
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Jordan In Murderland

A week has passed since the Titans completed their not-so stealthy stealth mission on Infinity Island. They combatted many villains and barely escaped, but they did and lived to defeat the League another day. Now, Jordan and the rookies have something very important to deal with. Good ol' training in the field or to be more accurate, the city. They are on a ship over the Atlantic Ocean. The young Titans look out the windows while Jordan operates the vehicle.

"So, this is Miami. It's so magnifico," said Jaime.

"Not better than Theyscira, but close enough," said Donna.

"Why are we here? This isn't a vacation," said Connor.

"Of course, we're not on vacation. You three have barely been on the tea. One year minimum until you can get a vacation," said Jordan.

"Really?" asked Connor.

"No," said Jordan.

"This is yet another stealth mission isn't it?" asked Donna.

"Not exactly. We are here to train," said Jordan.

"We could have trained back in Cali, but we're here and I doubt it's because of the good weather," said Jaime.

"Right again. You guys are on the money today," said Jordan.

"There must be villains here right? Or at least a drug trade," said Connor.

"Yes and no. You three have no experience compared to us veterans and you guys have barely interacted, so I decided to take you guys on a mission trip to Miami to not just train but to see some action as well. This city is flooded with drugs provided by the Castro Cartel. This cartel has had control of this city for years, but not anymore. You three will take down their whole organization together with no assistance from me or other heroes," said Jordan.

"I can feel the pressure already," said Jaime.

"Do you think that we can handle it?" asked Connor.

"Yes, but I'm afraid that you guys will not be able to come together to fend off the threat together. You guys are still kids," said Jordan.

"We're warriors. Drug dealers will be a piece of cake compared to the people that we usually deal with," said Donna.

"You're confident. Who's the leader?" said Jordan.

"Me of course. I'm good at these things," said Donna.

"Give me a break. I should be the leader. I'm the strongest one here and I have a genius intellect," said Connor.

"I am an alien superweapon. I should be the leader because I'm way too much of a menace to keep under control," said Jaime.

"That's the exact reason why you shouldn't be leader. You're too reckless," said Donna.

"Well, you're too fangirly. Stop trying to be Wonder Woman and be a member of the team," said Jaime.

"Fangirly? Are you mad? Look at the clone of Superman. He's way more of a fanboy than me," said Donna.

"Fanboy? I haven't even talked to him for more than five minutes. He won't even accept me as his own son or at least a brother. I will never be a fan of Superman," said Connor.

"Way to kill the mood, bro," said Jaime.

"This is what I was talking about. You guys are too immature to choose who to be leader. When I was your age, I was naturally born to lead. I had seen too much to be a child anymore. That's why we're here and that's why you're going to deal with a cartel," said Jordan.

"That's deep," said Jaime.

"We shall vote democratically. Whoever gets more votes gets to lead," said Donna.

"There's three of you and three candidates. That would never work," said Jordan.

"Then, how about we fight for the position. That's what we did on Themyscira," said Donna.

"Usually, I don't condone violence among teammates, but as long as it is a spar, then I'm fine," said Jordan.

"Who's in?" asked Donna.

"Well, I guess I'm in," said Jaime.

"Whatever," said Connor.

"Then, it is settled. This will be a battle of the ages. The battle between three warriors. Three titans battling out for their god-given right to rule. This will be amazing," said Donna.

"You're overreacting as always," said Jaime.

"I was born to be a warrior," said Donna.

"And an annoying child," said Connor.

"What?" asked Donna.

"Settle it once we get to the hideout. We're almost there," said Jordan.

"Fine," said Donna.

Ten minutes pass. The ship arrives at a large building and stops moving. The roof then opens and the ship descends into the building. It takes a few minutes to land, but they reach the ground and the exit to the ship opens. The four Titans exit the ship and walk into the hideout.

"So this is home. Pretty big," said Jaime.

"Well, we're only going to be here for a few days at most. Enjoy it because we won't be here long," said Jordan.

"I don't care. Let's get started," said Donna.

"Maybe you could wait until we get the base ready," said Connor.

"Don't anger her more, Connor. You don't piss off Amazonians," said Jordan as he leans close to Connor's ear.

"Fine," said Connor.

"Where do you want to fight, princess?" asked Jaime.

"In the center of the base will be fine. It reminds me of Themyscira," said Donna.

"Good. I will destroy you everywhere," said Connor.

"I doubt that, Kent," said Donna.

"It's Connor," said Connor.

"Whatever," said Donna.

The three young Titans walk to the center of the base. Each of them stands equally apart from the center and each other. They get in a fighting stance and prepare to battle until Jordan steps in the middle.

"We have to set some ground rules. One, hold back. We don't want this base to be destroyed. Two, don't kill each other. I want to see you guys tomorrow. Three, whoever wins becomes leader and everyone has to listen to their orders. I will make sure that the leader gets listened to. Am I clear?" said Jordan.

"Yes, sir," said the young Titans.

"Then, begin," said Jordan as he walks away from the center.

The young titans instantly charge at each other in this free for all. Donna pulls out her blade and tries to strike Connor, but it doesn't affect him. He then tries to punch her, but he is hit by a blast from Jaime's sonic cannon. Jaime then hits Donna with a sonic blast and sends her flying into the wall. Donna and Connor look at each other and nonverbally agree to jump Jaime. They then zoom toward Jaime, grab him, and start to smash him with their fists. Jaime starts to feel the pain and the scarab leaps into action.

"What are you doing?" asked Jaime.

"Teaming," said Connor.

"I wasn't talking to you. Watch out for the scarab," said Jaime.

"What is that bug going to do to us?" asked Donna.

"This!" exclaimed Jaime.

A giant sonic cannon comes out of Jaime's back and it is aimed at the two titans. They are then blasted with a giant sonic blast and sent through the wall. This angers Jordan and he puts his hands into the air.

"I said hold back!" exclaimed Jordan.

"I'm trying. It's the scarab," said Jaime.

"Control it," said Jordan.

"It gets overprotective when I'm in risky situations. It's impossible to control it in this state," said Jaime.

"Then, surrender," said Jordan.

"I won't quit," said Jaime.

"You guys are going to fix this. Not me," said Jordan.

"Fine punishment, jefe," said Jaime.

Connor and Donna burst back into the building and rocket back towards Jaime. Jaime's arms turn into giant plasma cannons and fire plasma rounds at his fellow teammates. It hits them and affects Donna the most, but Connor remains unaffected as he continues to zoom towards Jaime. Jaime tries to blast him with the giant sonic cannon, but his face is rammed and slammed into the wall. He is then punched into the stomach and then headbutted. Jaime falls to the ground and coughs up blood.

"That hurts, man," said Jaime.

"Sorry, but you're in my way," said Connor.

Connor kicks Jaime in the face and knocks him out. Jaime has been eliminated from leadership contention. The only ones left are Superboy and Wonder Girl.

"Well, it's just us. Pretty cool," said Connor.

"I won't lose. I was born for this," said Donna.

"You say that, but you always lose. You can't beat me. I was born to replace Superman," said Connor.

"And I was born to be Wonder Woman," said Donna.

"Come and see why I'm the strongest," said Connor.

"Ahhhh!" exclaimed Donna.

Donna rockets towards Connor and tries to punch him, but her wrist is grabbed. She then tries to punch him with her other fist, but even that one is grabbed. She is then headbutted multiple times and then kicked into the wall. She is nearly unconscious, but it doesn't matter. She tries to run towards Connor, but he slaps her away, finally knocking her out. She is eliminated.

"Well, I guess I win," said Connor.

"Yeah, but what about my building?" asked Jordan.

"You can fix it," said Connor.

"Right. I can fix this," said Jordan angrily.

Twelve hours pass. The sparring match has been over for hours and the heroes have woken back up. It is now time to take down the Castro cartel which has been around for too long. The Titans now stand in front of the ship. Jordan holds a holographic device in his hand.

"Your mission is to take down the Castro cartel. It's a pretty easy mission. Connor shall be your leader and you shall listen to him for the rest of this mission. There are many of these cartel-run businesses and holdouts around the city. They are all on this map. Find them and take them down. No killing and fast completion times. Notify me when you're done. I have things to do," said Jordan.

"What are these things you have to do?" asked Donna.

"I have my own mission and you have yours. Worry about taking out the cartel before worrying about my mission. Do you have any questions?" said Jordan.

"None," said Connor.

"Then, get going. The night is still young and we have some criminals to defeat," said Jordan.

"Yes, sir," said Jaime.

The young Titans walk towards the exit of the base while Jordan watches them. He then turns around and enters the ship. He takes a seat in the driver's seat and puts his seatbelt on before turning the ship on.

"You're going to see Ra's aren't you?" asked Jade.

"Yes. Are you coming with?" said Jordan.

"Why not? He doesn't come around often," said Jade as she takes a seat next to Jordan.

"Lovely. Buckle up. We're going to be moving fast," said Jordan.

"I like to move fast," said Jade.

The duo blasts off into the air on their way to Ra's compound in Europe. They chat, but they try to keep it as professional as possible. Well, at least Jordan tries to. Jade is built differently as many say. An hour passes and we now cut to Ra's's perspective. He sips some wine while he looks out the window at the snowy peaks. He hears a slight noise but doesn't turn around.

"I don't have many visitors these days. Especially not from heroes, young detective," said Ra's.

"You said that you would no longer mess with us after the Jason fiasco, but your league says otherwise," said Jordan.

"They do? This is news to me," said Ra's.

"News?" asked Jordan.

"I don't run the league anymore. I haven't for years. It's all my daughter's doing. I have urged her to not do it, but she doesn't listen to her father anymore. She's going through her teen phase at the right age of 35," said Ra's.

"You need to get a grip on her. She's making moves and I don't like it," said Jordan.

"I will try, but she won't listen to me. She never does," said Ra's.

"How have you been? You don't seem to leave this compound anymore," said Jordan.

"Are you worried about me? I'm shocked," said Ra's.

"It's my job to know everything," said Jordan.

"I'm doing fine. The pits always help," said Ra's.

"That's good to hear," said Jordan.

"How are the boy and the detective?" asked Ra's.

"Fine. Grumpy as usual, but fine," said Jordan.

"I'm glad everyone is doing well. I want to create a world based on strength and love. I never knew that I would end up in such a sorry state. Fate is an eternity of suffering," said Ra's.

"Deep," said Jordan.

"Yes. Very deep," said Ra's.

"I just came here to warn you about Talia. Now that you know, I will go. I have kids to watch," said Jordan.

"So, you are following in his footsteps," said Ra's.

"Not exactly, but I try to do good," said Jordan.

"Trying is good enough," said Ra's.

Jordan doesn't speak another word before disappearing. Ra's turns around and sees that Jordan is no longer there. He smiles and just looks back out the window.

"Father, you have become weak," said Talia.

"Talia, you have returned," said Ra's as he looks at her from the corner of his eye.

"You have one of those wretched heroes sneak in here and you allow him to not just live, but talk to the Head of the Demon. You should be ashamed of yourself," said Talia.

"I have shame Talia, but I also have a consciousness. I have always wanted to fix this world, but not like this. You are going too far," said Ra's.

"You raised me to be like this, father. Don't you dare try to make me out as a monster," said Talia.

"I'm not. I just want you to change as I have," said Ra's.

"I don't want to be weak," said Talia.

"I am not weak. Just wise and tired," said Ra's.

"Tired of being strong? You disgust me," said Talia.

"Don't mess with the Titans. I have promised to stay away from the detective and his accomplices," said Ra's.

"That's where you messed up, father. You can't fix the world if there are people there to protect the broken system," said Talia.

"You are delusional," said Ra's.

"And you weren't? I am like this because of you. Never forget," said Talia.

"Why are you here, Talia?" asked Ra's.

"I want control of the League," said Talia.

"No," said Ra's.

"You stay in this compound 24/7. You're wasting the League's money and resources," said Talia.

"And you will just use them to take over the world. I refuse to let that happen. It won't over my dead body," said Ra's.

"That can be arranged," said Talia she pulls out a silencer.

"Daughter, you wouldn't," said Ra's.

"I will. Hand over power or your pits will not save you," said Talia.

"I have one more thing to say," said Ra's.

"What is it, father?" asked Talia.

"The League dies with me," said Ra's.

"Pathetic last words, old man," said Talia.

"I don't care," said Ra's.

"See you in Hell, father," said Talia as she fires a shot into the immortal man's head.

Back on the ship, Jordan hears the gunshot and winces. He wants to go back inside and deal with Talia, but Jade grabs his arm and forces him to stay in his seat. Jordan is surprised by Jade's seriousness and decides to stay in his seat.

"You didn't want to save your boss?" asked Jordan.

"We may not have been close, but a girl can tell when a man is fine with death. It would be disrespectful to go save him. He didn't want to live another five hundred years," said Jade.

"So, what do we do now?" asked Jordan.

"Look at this," said Jade as she shows him a picture on her phone.

"What is this?" asked Jordan.

"It's a base where a lot of prominent assassins bunk between missions located in Germany. If you want to take down the League, we take down their most powerful allies," said Jade.

"You quit the league?" asked Jordan.

"Not officially, but look at us. We're the dynamic duo," said Jade.

"We aren't," said Jordan.

"We totally are," said Jade.

"Shut it," said Jordan.

"Yes, sir," said Jade cheerfully.

Thirty minutes pass. The ship reaches the base and Jordan and Jade silently hop out. They land in front of a wall and Jade walks up to it. She presses her hand on a brick and it opens a secret door. The duo runs into the base, avoiding cameras, and guards. The few guards that they are forced to fight are easily defeated with a combination of punches and kicks. They then run into a large opening but find no one. Suspicious.

"This is a trap," said Jordan.

"Probably, but at least we got to beat some bad guys together. Come out, guys! No need to hide!" said Jade.

From the shadows and pillars in the room, six assassins pop out. Four female and two male. Jade smiles as she sees the assassins and Jordan just grunts.

"You guys are looking good," said Jade.

They don't respond.

"Come on. That was a compliment," said Jade.

"Step away from the hero or we will take you down with him," said Tigress.

"Sis, don' talk like that. I still love you," said Jade.

"Why are we even talking to her? She has chosen to side with her boy toy. Let's take them down," said Sportsmaster.

"I'll take the dudes. You take the girls," said Jordan.

"No way. That's four to two. Half and half," said Jade.

"Have you forgotten that I'm better than you?" asked Jordan.

"No. I just want it to be fair for you," said Jade.

"Fine. Half," said Jordan.

"Sweet. Let's do this," said Jade.

The duo charges at the assassins and they do the same. Jordan throws a couple Claws at the ground and they explode, dividing three of the assassins from the other three. Jordan then leaps into the air and knees Sportsmaster in the face, breaking his mask. He then dodges a couple shots from David Kane but blocks them from hitting Jade. She returns the favor by kicking her sister in the face and then palming Orphan in the face. She then punches her mother in the face before kicking her away. On the other side, Jordan dodges some more bullets and then charges at David. He then grabs his gun, elbows it out of his hand, takes out the round, throws the gun behind him, and hits Kane with a ten-piece to his dome and a headbutt to knock him out. Lady Shiva tries to attack him from behind, but he hits her with the back of his fist before turning around and kicking her in the face. He starts to beat down on her with some punches, knees, and elbows before hitting her with the right to knock her out. Back to Jade, she grabs the gun that fell from the sky and aims it at Orphan.

"Look, kid. I know that you can't talk, but you're really annoying. Other than that, you're cool. You should be lucky that I don't shoot kids," said Jade seconds before she shoots Tigress in the abdomen.

"Fuck!" exclaimed Tigress.

"Sorry, Artemis, but I don't like Talia," said Jade.

"Jade!" exclaimed Huntress.

"Don't do that to me, mom. I don't want to do this either, but sometimes you have to do things that you don't want to," said Jade.

"Put it down and let's talk," said Huntress.

"No," said Jade.

Orphan tries to attack her, but she easily dodges her strikes, kicks her in the direction of her mother, and then jumps toward them both. She hits her mother square in the forehead with the gun and adds an extra knee to finish her off, leaving only the kid left. She then backs up and her back touches Jordan's.

"How many do you have left," asked Jade.

"One. How about you?" said Jordan.

"Same. I would like to talk with my father. You take the kid," said Jade.

"I don't like to beat up children," said Jordan.

"Get comfortable with it," said Jade.

"Fine," said Jordan.

Jordan and Jade turn around and switch opponents. Jordan charges at Orphan and picks her in the stomach. He then hops over the girl and hits her pressure points, knocking her to the ground.

"Kid, if you ever want to live the life of a normal one, come and find Bruce Wayne in Gotham. He will help you," said Jordan.

Back with Jade, she approaches her father with a grin on her face. Her father grunts in anger as she gets closer.

"You don't seem to be happy with me. Did I say something bad?" said Jade.

"You dare betray me after everything I taught you. You are a waste of space," said Sportsmaster.

"That hurt my heart. I may die of a broken heart thanks to you," said Jade.

"Stop quipping and fight," said Sportsmaster.

"Bring it, daddy," said Jade.

Sportsmaster charges at Jade and she just sits there. He throws a punch, but Jade dodges it quickly. He throws another and Jade does the same. Sportsmaster does the same thing again and again and Jade just dodges. She then flips back and jumps over Jordan as he rushes Sportsmaster and knees him in the face once again. He then punches him a few times before he turns around, grabs Jade, and throws her at her father so she can kick him in the face. They join together and hit him with a combo of punches, kicks, and chops until he falls to his knees.

"Anything you want to say to your good little daughter?" asked Jade.

"Eat a dick," said Sportsmaster.

"Gladly," said Jade.

Jade kicks her father in the face to finally knock him out. She then walks away from Jordan and towards the exit of the compound. Jordan surprisingly looks at her.

"Where are you going?" asked Jordan.

"We need to leave before the guards come in and swarm us," said Jade.

"We can take them," said Jordan.

"Maybe thirty or forty, not two hundred. Come on. We don't have much-," said Jade before she looks around her.

They won't be able to leave soon because there are hundreds of guards around them. Jordan pulls out his katanas as Jade pulls out her single one as they prepare to beat the odds.

"So, how screwed are we?" asked Jordan.

"A child stuck in a room with a Catholic priest," said Jade.

"Damn," said Jordan.

So, I'm changing the schedule. I was going to use the same schedule, but I realized that I'm writing these chapters like a tv show, so I will release them like a tv show. One chapter every Friday, usually in the evenings. Today's release will be special because I just bought Persona 5 and I want to play that all day today. On another note, the rough draft of the first part of the first arc of my novel will be dropping Monday. You better be ready for some heat becuse it is fire! Enjoy the chapter and have a good day!

sergeantmeat69creators' thoughts