
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Little Bro

A week has passed since the Red Hood "returned" and stole the Zynothium ore. With the help of the ore, he is now able to power his suit for a little while. He will no longer steal physical objects from people, but he may steal something more important. He is now an anti-hero and he wants the blood of those who oppress the weak and innocent. Now on the south side of the city, ten mobsters are having a meeting in an abandoned warehouse. The bright moon in the sky lights up the room.

"What happened to this city?" asked one of the mobsters.

"Those freaks, the Titans, happened. Before they showed up a couple years ago, we ran this town. Nothing could stop us. We had the city in our grasps, but they decided to intervene. Now, we have this wannabe Batman and this Red Hood guy on our asses," said another mobster.

"They won't find us. They haven't in two years. We're fine," said a mobster.

"The reason that they haven't found us was that they don't want to find us. The Titans are too busy facing supervillains to deal with us, but that freak in the helmet is. He will find us," said an older mobster.

"He won't. We have the best security on the west coast. He will be used for organs once they are done with him," said an even older mobster.

"What if they don't kill this bastard? What will we do then?" asked a younger mobster.

"Then, we will hire some more people to kill this bastard. He isn't Superman," said another mobster.

"I may not be a Kryptonian, but I am deadly," said Red Hood.

The mobsters look up and see Red Hood standing on the balcony above them. He picks up a bag and drops it on the table.

"How did you find us?" asked the oldest mobster.

"You guys are mobsters. Meeting in abandoned warehouses is the usual for you losers. Try harder," said Red Hood.

"How did you get past security?" asked one of the mobsters.

"Look in the bag," said Red Hood.

The mobsters slowly move their hands towards the zipper on the bag. They grab the zipper and unzip the bag. Inside, are the heads of all of their security guards. They are disgusted by the find.

"What the hell is this?" asked the youngest mobster.

"The heads of all of your security dogs. I thought that they would be hard to beat, but they were pretty easy punching bags," said Red Hood.

"What do you want?" asked another mobster.

"I'm kind of new in town. The mob scene isn't as bad as it is in Gotham, but it is still an issue that I need to purge from this society," said Red Hood.

"Are you going to kill us?" asked an older mobster.

"I would love to, but I can think of a better way to deal with you guys," said Red Hood.

"If you want money, we have plenty of that," said the younger mobster.

"I don't think money will cut it," said Red Hood.

"What about guns and other weapons. You seem to like those," said the younger mobster.

"I already have enough weapons. I don't need your primitive rifles and blades," said Red Hood.

"Then, what do you want? You're playing hard to please," said the oldest mobster.

"I know what I want now. You guys work for me," said Red Hood.

"Work for you?" asked one of the mobsters.

"No way. I'm loyal to the Corleone Family! I would never work for a murderous freak like you!" exclaimed the youngest mobster.

"Choose your words wisely, kid. I'm the one with the guns," said Red Hood.

"Eat a dick! You won't control me! I won't let you!" exclaimed the youngest mobster.

"Tell your boy to calm down before he catches a bullet between his eyes," said Red Hood.

"You're just all talk. You won't do a-," said the youngest mobster.

Red Hood isn't just talk and shoots the youngest mobster in between his eyes. He's dead before he even touches the ground.

"Maybe his death will convince you guys to accept my offer," said Red Hood.

"What do you want us to do?" asked the older mobster.

"Give me all the information you have on everything in this town. Also, tell me about every single conservation that you have with your boss. I need to know these things to do my job efficiently," said Red Hood.

"We will give you whatever you need, boss," said the younger mobster.

"Good. Now, get out of here. The cops will be here in minutes," said Red Hood.

"Huh?" asked the mobsters.

"Do you guys not hear me? The cops will be here in minutes," said Red Hood.

"You called the cops!" exclaimed one of the mobsters.

"Why wouldn't I? I am a hero after all," said Red Hood.

"Let's get out of here!" exclaimed the oldest mobster.

"Don't mind if we do!" exclaimed the other mobsters.

"Don't get yourselves killed or arrested, boys. Our deal will be null and void if that happens," said Red Hood.

Five minutes pass. The JCPD busts down the door to the warehouse and enters it with their guns drawn. They see nothing, but the dead mobster and the bag of decapitated heads.

"They must have already left," said a police officer.

"Search the area. They may still be here," said the other police officer.

"What happened here?" asked one of the police officers.

"Must have been an execution. Whoever that guy must have been a snitch," said a police officer.

"Even if he was, he didn't deserve it," said one of the officers.

"Maybe he did. He was a mobster after all. He probably intentionally and unintentionally murdered many people. Maybe he deserves to rot in hell," said a police officer.

"It isn't our decision to make. We can't just send people to the afterlife because we may or may not like them," said one of the officers.

"If we use that logic, the Titans can't just choose to throw people in cells for committing crimes," said a police officer.

"You're gaslighting me. This is an entirely different situation," said one of the officers.

"Whatever you say, dude," said a police officer.

"That guy was Slick Mick. An up-and-coming mobster. I was tracking him for a little while. I was planning to take them all down this week, but someone got to them quicker than me," said Jordan.

The two officers turn around and see the Dark Phoenix standing behind them.

"Dark Phoenix? Why are you here?" asked a police officer.

"This is my city. It's my responsibility to be here," said Jordan.

"We don't need your help. It's just a mobster being killed. Just regular stuff," said one of the police officers.

"But, it isn't just regular stuff. I know it isn't," said Jordan.

"These animals kill each other every single day. This is nothing special," said one of the police officers.

"But, it is. How many criminals have been killed in the last week?" said Jordan.

"112," said a police officer.

"How many criminals are killed weekly usually?" asked Jordan.

"Around 30," said a police officer.

"So, what does that mean?" asked Jordan.

"Someone is killing these criminals in droves," said a police officer.

"Who cares? I couldn't care less about these evil bums," said one of the police officers.

"He's not just killing mobsters. He's killing cat burglars and carjackers. He has killed too many people. We have to stop him," said Jordan.

"At least crime will be down for a while," said one of the officers.

"Crime may go down, but people will be too afraid to even look the other way. We will deal with him," said Jordan.

"Do you want to examine the body?" asked a police officer.

"No need. Mick was killed by a .45. That's Red Hood's favorite weapon to kill," said Jordan.

"So, his name is Red Hood? Wasn't that a gang that terrorized Gotham before Batman appeared?" asked a police officer.

"Yeah," said Jordan.

"Now, he fights crime under the name of a criminal. Ironic," said a police officer.

"I love my irony. Especially when it involves criminals. Don't you too, Dark Phoenix?" said one of the police officers.

"He's been gone for the last few seconds," said a police officer.

"I hate when he does that," said one of the police officers.

Thirty minutes pass. Jordan enters the tower and takes off his cowl. He walks through the dark hallways on the way to his room. He continues to walk until he hears a noise.

"You didn't find him, did you?' asked Raven.

"No," said Jordan.

"It's been a week. You need our help," said Raven.

"I can handle him. He doesn't have powers away," said Jordan.

"Why do you want to deal with him by yourself?" asked Raven.

"The reason he even exists is because of me," said Jordan.

"What do you mean?" asked Raven.

"I was the original Red Hood or I guess the second one if you include the leader of the Red Hood gang," said Jordan.

"What!" exclaimed Raven.

"Quiet down. You will wake them up," said Jordan.

"You were the original Red Hood. You were the guy that we fought a couple years ago. You were a thief," said Raven.

"I became the Red Hood to get closer to Slade, but the undercover operation failed and I quit being Red Hood. I gave all the stuff that I stole back and locked the suit up in a vault. He must have stolen my tech and the suit," said Jordan.

"How is that possible?" asked Raven.

"I don't know, but I may know who this guy is," said Jordan.

"Who is it?" asked Raven.

"It could be him, but I don't believe it is. It can't be," said Jordan.

"But, what if it is?" asked Raven.

"Then, I'll bring him back to the light. Just like the good old days," said Jordan.

"If he's killing all of these people, he may have fallen too far to be saved," said Raven.

"If it is him, I will save him. I won't fail him again. I just can't," said Jordan.

Jordan continues to walk without turning back to talk to Raven for another second. Jordan reaches his room and enters it. He walks over to his desk and grabs a picture. It is a picture of the good old days. He, Dick, Barbara, Bruce, Jason, and Alfred took this photo in the Batcave after a long night of partying.

"There's no way that a sweet boy like you could do this, Jason. I refuse to believe that," said Jordan.

Before Jordan can put the picture down, his phone starts to ring. He walks over to his bed and picks it up.

"Hello," said Jordan.

"Hello, Dark Phoenix. It was hard to find your number, but I somehow managed," said Red Hood.

"What do you want?" asked Jordan.

"I am in Chinatown and I just had a bloody meeting with some friends. I would love it if you came. I need some wise guidance," said Red Hood.

"This is a trap," said Jordan.

"It isn't. We are on the same side, remember?" said Red Hood.

"Why are you leaving me all of these clues? Why do you want to be in my head?" asked Jordan.

"I don't want anything. I just want to show you how good I am at my job," said Red Hood.

"I'll be there in half an hour. You better be there," said Jordan.

"Trust me. I will," said Red Hood.

Thirty minutes pass. Jordan rides on his motorcycle and gets close to the "gift" that Red Hood has left him. He can just smell the blood and metal coming from the scene of the "meeting".

"Has his death warped his perception of the world? How could he come back? Has he been possessed by a demon or was he brought back by Ras? If Ras did bring him back, I will take him down and save Jason. That is what a big brother is supposed to do," thought Jordan.

Stuck in thought, Jordan continues to drive. He doesn't hear anything before a rocket hits his motorcycle and blows it up. The assailant drops the RPG and runs into the alley. He starts to run at top speed to hopefully escape, but he doesn't run fast enough. He runs right into the fiery hero. Jordan grabs his collar and slams him on the wall.

"Where is he?" asked Jordan.

"Who?" asked the goon.

"Red Hood," said Jordan.

"I don't know that freak," said the goon.

"Don't lie to me. You blew up my bike and tried to kill me. I'm not in a good mood," said Jordan.

"He just wanted me to draw you in. I'm just the bait," said the goon.

"Bait for what?" asked Jordan.

"He wants to talk to you about some family things. I don't remember all of the details," said the goon.

"Remember before I make you remember what my motorcycle felt," said Jordan.

"Umm, well one thing he said was that-," said the goon.

The goon is unable to finish talking before he is shot in the head and killed by his employer. Jordan drops his dead body and looks up to see Red Hood holding a sniper rifle.

"I was getting tired of him. He talks too much," said Red Hood.

"That wasn't necessary," said Jordan.

"It was. I don't want him to spoil our meeting," said Red Hood.

"If you want to talk, let's talk," said Jordan.

Jordan grapples to the rooftop, but Red Hood starts to run. Jordan runs after him. The two "heroes" run across the rooftops as they play a game of chasing the killer. They continue to run until Red Hood hops off the roof and lands in the alley. He walks up to the wall and places an explosive on it. It explodes and destroys the fake wall. The antihero runs into the dark tunnel.

"There's no way that he should know that this place exists. How long has he been watching me?" thought Jordan.

Jordan reaches the ground and enters the tunnel. He runs until he sees a pole and slides down it. He enters his secret base but doesn't see the antihero anywhere. He slowly walks until he sees something pulled up on his computer. He reaches his computer and looks at a video. It's the security tape of the antihero sneaking through the tower on the night of Terra's sacrifice.

"This is how you stole the suit. Why are you showing me this?" said Jordan.

"You wanted to know why I stole it and that's how I did," said Red Hood.

"Why couldn't you make your own?" asked Jordan.

"I could, but I wanted you to know that I'm back and here to stay," said Red Hood.

"How long have you been spying on me and my team?" asked Jordan.

"Every day since that day. I've become this to fix this world. I was taken away from you guys at a very young age. If Batman was as effective as me, a kid wouldn't have been brutally murdered by that clown," said Red Hood.

"You're not even going to hide it, are you?" asked Jordan.

"I can't lie to my brother," said Red Hood.

"How are you back?" asked Jordan.

"The Lazarus Pits. Ra's Al Ghul brought me back because he felt guilty for causing my death. He and his daughter and his assassins trained me to become human again and to kill. I've been watching you for years just for this moment to happen," said Red Hood.

"What are you going to do now? You have already killed a bunch of people for petty crimes," said Jordan.

"Well, you won't allow me to continue doing what I'm doing here, so I'll go to Gotham. Maybe we can have one of those family reunions," said Red Hood.

"He won't let your actions slide. Bruce isn't like that," said Jordan.

"I know. I lived with him for a few months," said Red Hood.

"Jason, you're not going to change even if he talks to you," said Jordan.

"Probably not," said Red Hood.

"If you don't, I will have to stop you. I don't want to have to throw family in the same cages as criminals," said Jordan.

"You won't. I'll stay out of as much trouble as possible. See you later, bro," said Red Hood.

"You too, bro," said Jordan.

This is the Jason Arc. There will be no Cyborg arc, sadly, but this season 3 won't suck. So, you're probably wondering why I chose to not make the identity of Red Hood a secret. The main reason is there is no reason to. Red Hood has existed since 2004 and Jason before that, so making it a mystery would make no sense. I would eiter be forced to change his identity or remake the "Under The Hood" comic storyline which I didn't want to do. Plus, I already set it up. Setup and no payoff is worse than no setup and no payoff. This arc will be special, mostly original, and inspired by "Death In the Family" and "Under the Red Hood". I've already written it and I say that it's pretty noice. Can't wait for the rest of you to see it. Enjoy the chapter and have a good day! Fun Fact: The creators of the show jsut revealed like two months ago that Red X was Jason. The main reason this arc even exists is because the unknown identity of Red X was very interesting and I wanted to do something with it.

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