
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs


Two years have passed since the girl once known as Terra refused to return to her friends and become a hero once more. This affected the team, but they had to keep working and moving. Terra would return when she wanted to. In these two years, the Titans have continued expanding and have grown older and stronger. Now, let's see the fruits of their labor. In a large jewelry store in the downtown district, two guards stand near the entrance. They look out the window and see nothing exciting.

"This new gig sucks," said a security guard.

"Relax. Nothing happens here, so we won't lose our jobs," said another security guard.

"I wish something would happen. I'm already falling asleep," said a security guard.

"Good. We still get paid and we don't get harassed by villains. Cool deal," said another security guard.

"More like a boring deal. I'm going to grab some food from the break room," said a security guard.

As one of the security guards walks towards the break room, the other still watches out the window. Before he can move away, the glass explodes and he is blown back. His friend turns around and runs towards him.

"Bro, are you ok?" asked a security guard.

"He will be if you step aside and let us do our jobs," said Gizmo.

"Who are you?" asked a security guard.

"Gizmo and we are the H.I.V.E Five," said Gizmo.

"Gizmo? More like Midgetmo," said a security guard.

"Don't make fun of my size. My giant brain takes up most of the capacity," said Gizmo.

"I guess it only adds pounds and not height," said a security guard.

"Shut it before I get angry and your friend suffers for it," said Gizmo.

"You want ice? Well, you're not going to get it," said a security guard.

"Who's gonna stop us? Your friend is a little beat up," said Mammoth.

"You may be tough, but you can't take bullets," said a security guard.

The security guard pulls out his signature pistol and aims it at the villains. He then fires, but Mammoth quickly moves in front of his team and tanks the shots. The guard continues to fire, but this does nothing but stall for time.

"Go down, you brute," said a security guard.

"Awww. That hurts my feelings. Can I hurt him now?" said Mammoth.

"Go ahead," said Gizmo.

Mammoth kicks the security guard in the stomach and he flies through the wall behind him. Mammoth then steps on the other security guard as he walks towards the ice with his teammates.

"Grab as much as you can. We don't want to be interrupted," said Gizmo.

"We went from trying to destroy the Titans to stealing ice. Sad," said See-More.

"Don't complain. Kyd nevers," said Gizmo.

"He doesn't talk," said See-More.

"Just grab the diamonds and shut up! They could be here in seconds if they wanted to," said Gizmo.

"You mean us? I'm flattered that you remember us," said Jordan.

"No," said Gizmo.

"I remember when you were first sent to kill us. Now, you steal ice. Sad," said Cyborg.

"I told you," said See-More.

"What happened to Jinx? Oh, wait. She works for us. You can't even keep your members in line," said Raven.

"They're making fun of us," said Mammoth.

"No shit," said See-More.

"You need the Jesus because you won't be getting out of here with those jewels," said Starfire.

"We should all just surrender before we get obliterated for the eightieth time," said See-More.

"We can't. We have a rep to maintain," said Mammoth.

"What rep? We are low-class clowns who always get beat by the Titans," said See-More.

"Cyclops is right. Maybe he will join us just like Jinx," said Beast Boy.

"Come out, you snotbucklers! I want to destroy you!" exclaimed Gizmo.

"We all know that won't happen, but good attempt at intimidation. I was almost kind of scared," said Jordan.

"Come out!" exclaimed Gizmo.

Gizmo rapidly fires blasts from his hovering vehicle and sprays the entire room. He hits everything in sight instead of the Titans. It's like they're not even there.

"Where are they?" asked Gizmo.

"Maybe we're just going crazy. We should move," said Mammoth.

"I agree. Let's go," said See-More.

A blast of Cyborg's sonic cannon hits Mammoth in the back and sends him flying into the wall before them. See-more is hit by some Starbolts and sent into the same wall. Kyd Wykyyd is kicked in the face by Jordan and also sent into the wall. Gizmo slowly turns around, but he is punched in the face by Beast boy who has transformed into a gorilla and unsurprisingly sent into the same wall.

"We should have moved," said See-More.

"I know. Don't shove it in my face," said Gizmo.

"Where's Billy?" asked Jordan.

"Billy? He quit years ago. This life isn't for him," said Gizmo.

"Don't lie. One thing Texans don't do is quit, so tell me where he is before you become even smaller," said Jordan.

"He's already miles away from here with the ice. You won't find him. We win," said Gizmo.

"You mean this guy," said Raven as she pulls Billy out of a portal.

"How!" exclaimed Gizmo.

"Sorry, man. She's quicker than she looks," said Billy.

"Gizmo, you lose. Once again," said Jordan.

"Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" exclaimed Gizmo.

This was another crime foiled by our heroes, but they're not our heroes. They're actors and this is just a play. In reality, they are on a stage in front of thousands of people in Jump City's new park dedicated to their protectors. The audience cheers and hollers as the actors get up and bow.

"You guys rule!" exclaimed a fanboy.

"I love you!" exclaimed another.

"You know what. I love this gig," said an actor.

"Me too, buddy," said another actor.

After bowing, the actors quickly move off the stage and the stage crew moves all of the gear and effect machines from the stage. A few seconds pass before a middle-aged woman in a suit walks out and the crowd starts to cheer again. She walks up to a lectern with a huge smile on her face. She grabs a mic and places it right next to her lips.

"Hello, Jump City, and welcome to Titans Park on such a beautiful day!" exclaimed the mayor.

The crowd starts to cheer even more after the mayor starts to speak.

"I always loved superheroes! Back in my day, they didn't exist! They were super cool and super powerful! I always wanted to be one, but, well, I don't have powers! Even though we can all be heroes in our own right, today is a special day for our own heroes! The Teen Titans or as we just call them the Titans!" exclaimed the mayor.

The crowd erupts even more as the show begins. First, a giant black raven appears behind the stage and expands hundreds of feet into the air. Then, Starfire rockets out of the sky and zooms around the crowd, giving high fives and smiles. After that, Beast Boy, now transformed into a giant eagle, drops many signed autographs on the crowd. The people in the crowd grab them and start to cheer even more. Second and not least, Cyborg blasts a container with his sonic cannon and it explodes, sending snacks and treats all around the area. Finally, the leader hops out of the t-ship and rockets to the ground. She then extends his wings and gracefully lands next to the leader.

"And now, the leader of our very own superhero team is here! Let's see what he has to say!" exclaimed the mayor as she hands him the mic.

"Thank you, Mayor Whittendale. We are all very grateful for this park and all of the support. Even if you didn't love us, we would still support you with no second thought. Enjoy the festival because this doesn't happen a lot," said Jordan.

The crowd erupts even more somehow as Jordan hands the mic back to the mayor and walks off the stage and towards backstage.

"Look at them! Now, it's time to celebrate them even more! As of today May 3rd, 2020, it will be a day of celebrating our Titans. Today, and hopefully forever, will be known as Titans Day!" exclaimed the mayor.

The crowd erupts even more as their heroes are now getting a holiday and them a free day off. Behind the stage, Jordan walks away and enters a large building. It is full of people, art, and digital images of their victories in battle. He stops by and stares at it. This was their final victory against Slade.

"Do you enjoy the festival? Lexcorp spent a lot of money to make this happen," said Lex.

"Luthor," said Jordan.

"Yes, that is my name," said Lex.

"You may have made this happen, but we won't be your little lap dogs," said Jordan.

"What are you talking about? I'm just trying to be nice," said Lex.

"Lex Luthor is never nice," said Jordan.

"That was years ago. I'm a different man now," said Lex.

"It would have to be a cold day in Hell before you became good," said Jordan.

"You don't seem to believe me. Would a dinner persuade you?" said Lex.

"No," said Jordan.

"Well, if you need some extra funding, just ask and I will provide," said Lex.

"Eat a dick, Luthor," said Jordan.

"I'm not so good at that," said Lex as he walks away.

Jordan is "turned off" and walks out of the building. He then turns the corner and looks for his team. They're probably somewhere else, but he wants to be with them instead of being swarmed by fans. He continues to walk until he hears something. It's a beeping sound that he has heard millions of times before. Jordan runs towards the sound, but he is too late. The beeping sound stops as an explosion erupts in the park. The explosion is so big that Jordan is sent flying back a little bit.

No," said Jordan shocked.

Three hours pass. Jordan and his teammates now sit in the living room and watch the footage of the explosion over and over.

"This was supposed to be a day of celebration for our heroes, but it became deadly. A bomb blew up where I stand a few hours ago and killed three people and injured sixteen others. The Titans swiftly took action and saved as many as they could, but they're not gods. Just guardians. We are not sure if this was a suicide bombing by a terrorist organization or intentional sabotage by a villain, but our heroes are pissed, and they will find out who did this. Back to you, Jill," said the reporter.

"Who did this?" asked Beast Boy.

"Whoever did is going to pay for this. How dare they," said Cyborg.

"I knew that this was a bad idea and now innocent people had to pay for what? A day to stroke our superpowered egos," said Jordan.

"Have you found anything?" asked Starfire.

"Not much. Most of the bomb exploded when it exploded, but I found something. The bomb was made of a rare material that isn't found much on this planet," said Jordan.

"And the material is?" asked Raven.

"Kryptonite," said Jordan.

"The thing that can kill or weaken Superman was in the bomb, but why?" asked Cyborg.

"It wasn't there to enhance the blast. It was there to lead us to the source. Who has the most Kryptonite in this city except for me?" said Jordan.

"Luthor," said Raven.

"Why would Luthor want to kill innocent people? I know that he was a bad person, but would he do something like this?" asked Beast Boy.

"His hatred for the boy scout is too much. We have to figure out why someone at his company made this thing and how they did it. We have to take them down before they do this again," said Jordan.

"We may be walking into a giant trap," said Cyborg.

"Probably, but we have to. We need to avenge the people who got hurt. Let's go pay Luthor a visit," said Jordan.

Thirty minutes pass. The Titas now walk through the sewers under Lexcorp. Jordan holds a flashlight as his teammates follow him.

"So, why are we in the stinky sewers?" asked Beast Boy.

"It is common knowledge that Lexcorp has a secret lab hundreds of feet underground. All we have to do is find the secret elevator," said Jordan.

"We are getting close. My scanner is picking up noise coming from that wall," said Cyborg.

Jordan walks up to said wall. He presses his face on it and hears something from behind the wall and it is not water. He places his hand on the wall and feels that it is a fake. He then kicks the wall and creates a huge hole. The Titans step through the hole and now stand in front of an elevator. The elevator doors open a few seconds later and a scientist walks out. He nearly ruins his fresh underwear when he sees the heroes.

"The Titans. Umm. Why are you here?" said the scientist.

"What are you making in your lab?" asked Jordan.

"Nothing," said the scientist.

"Raven, probe him," said Jordan.

"Probe means what?" asked the scientist.

"Pull his pants down. He needs to know we mean business," said Jordan.

"Woah. Woah. Hey. Hey. You don't have to do that," said the scientist.

"Then, what are you making?" asked Jordan.

"Something big and powerful. What I can tell you is to be ready to take a beating," said the scientist.

"Nice tip. Now, get out of the elevator. We need the space," said Jordan.

"Sure," said the scientist nervously.

The scientist quickly moves out of the elevator as the Titans enter. Jordan presses the button for the bottom floor and the elevator closes its doors and zooms down towards the very last floor. The doors open and the Titans enter the final floor of the secret lab.

"This place is huge," said Beast Boy.

"But, there is no one here," said Jordan.

"Trap," said Cyborg.

"Definitely a trap, but we need to find out what they're creating," said Jordan.

"What's behind the curtain?" asked Raven as she points at a large container covered by a giant metal box.

"Let's find out," said Jordan.

The Titans walk up to the metal box. Jordan then hovers his hand over the number pad and places his fingers on a few numbers. 638 is the code needed for the metal box to collapse and reveal a large tube with something floating in it. A boy around the age of a freshman floats in the tube.

"What is this?" asked Jordan.

"Project Super. It's a secret project that Lexcorp has been working on for years. According to his vitals, he has powers and the same DNA as Superman," said Cyborg.

"Same DNA? That means that he must be a-," said Starfire.

"Clone of Clark," said Jordan.

"Why would Luthor want to clone Superman?" asked Beast Boy.

"Maybe to kill him or to humiliate him. Luthor has a weird thought process," said Raven.

"We have to free him," said Starfire.

"We can't. We don't know how strong this thing is or if it's good or bad. We should analyze its specs first," said Jordan.

"Or we can take him out of here and raise him to be good," said Beast Boy.

"No. This is a trap, so we should just leave it here and get out before Lex knows that we are here," said Jordan.

"I can read his mind. We can make sure that he is on our side and then decide to leave him here or not," said Raven.

"Then, do it," said Jordan.

"I need to grab his head," said Raven.

"Then, let's give him some fresh air," said Jordan as he places another code in to open the tube.

The water in the giant tube is sucked into the vents as the clone drops to the ground. Raven then kneels and grabs the boy's head. She enters his mind but sees nothing but pain and darkness. Her facial expression shows it all as she quickly releases his head.

"What did you see?" asked Jordan.

"Pain. He should be good, but angry. We should-," said Raven.

Raven is grabbed by the neck by the clone before she can finish talking and thrown into a wall. The clone rises to his feet with an angry expression on his face.

"Well. he looks mad," said Beast Boy.

"Calm down, kid. We came here to save you," said Jordan.

The clone doesn't care and floats into the air above the Titans. He then speed blitzes Jordan and spheres him through the wall and into the sewers. He then headbutts him and throws him through the ground and back to the streets outside.

"He's fast and strong," said Beast Boy.

"Don't hype him up. Let's calm him down aggressively," said Cyborg.

On the outside of the building, Jordan is not having an easy time with Superman's clone. He throws two explosive disks at him, but he just tanks them. Then, he throws a couple Claws at him, but they just bounce off. He then decides to just punch the Kryptonian, but he just hurts his hand.

"I don't even know why I tried that," said Jordan.

We don't know either and will never know because Jordan is punched into a building. Superman's clone turns around but is welcomed by a blast from Cyborg's sonic canon and a hard punch by Starfire. This combined attack doesn't do much against him. He is moved back nearly fifty feet, but this won't affect him. He just speed blitzes Cyborg and smacks Starfire away in the process. He starts to beat down on Cyborg with his big hands, but he is grabbed by the mouth of a green T-rex and brought into the air. This won't stop him of course and he uses his immense strength to open the beast's jaws. He then grabs the green dinosaur and launches him into a building.

"Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" exclaimed Raven.

Superman's clone turns around and is hit by a large truck. He is sent to the ground but isn't hurt. He angrily stares at Raven and sends some heat vision towards her. She blocks it with a shield, but this doesn't stop the clone from zooming behind her and kicking her into another building. The Kryptonian surveys the scene, but it seems that he has defeated his adversaries. He starts to fly away until he is blasted with a combination of Starbotls and Starbeams. Unique combo, but not enough. She is grabbed, punched a few times in the stomach, and headbutted away. Beast Boy charges at him as a hawk and then tries to transform into a gorilla, but he is punched away before he can become a distraction and lands on a car.

"This guy is definitely Superman's clone," said Beast Boy.

"We can still beat him, but we will need to do it without brute force," said Cyborg.

"I'm on it," grunted Jordan.

Jordan walks towards Superman's clone and picks up a rock. He throws it at him, but he easily dodges it. This pisses him off.

"Hey, bootleg Superman! You suck! Your punches are weak and you're fodder compared to the original!" exclaimed Jordan.

The childish insults anger him more. He zooms towards Jordan with the intent to kill, but he stops inches away from Jordan. The green glow of the shard of Kryptonite in Jordan's hand makes him weak. He wobbles backward, but Jordan walks closer.

"You have never been affected by Kryptonite before, have you? Good. The first time always sucks the most," said Jordan.

"Stop. It hurts," said Superman's clone.

"It's supposed to," said Jordan.

"Wait. It can talk!" exclaimed Beast Boy.

"Yes. It can talk," said Superman's clone angrily.

"Why did you attack us?" asked Jordan.

"She got in my head. Pissed me off," said Superman's clone as he points at Raven.

"We weren't trying to hurt you. Just getting answers," said Jordan.

"Well, it hurt!" exclaimed Superman's clone.

"Sorry, but you also hurt us. We're even now," said Jordan.

"What do you want with me?" asked Superman's clone.

"Do you know who or what you are?" asked Jordan.

"Clone of Kal-El aka Superman. I was created to represent Lexcorp, but to also kill Superman if need be," said Superman's clone.

"Is that all you want to be or do you want to be something more?" asked Jordan.

"Yes. No. I don't know. This is my only field test," said Superman's clone.

"Then come with us. We have space and we won't run too many experiments on you," said Jordan.

"Fine," said Superman's clone.

Instead of grabbing Jordan's outstretched hand, he just rockets into the sky towards Titans Tower.

"Rude," said Jordan.

Five minutes pass. We now cut to the office of Lex Luthor. He is on a call with one of the many scientists that work for him.

"What do you mean he just flew off?" asked Lex.

"Well, after Dark Phoenix used Kryptonite to weaken him, he just flew off. We don't know where he is going," said the head scientist.

"Then, find out where he's going! We've spent too much time on this project for it to just fly off!" exclaimed Lex.

"We will get it back. I promise you," said the head scientist.

"You better," said Lex.

Lex angrily hangs up and turns around, but Jordan is perched on his desk inches away from his face.

"Do you want a kiss or something? Sorry, I don't roll that way," said Lex.

"You placed that bomb in the park and killed three people," said Jordan angrily.

"I didn't plant anything. You have no proof," said Lex.

"You placed Kryptonite in the bomb to lure us here, so you could test out your clone. Your field test went well, but he will be bunking with us for a while. You don't deserve him," said Jordan.

"If I'm not in handcuffs, then I have not lost and I will have Superboy back by next week," said Lex.

"You won't. I'll make sure of that," said Jordan as he walks away.

"Jeffery, did you hear all of that?" asked Lex.

"Yes, sir," said the head scientist.

"Then, prep Project Doomsday. We can't have faulty experiments," said Lex.

"Yes, sir," said the head scientist as Lex evilly grins.

Welcome to Season 6. I have a lot of ideas for this new season and I can't wait to show them. As an extra gift, here comes an updated Character Bio for our favorite OC.

Age- 22

Height- 6'2

Weight- 249 lbs

Favorite Lines- "I don't believe in luck." "Have a little faith."

AP/Durability- Building Level- Jordan may just be human, but he is very physically powerful thanks to the skills he has learned and his crazy workout schedule. In the comics, basically, all of the Batfamily is scaled to be around Building Level, so that is where he will be. Plus, all the Titans at this point of time, even Robin, are scaled to be Building Level. Also, he has defated and fought opponents who are calced to be Building Level.

Speed- Relativistic to Lightspeed- This means that he can not move at lightspeed, but he is close. He can dodge Doctor Light's light beams most of the time. His reaction speed is at least light speed, but his moving speed is a little slower (Hypersonic).

Intelligence- 157- Jordan is very smart. With his IQ, he can make many gadgets, be a very skilled detective, be an amazing strategist, and be a really good teacher. He also has a photographic memory which helps him very much.

Lifting Strength- 61 tons- Class 100- This means he can lift up to 61 tons or 122,000 pounds. The helicopter that he partially lifted for the small amount of time was around that heavy, so that is the max that he can lift.

Gadgets- Grappling Hooks, Claws, Explosive Claws, Explosive Disks, Smoke Bombs, Taser, Electrical Disks, Ice Grenades, Shock Gloves, Katanas, Bo Staff, Escrima Sticks, Tracking Devices, Hacking Device, Flashlight, Laser Beam Distributor, Heating Device, Mini Explosives, Ice Disks

Suits- Barbatos, Barbatos (Armoured), Dark Pheonix (Armoured), Dark Phoenix (Lighter) (<- Current suit that he's wearing.), HellBreaker Armour

Skills- Engineer, Chemist, Hacker, Detective, Leader, Martial Artist (Taekwondo, Jiujitsu, Ninjutsu, Kung fu, Kickboxing, Karate, Judo, Akido, Muay Thai, Hapkido, Boxing, Miyagi-Do, Cobra Kai, Penchak Silat), Acrobat, Swordsman, Mulltilingual (English, Russian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Mandarin, Italian, German, Korean, French)

Allies- Batfamily, Titans, Justice League, Titans East, Doom Patrol, League of Shadows, Jade Nguyen

Enemies- Slade, Joker, Mutants, H.I.V.E, Trigon, Brotherhood of Evil

Notable Victories (Not all of these are solo. Only the first three, Mammoth, Brother Blood, the Talons, and Madame Rouge are solo victories without any one shots gadgets or moves.)- Killer Croc, Bane, Joker Manifestation of Trigon, Mammoth, Slade, Terra, Brother Blood, Jason, Trigon, Multiple Talons, Slade, Brotherhood of Evil, Madame Rouge, Brushogun

Notable Losses- Slade, Trigon

Enjoy the season premiere and have a good day!

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