
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Red Flags

Two months have passed since the Titans had a visit from a visitor from an alternate Earth. Since then, everything has been pretty normal. Nothing out of the ordinary other than the lack of crime in the area. Now, there is a crime happening. In the Star Labs of Jump City, a group of thieves sneaks through the halls. They are here to steal tech with their advanced alien tech. Very redundant.

"Manheim, why are we here?" asked Whisper.

"To steal tech. Duh," said Manheim.

"But, do we need Earth tech when we have alien tech?" asked Whisper.

"No, but the boss wants it. He gets what he wants," said Manheim.

"Why would he want lowly Earth tech?" asked Whisper.

"He probably wants to know how the tech works on this planet before he conquers it," said Manheim.

"Or he could conquer it now without needing us to risk our freedom for some microwaves," said Whisper.

"Microwaves? No. These are high-tech solar generators. They have the power to drag solar energy directly from the sun and use it as energy. In the wrong hands, the sun could be destroyed," said Manheim.

"So, he wants to destroy the sun. Unoriginal," said Whisper.

"Not destroy it. Just analyze it," said Manheim.

"I'm tired of being his slave. Do you remember when we first started this gang? We were a crime cult and now, we're that alien's lapdogs," said Whisper.

"He will make us kings and queens of Apokolips," said Manheim.

"I don't want to be a queen of Hell," said Whisper.

"Well, we won't have much choice," said Manheim.

"We can just get the Titans' help. They're soft enough to manipulate," said Whisper.

"I don't want to work with no dang heroes. We can do this and we will be fine," said Manheim.

"Whatever you say," said Whisper.

"Quiet down. We're here," said Manheim.

Manheim walks up to a large door and places his hand on it. He then pulls out a device and places it in the middle of the door. It spins and the door opens in seconds. Manheim motions for his gang to follow and they do. They walk up to the generator and then the boss motions for Whisper to go and hack the panel. She obliges and starts to do that.

"How long will it take?" asked Manheim.

"Not long. Maybe a couple minutes. We haven't alerted any guards yet, so we should be fine. We can just Boomtube out of here," said Whisper.

"Good. This should be a piece of cake," said Manheim.

"Not necessarily," said Jordan.

"What the?" asked Manheim.

"He said that it won't be a piece of cake. Not for you anyways," said Cyborg.

The members of Intergang turn to see two Titans standing in the doorway. One is nearly all metal and the other is in a bird suit. They start to shake, but can't show their weaknesses to the heroes.

"How did you know we were here?" asked Manheim.

"You're so predictable," said Jordan.

"We heard that you were in town and already knew that you would probably come here. You guys need a new gig," said Cyborg.

"This doesn't seem good, boss," said a goon.

"Look. We won't go without a fight," said Manheim.

"Yes, we will! I'm not fighting these guys. Two are already bad enough," said another goon.

"You can't surrender. You're a member of Intergang. We don't quit," said Manheim.

"That's how we end up back in Belle Reeve. I have already done enough time," said another goon.

"Coward," said Manheim.

"He's right. Just give up and we won't have to hurt you," said Jordan.

"Never! Charge!" exclaimed Manheim.

"I hate this," said another goon.

The members of Intergang pull out their high-tech blasters and fire at the Titans. They easily dodge the blasts before charging at the goons. Jordan leaps over one and pulls out a taser, tasering him with a high voltage before he passes out. Cyborg tanks the shots of another and tackles him, sending him flying into a wall before he passes out. Manheim won't go out like a child and tries to fight back, but he is jumped and easily taken out with a few combined blows from the heroes. Whisper looks up and she is all alone.

"Great," said Whisper.

"Are you going to fight back?" asked Jordan.

"Just take me in," said Whisper.

"Good," said Jordan as he pulls out handcuffs.

"This was too easy," said Cyborg.

"They're Intergang. They're supposed to be easy," said Jordan.

"I sense something. It's in her coat," said Cyborg.

"What is it?" asked Jordan.

"Alien tech," said Cyborg.

"Alien tech is kind of their thing," said Jordan.

"But, it's too alien and way too familiar for some reason," said Cyborg.

"Whisper, what's in your coat?" asked Jordan.

"Just a means of escape," said Whisper.

Jordan reaches into her coat and pulls out a box, but it isn't just some regular box. It's alien technology and way too familiar to Victor. Cyborg backs up in shock and Jordan just turns his head.

"What's wrong?" asked Jordan.

"Keep that thing away from me. It won't end well if that thing gets anywhere near me," said Cyborg.

"What are you on?" asked Jordan.

"Just trust me," said Cyborg.

"A'daire, what is this thing?" asked Jordan.

"A mother box. It's Apokoliptian tech that is mostly used as a teleporter to distant lands. It can also be used to repair things. It's a living machine," said Whisper.

"How will this affect my friend?" asked Jordan.

"Mother boxes tend to be clingy. They like to work in tandem with each other to please their master," said Whisper.

"Are you its master?" asked Jordan.

"No, but there is someone worse," said Whisper.

"Who is that?" asked Jordan.

"AHHHHHHH!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"Vic," said Jordan.

"Stay back. I can't control my systems," said Cyborg.

"What is happening to him?" asked Jordan.

"It seems that your friend is part mother box. He is being taken over because of the presence of the mother box in your hands and the works of its creator," said Whisper.

"You aren't behind this, but you're still going to jail. Stay right there while I deal with him," said Jordan.

"Who says that I just won't leave," said Whisper.

"Your master will have your head," said Jordan.

"You heard that?" asked Whisper.

"I hear everything," said Jordan.

"Fine. I'll stay put," said Whisper.

"Vic, are you alright?" asked Jordan.

"Never felt better," said Cyborg evilly.

"Vic?" asked Jordan.

"He isn't here right now. It's only me," said Cyborg as his eye and metallic parts turn purple.

"Great. He's out of control," said Jordan.

"Now, can you please move? My agent needs to get going," said Cyborg.

"I can't do that. She has a nice little room already prepped in Belle Reeve," said Jordan.

"Then, you shall be eliminated," said Cyborg.

"Fine by me," said Jordan.

They stand in front of each other for a few seconds before chagrin at each other. Jordan leaps over him and grabs onto his back. He tries to pull off his back compartment but is shocked and sent flying into the hallway. He lands on his hands and flips back to his feet.

"That won't work, boy," said Cyborg.

"What about this?' asked Jordan as he pulls out a gadget.

He raises it in the air and then presses a button on it. A wave of electromagnetic energy is sent out and affects the entire building. All of the lights and tech go out, except for the target. Cyborg is absolutely fine.

"An EMP? That won't stop a mother box," said Cyborg.

"Advanced. Maybe fists will work," thought Jordan.

Jordan rushes Cyborg and punches him in the face. He then knees Cyborg in the face before kicking him in the stomach. He tries to hit him with a chop, but Cyborg grabs him and throws him back into the room. He then blasts home with his sonic cannon and sends him through the wall.

"You should have just let her leave," said Cyborg.

Jordan pulls out a hacking device and tries to hack the Motherbox, but it can't. The tech is too alien and the device just explodes in Jordan's hand. He looks up and receives a kick that sends him flying back further. Jordan quickly gets up and pulls out a few small gadgets. He throws them at Cyborg and he easily catches them.

"What are these? Electric?" asked Cyborg.

"Shock therapy," said Jordan as he pulls out a trigger.

Jordan slams his finger on the button and Cyborg is electrocuted. He is stunned and Jordan takes advantage of this to rush him. He pulls out his escrima sticks and tasers pop out on the ends. He slams them on the metal man's head and electrocutes his brain. This hurts the cyborg and he tries to shake Jordan off. This won't work and Cyborg starts to fall and rolls down into the river. Jordan hops off at the last second to see his friend being electrocuted in the water.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH!" exclaimed Cyborg.

"Sorry, Vic," said Jordan.

Jordan takes one more look at Cyborg before he moves back into the Star Labs facility. He expects to see Whisper there, but she is gone like the wind. Jordan looks up and groans.

"This night sucks," said Jordan.

Two hours pass. Cyborg wakes up in his room. He has regained control of himself and starts to look around. He sees his friends and allies standing around him, concerned for his well-being.

"What is going on?" asked Cyborg.

"You were taken control of by a Motherbox. You're fine now," said Jordan.

"That only happened once before. When the accident happened," said Cyborg.

"We know all about your accident. You told us about that years ago," said Raven.

"But I didn't tell you everything. I was saved by my father experimenting on me, but he didn't do it alone. He had a lot of help. He had the help of a Motherbox. It's alien technology created by scientists on a planet called Apokolips. It's living technology and it helped me survive, but it killed my father," said Cyborg.

"So, all of your abilities come from alien technology?" asked Beast Boy.

"Yes," said Cyborg.

"So cool! I mean. That really sucks," said Beast Boy.

"Now, it has become a detriment for some reason and I don't know why," said Cyborg.

"Geez. It's like no one knows anything," said Jordan.

"The Motherbox told me that its master is a bad dude. A really bad dude," said Cyborg.

"How bad?" asked Starfire.

"Trigon level or even worse," said Cyborg.

"Great. I wanted to celebrate Christmas normally," said Raven.

"He took over me and helped one of his servants escape. I don't think that we will be seeing Whisper for a long time," said Cyborg.

"Whoever this guy is, he's planning something and I don't like it. Get prepared because someone's coming," said Jordan.

"I know who is coming," said Donna as she appears in the doorway.

"Who is it?" asked Jordan.

"Earlier this morning while I was sparring with Connor, I felt weird. Then, I heard my queen's voice and went to a temple on the edge of town. There, I saw an arrow. A letter was tied to it. It stated that he was coming. They were warned by the Old Gods thousands of years ago. He will be here in less than a week," said Donna.

"He is who?" asked Jordan.

"He is everything. He is evil incarnate. He is the king of Apokolips. He is Darkseid," said Donna.

"Darkseid? Cool name," said Jordan.

"He strives to rule the universe. He searches for the Anti-Life equation and he thinks that it is somewhere on this planet. He won't stop searching until he finds it," said Donna.

"So, the Anti-Life equation is just an equation?" asked Jordan.

"Yes. It's a mathematical equation that magically gives the finder the power to control everything," said Donna.

"Who created it?" asked Jordan.

"No clue, but probably the Old Gods," said Donna.

"So, the question is now do we find the equation, or do we work on defending the planet?" asked Jordan.

"The thing may not even be on this planet. We have to prepare for his arrival," said Connor.

"I was thinking the same thing. I say that we only have a few days to prep. We don't have much time, so no slacking. We have a planet to save," said Jordan.

Fourteen hours pass. Jordan is now no longer at Titans Tower. He's in Miami hanging out with Jade. In the background, Damian, Rose, and Jordai chase after each other. It seems normal, but she and the kids need to be protected from the invasion of Darkseid's forces.

"So, you're telling me that a big grey alien will be coming in a couple days and he wants to conquer the planet to find a super powerful algebra equation," said Jade.

"It's the truth. It sounds weird, but that's how it's going on," said Jordan.

"I didn't say that you were lying. It's just very strange," said Jade.

"You need to take Jordai and the kids and leave. I don't want them to be caught in the crossfire," said Jordan.

"The aliens won't get to them," said Jade.

"You don't know that," said Jordan.

"I will protect them with my life. No matter where we go, they will be safe. I promise you," said Jade.

"I've never dealt with an alien invasion on this scale before. The Thanagarians were puppies compared to these guys," said Jordan.

"All aliens are the same," said Jade.

"This ain't a movie. You have to take this seriously," said Jordan.

"I'm joking. When the day comes, I will be ready," said Jade.

"Are you sure? I can help fortify the house or the car," said Jordan.

"By protecting the world, you are already doing enough. As a mother, it's my responsibility to protect my children. Now, go get ready. You have a species to protect," said Jade.

"Yeah, I do," said Jordan.

Nine hours pass. The nightlife of Jump City is well-known all over the world. Teens and young adults always party in the clubs. Fans of musicians attend concert halls and couples enjoy nice meals in fancy restaurants. The nightlife stays the same until a boom tube opens in the middle of the busiest street in the city at this time. Nine people walk out of the boom tube and they are all women. Cars run onto the sidewalk to dodge the nine women.

"Get out of the road!" exclaimed a pissed-off driver.

The pissed-off driver doesn't get to say another word before he is turned to ash by a blast from a blaster pulled by the older woman. She puts it back in its holster and turns to look at her team.

"Cause mayhem. Lord Darkseid wants to drag them out of the shadows," said the older woman.

"Yes, Granny Goodness," said the female soldiers.

"No need. We're already here," said Jordan.

The Titans fall out of the sky and land in front of the female soldiers. They look at the destruction already caused by these savages.

"Go back to Apokolips. We don't want to face his lackeys. We want the real deal," said Jordan.

"He won't face you. He sent us to face you. We shall be your challengers," said Granny Goodness.

"Challengers? You basura don't seem like a threat to ants," said Jaime.

"Oh really? You dare underestimate Darkseid's greatest warriors? Furies, attack and show them the power of Lord Darkseid," said Granny Goodness.

"Titans, go!" exclaimed Jordan.

The Titans and Furies charge at each other. The Titans and Furies choose their opponents and they clash in the street. Blue Beetle reaches his opponent first and dodges an arrow. The arrow lands behind him and explodes. The explosion sends him flying toward the Fury. She sends another arrow, but Jaime catches it. It explodes in his hand, but it doesn't do much damage. He goes on the offense and blasts her with his sonic cannon, sending her flying into a building. He then hits her with a blast from his plasma cannon and knocks her out.

"One down!" exclaimed Jaime.

In the center of the street, Starfire launches herself toward another Fury. The Fury shoots out eye beams and Starfire easily dodges them. Starfire then fires a volley of Starbolts and they all hit her target. She then kicks her in the face with a powerful kick and instantly knocks her out.

"Another one down," said Starfire.

In an alley, Jordan confronts his fury. Her hands are in a chop position and energy surrounds them. Jordan notices this and smiles.

"So, are you a martial artist?" asked Jordan.

"My hands are considered deadly," said Gilotina.

"Nice, but you have to go down, so just give up," said Jordan.

"Never," said Gilotina.

"I'm getting tired of this," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out some smoke bombs and drops them on the floor. He hides in the smoke and the Fury charges at him. She doesn't touch him but gets hit with a hard right, left, and then a headbutt. She is dazed until she is hit with a couple poisonous darts. She instantly falls unconscious.

"Fighter down," said Jordan.

Superboy approaches his target. She is waiting for him and she sits in a weirdly sexual position. This just confuses Connor.

"Do you want to fight or not?" asked Connor.

"Are you flirting with me?" asked Knockout.

"What?" asked Connor.

"So, you are flirting with me?" asked Knockout.

"What are you talking about?" asked Connor.

"Boys are always too blind to a girl's true emotions," said Knockout.

"I don't understand," said Connor.

"You never will," said Knockout.

"So, Ima just defeat you now," said Connor.

"It won't be so easy, boy. We furies won't get defeated by the likes of you," said Knockout.

"Good talk," said Connor.

Connor causally speed blitzes the Fury and knocks her out with a few punches.

"But, I'm on the clock. Fury down," said Connor.

In the neighboring street, Cyborg stares down a cackling fury. She rubs her face with her very sharp claws. Without warning, she darts at the metal man, but he just blasts her with a very powerful blast from his sonic cannon. The blast sends her flying, nearly disintegrating her. She tries to get back up, but her legs turn to ash and she passes out.

"Another Fury down," said Cyborg.

On a rooftop, Raven stares daggers at her opponent while her opponent does the same thing. She pours some magical energy into her hands and the fury wraps some metal around her arms. Raven notices this and stands her ground. The Fury sends the metal toward her, but the sorcerer blocks it easily with a shield and then sends a powerful wave of energy toward the Fury. The Fury barely dodges the energy wave, but she is grabbed by a black hand and slammed onto the roof. She is slammed a few more times before she is launched into space.

"I have defeated my opponent," said Raven.

"Did you launch her into space?" asked Jordan.

"Yes," said Raven.

"Why?" asked Jordan.

"She won't be a threat," said Raven.

"Good work. I guess. Note to me: don't anger her," said Jordan.

There is only one Fury left and she is only being confronted by Beast Boy and Wonder Girl. She looks at both of her opponents and holds her weapon very tightly.

"So, are you going to make your move? You've been waiting there for a little while," said Beast Boy.

"Patience. I can sense that she will move in three. Two. One," said Donna.

"For Darkseid!" exclaimed Big Barda as she darts toward the two heroes.

"Right on time," said Donna.

Big Barda starts to wildly swing at Donna and she dodges the swipes, but not easily. Beast Boy tries to hop in but gets smacked away by Barda's medium-sized weapon. This gives Donna a chance to slam her fist on the warrior's face, sending her flying through the park. Before she even gets up, Donna lands on her and forces her to stay on the ground. She then starts to punch her over and over and over, drawing the Fury's blood. Barda kicks Donna off at the last second before she is knocked out and slowly gets up. She wobbles and Donna sees this. She smiles and spears her out of the park and into the streets. Donna then kicks her in the face and forces her to fly through the ground. Before she notices, Beast Boy, now a hippo, stands behind her. He puts her in his mouth and crushes her until she passes out

"It looks like the big woman is down," said Beast Boy.

"Good. Now, let's find their leader," said Jordan.

"No point. She boom tubed out," said Jaime.

"So, this wasn't an invasion. Just a test. She knew that they would lose. They want to keep us on our toes. The day of invasion is inching closer and we must be ready. The Furies won't be coming. He will and I don't think that he will be as weak. Definitely not," said Jordan.

Happy Thanksgiving! I'm thankful to finally complete this story! I'm also thankful for my loyal readers, food, family, my writing talent, art, manga, Togashi, Tom Brady, bad bitches, and DC. What are you thankful for? And remember to be thankful every single day. Two more chapters remain. I may drop the next chapter tomorrow and go on a little marathon. Ok, if we reach 430k views by the end of tomorrow then I will drop the last two chapters this weekend. If not, weekly release like normal. Deal? Enjoy your feast, boys and girls!

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