"No. We've been too busy enjoying the music," said Beast Boy.

"Starfire was taken by the tentacle alien. We have to go rescue her," said Jordan.

"Starfire's in trouble. We don't have time to waste," said Cyborg.

"I'll go after Starfire. You guys go find Raven," said Jordan.

"We will be there to help you in seconds," said Beast Boy.

"Good. Titans go," said Jordan.

Jordan runs out of the warehouse and grapples up to the rooftop. He then pulls his utility belt out from his pocket and ties it to his waist. He pulls out his phone, turns it on, and clicks on an app with a phoenix on it. A large suit container flies onto the rooftop a minute later. Jordan walks up to it and places his hand on the handprint sensor. The container accepts his handprint and opens. Jordan puts the suit on and grapples away. On the alien's spaceship a couple minutes later, Starfire is placed into a glass tube.

"We have finally found you. You will pay for the crimes that you committed on Centauri," said the alien.

"She won't be paying for anything. You got the wrong girl," said Jordan.

"What do you mean?" asked the alien.

"Blackfire is the criminal that you're looking for. That's her sister. She gave her sister the diamond to trick you guys into believing that she was the one that you were looking for," said Jordan.

"Where is Blackfire?" asked the alien.

Jordan points at the sky and the alien sees Blackfire rocketing through the sky on her way to space.

"Let's go get her," said the alien.

"I think that we have someone who can take her down," said Jordan.

Jordan walks over to the tube keeping Starfire captured and steps on the red button, freeing her. He takes the large green tentacle off of her and Starfire takes off. She appears in front of Blackfire in seconds.

"Hello, sister," said Starfire.

"Are you mad? I should have told you that I was leaving, but you should know how I act," said Blackfire.

"You are a criminal and you were going to put me in jail," said Jordan.

"Uh. Yeah," said Blackfire.

"I must turn you into the police," said Starfire.

"How are you going to stop me?" asked Blackfire.

Blackfire shoots a Starbolt at Starfire and it only sends her a few feet back. She then charges at her sister as Blackfire launches a large number of Starbolts at her. They all miss and Starfire launches a Starbolt at her right hand. Before Starfire can attack her, she is grabbed from behind by a green tentacle.

"Blackfire from Tamaran, you are under arrest," said the alien.

"Farewell, sister. Even though you attacked and tried to frame me, it was very nice to see you," said Starfire.

"Next time little sister, I won't be so nice. I will have my revenge," said Blackfire.

Nine hours pass. Starfire sits on the edge of Titans Tower and looks at the sun. Jordan walks onto the rooftop and sits next to his friend.

"Why are you up so early?" asked Jordan.

"I feel; sorry for my sister," said Starfire.

"Why? She betrayed you and tried to ruin your life," asked Jordan.

"Even though she did all of those things, she's still my sister," said Starfire.

"You're way too nice," said Jordan.

"At least I won't be replaced," said Starfire.

"Replaced? Your sister's facade was interesting, but no one can replace you. You're irreplaceable," said Jordan.

"Really?" asked Starfire.

"Really," said Jordan.

Not every episode will be covered in this story. I will only cover the most important ones. No filler because I hate filler. I just want to get to the important parts. Also, I know that this episode takes place after "Divide and Conquer", but I just wanted to cover it before we dive deep into the main part of the season or arc. Now, let's talk about something special. I just finished the chapters for Trouble In Tokyo. Don't worry. We're are going past that, but my opinion of the movie has changed. Back in 4th grade, I had a rash. This rash caused me to miss school for an entire week. In that week, I watched this move over and over and over again at least ten times. I loved this film and was obsessed with the show at the time, but after rewatching it twice in the past three months, I have noticed that this movie is only ok. If it wasn't the last piece of Teen Titans material that we would get, it would have been a little better, but because it wasn't, it was just ok. The comedy was ok, the animation was ok, the plot was ok, and the music was ok. Nothing special and nothing too bad. It was a disappointing filler adventure that was only there to put Robin and Starfire together. It was a 5/10 at best. They should have reworked the movie to actually create a good conclusion to the series and answer unanswered questions. Now, those unanswered questions may never be answered and we will not get the ending that we deserve. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

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