
The New Titans: A Teen Titans Story

Jordan King was once a regular kid that grew up fatherless in the crime capital of the world, Gotham City. Everything was normal until his mother was shot and paralyzed in a mugging gone wrong. Filled with rage and hatred, Jordan trains intensely to become a hero to take out his anger on the criminals of the world, but to be a hero, he has to overcome this anger. Even with no powers, he and his many allies have to band together to defeat many threats to Jump City, Gotham, and the world. He has to grow up and become a Titan to finally evolve into a Pheonix.

sergeantmeat69 · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
66 Chs

Do Not Speak A Word About Them

Twenty minutes have passed since Jordan and Bruce vowed to defeat the Court tonight, but let's cut to the perspective of the new Robin first. We can see what they're doing later. Now, we have to see the other side of their plan come to fruition. In an alley in the most crime-ridden part of the city, an old couple is being harassed by two thugs. One holds the wife while the other beats on her husband. The wife tries to break free, but she is easily grabbed by the thug who was already holding onto her.

"You bastard!" exclaimed the husband.

The husband tries to run to his wife, but he is punched in the face and kneed in the stomach. The black thug then kicks the husband in the face, knocking him out cold.

"Thomas," said the wife.

The thug turns around and walks towards the wife. He pulls out a knife as he approaches her. She looks away, but the thug doesn't care. He uses the knife to cut the buttons off of her pink shirt.

"Why don't you dance for us, old lady?" asked the black thug.

"The only person that you will be dancing with is me," said Tim.

The black turns his head and quickly catches a medium-sized foot to his young face. The thug is sent flying down the alley while his partner watches in shock. The bigger thug drops the old lady and charges at Tim. Tim easily takes him down in a couple strikes and slams his big body on the wall.

"Grab your husband and get out of here. I can deal with them," said Tim.

"Thank you, young man," said the old lady.

"Don't mention it," said Tim.

The old lady grabs her husband and runs out of the alley. The two thugs quickly get back up and charge towards Tim with knives in tow. Tim jumps into the air and kicks the bigger thug in the face, sending him face-first into the brick wall. He then lands on the black thug and slams him on the ground and dislocates his shoulder in the process.

"Get back up," said Tim.

"I give up, man. Just arrest us," said the black thug.

"Who said that surrender was an option?" asked Tim.

"Aren't you one of Batman's kids? He doesn't kill," said the black thug.

"Batman isn't here right now, is he? Get up!" said Tim.

"I can't," said the black thug.

"Well, I guess that you will make this a little less fun," said Tim.

Tim looks at the ground and grabs the knife that the black thug tried to stab him with. He then presses it to the thug's dark neck.

"It will be so easy to just plunge this blade into your neck. Maybe that would teach you a lesson," said Tim.

"Do it then. Don't tease them. Garbage like these bums don't deserve to live," said Talon.

Tim turns his head and sees Talon standing menacingly in the other part of the alley. He watches with his arms crossed.

"You don't have to do it. I won't force you. I'm not your mentor after all," said Talon.

"I'm not a murderer. You may be right, but it's not my choice to choose what happens to these bastards," said Tim.

"Awww. You're soft, but you're a kid. Once you know how this world works, you will understand why you should have ended these bastards," said Talon.

Talon turns around and hops onto the neighboring apartment building. He uses his athleticism to climb up the building by jumping.

"Wait. Who are you?" said Tim.

"Just call me Talon," said Talon.

Talon jumps up the building and then he leaps to the neighboring building. Tim stretches out his hand, hoping to stop the Talon from leaving, but he doesn't see it. Tim decides to scale the buildings by jumping as well and follows the Talon across the city. Twenty minutes of running and leaping pass until they reach his "hideout". They leap through an opening in the roof and land on the wooden floor.

"What is this place?" asked Tim.

"Home," said Talon.

Talon pulls out a remote and uses it to turn on the lights. The place lights up, revealing suit containers full of owl-themed suits and a light with a giant owl engrained in it. Time walks towards one of these containers and looks at it.

"Do you like it?" asked Talon.

"It's ok," said Tim.

"You don't have to act so shy. You can speak freely here. I respect Batman, his sidekicks, and what he has achieved, but he is too soft. He doesn't cross the line and that makes Gotham less safe. He's wasting his time by not doing what is needed. Maybe he's scared or he follows a stupid moral code. I don't. There is no line that I won't cross. Hopefully, you understand," said Talon.

"Why have you come to Gotham?" asked Tim.

"You didn't even have to ask that question. You should already know. I want to do the job that Batman refuses to do. Eradicate crime and criminals once and for all," said Talon.

"Oooh. So original. Are you Todd's cousin or something?" said Tim.

"Good joke, kid. I was like you when I was younger. Take this," said Talon.

Talon pulls out a sai and throws it at Tim. he grabs it before it goes into his face and examines it.

"Relax. It's just a gift. It's not poisonous," said Talon.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" asked Tim.

"Not at all. I see potential in you and I want to teach you some things. Also, take this," said Talon while handing Tim a cylindrical communicator.

"Is this a communicator?" asked Tim.

"No, but it is a tracker. Click the button and I will know where you're at and we can team up and do stuff," said Talon.

"Cool. I call you when I need to," said Tim.

"Make the right decision, Robin. This is your only opportunity to learn things that Batman would never teach you," said Talon.

"I'll make the right choice," said Tim.

"You will, kid. I'll make sure of it," said Talon.

In the downtown area of Gotham, Jordan pulls off a sewer entrance and throws it onto the curb. He and the Dark Knight enter the sewers and land on the dirty water. They both pull out little illumination sticks and light up the path.

"Of course, they would be in some old tunnels. Secret societies always meet up in these places," said Jordan.

"The Court doesn't just occupy some tunnels. These are tunnels that existed even in the days of Old Gotham built by my grandfather Alan Wayne. The Court killed him," said Bruce.

"Should have known," said Jordan.

"All we have to do is follow the tracking device and we will be able to walk right into their court. We may have to deal with some of their talons, but they should be easy I hope," said Bruce.

"They're just zombie assassins. Nothing to worry about," said Jordan.

"We can't underestimate them. They are doing things that even perplex us. They are a threat," said Bruce.

"Ok, Bruce. I'll keep my guard up. Even though I don't need to," said Jordan.

The pair of crime fighters continue to walk towards the court, avoiding rats and stepping through the polluted waters. The dot on their virtual maps in their cowls starts to blink until it fades a few minutes later.

"We just lost connection to the cave. Now, we're just wandering," said Jordan.

"It should be easy to find them. How hard is it to find a bunch of rich cultists in the sewers?" said Bruce.

Well, to be honest, it's pretty easy. Especially when they already know that you're here. Two Talons bust through the old walls and grab onto the heroes, pulling them deeper into the sewers. Jordan tries to get the Talon off his back, but the zombie won't budge. They crash land through a ceiling and land hard on the ground. The hero and the assassin quickly get up as they prepare to fight.

"Where did you take me?" asked Jordan.

"Welcome to the labyrinth of the Court of Owls. This place is inescapable. Even by skilled heroes like yourself and Batman," said the Talon.

"I will get out of here. Then, I will take down your little court easily," said Jordan.

"You won't. Nothing can beat us. We are unbeatable. We are Gotham and Gotham will last forever," said the Talon.

"We'll see about that," said Jordan.

The fighters charge at each other. With his smaller frame, the Talon lands the first blow via a kick to Jordan's chest. Jordan stumbles back a few inches, but he is barely affected. Jordan then punches the Talon and kicks him in the neck. He tries to kick him in the stomach, but the Talon grabs his leg and throws him into the wall. The Talon then tries to punch Jordan, but he punches the wall instead as Jordan dodges and knees him in the back of the head, smashing his head in the wall. He then grabs the Talon and prepares to send him back to the underworld, but three knives are thrown into his large right arm. The sneak attacker then grabs his cape and throws him into the other wall. Jordan quickly gets up and sees that there are now two Talons.

"Great. There are more of you bastards," said Jordan.

"I thought that would take us down tonight. What happened to your conviction that you had earlier?" asked the new Talon.

"It's still there. I'm just a little surprised that you zombies were smart enough to double-team me, but there will be the same result. You being sent back to Satan or Trigon or whoever rules Hell," said Jordan.

"Bring it on, boy," said the Talon.

The two talons rush Jordan and he casually leaps over them. He kicks them in the back of the head while in the air and pulls out two Claws. He throws them into the heads of the undead assassins and they explode. Green blood explodes everywhere and covers the white walls.

"Well, those walls used to look good. Now, they're dirty. Take that Court of Owls," said Jordan.

Jordan prepares to walk away, but he is stabbed by something in his calves and dragged across the ground. He looks back and sees yet another Talon.

"You gotta be kidding me! How many of you undead bastards are there?" said Jordan.

"Just enough to neutralize you," said yet another Talon.

"Neutralize this," said Jordan.

Jordan pulls out a taser and tases the gadget being held by the Talon, electrocuting and immobilizing him for a few seconds. This is all he needs. Jordan pulls out a Claw and cuts the lines. He then quickly pulls them out of his calves and gets up. Before the Talon can regain his senses, Jordan pulls out his katanas and decapitates him. His green blood spews as Jordan puts his arm up to block the disgusting liquid. Jordan turns around and tries to walk, but once again, a Talon comes out of nowhere and slices him in his abs, creating a few slashes.

"Not again," said Jordan.

"This is as far as you go," said the hopefully last Talon.

"What are you going to do? Your pals are the same size as you and I destroyed them with ease. What makes you special?" said Jordan.

"Nothing," said the hopefully last Talon.

The Talon throws knives at Jordan, but Jordan easily grabs them and throws them back at the Talon. The Talon jumps out of the way and tries to leap onto Jordan, but he just grabs him and breaks his back on his knee. He then smashes his head with his foot and the green blood from the undead assassin oozes on his boot.

"Eww," said Jordan.

Jordan backs up and starts to walk through the labyrinth. Because it's a labyrinth, Jordan just walks and walks and walks some more. He turns the corners but finds nothing. He walks forward but finds nothing. He walks backward but finds nothing. He stops walking after a few hours and leans his back against the wall. He looks at his injuries as the blood slowly pours out.

"How long have I been in here? This place has an exit and I need to find it before I die from blood loss," thought Jordan.

Jordan starts to walk, but he is soon attacked by an owl. He swipes it away, but it scratches his mask and eye, causing it to bleed. Jordan holds his eye as blood starts to pour out.

"Great. Now, I can't see. What's going to happen now? Am I going to get castrated, you damn cultists!" said Jordan.

"You don't have to worry about them, my son. It's you and me in here," said Carla.

Jordan slowly turns around and sees his mother? How is it possible? Isn't she supposed to be in Bludhaven?

"Mom?" asked Jordan.

"Of course it's me, silly. Did you forget my face already?" asked Carla.

"Never. I look at your face every day. Why are you here?" said Jordan.

"I've come for you. As your mother, I have to save you when you are in trouble. Now, let's go home," said Carla.

"It's not safe for you here. There are assassins everywhere in this place. Please go," said Jordan.

"I can't. I have to save you," said Carla.

"Just tell me where the exit is. I will take you to it," said Jordan.

"Can you listen to your little old mother for once? Follow me," said Carla.

"I can't. I don't even know if you are real," said Jordan.

"Come and hug me then. Will that erase your insecurity?" said Carla.

"I guess," said Jordan.

"Come then," said Carla.

Jordan walks towards his mother and prepares to hug her for the first time in years. He moves his arms around her mother and gets close to touching her, but the ground disappears and he falls into the dark.

"Mom!" exclaimed Jordan.

"Don't worry, Jordan! You will get out of this! You always do!" exclaimed Carla.

Jordan tries to reach out to his mom, but he lands hard on the ground. He gets up but sees nothing but darkness. He gets up and walks into the darkness. Prepared for an attack, he pulls his katanas back out as he walks through the darkness. He continues to walk until he walks into a large wall. He rubs his hurt face, but he isn't injured. He looks down and his costume has disappeared and is somehow no longer bleeding or hurting. How is that possible?

"What's going on?" asked Jordan.

"Life," said Raven.

"Raven! How did you get here?" said Jordan.

"What do you mean? We live here," said Raven.

"We don't live here. We live in Titans Tower," said Jordan.

"We moved out years ago. We can't live in a tower full of superheroes while we're trying to raise a child," said Raven.

"Child?" asked Jordan.

"Daddy!" exclaimed the child.

Jordan turns his head and sees a greige-skinned boy running towards him. The boy leaps into the air and Jordan catches him.

"You finally came home. How was work?" said the child.

"Umm. Well. It was great," said Jordan.

"Will you read me a bedtime story tonight? You promised last month, but you haven't done it," said the child.

"Sure. I guess," said Jordan.

"Sweet!" exclaimed the child.

The child hops out of his father's arms and runs towards his room, nearly falling on his way. Jordan is still perplexed while Raven is annoyed by her child ignoring her rules.

"What have I told you about running in the house!" exclaimed Raven.

"I'm sorry, mom! I'm just excited!" exclaimed the child.

"Being a parent is so overrated," said Raven.

"What is going on?" asked Jordan.

"Huh?" asked Raven.

"I'm sorry, but I'm not supposed to be here," said Jordan.

"You're leaving again? I thought that you wanted to hang out with your son,' said Raven.

"He doesn't exist. We aren't a thing. I'm not this old. It has to be a drug. Something in the air," said Jordan.

"Have you finally snapped? Just sit down and I'll make us some tea," said Raven.

"I'm sorry, Rae, but not today," said Jordan.

Jordan reaches to his utility belt that slowly fades back into existence and pulls out a gas mask. He places it on his mouth and takes in a breath of some oxygen. Now, back in the real world, he sees something frightening. Hundreds of Talons stand behind him, waiting for him to finally wake. Jordan slowly gets up and immediately dashes at top speed. The Talons quickly follow their prey. The prey runs through the labyrinth as the predators get closer. Jordan pulls out a few smoke bombs and throws them at his pursuers to increase the distance between the two factions. The smoke is dispersed and Jordan tries to run faster, but he can't. He quits running once he reaches a dead end. He uses his limited detective vision and sees water outside the wall. Now knowing that freedom is just outside this wall. Jordan pulls out a big explosive and places it on the wall. It explodes in seconds, taking nearly the entire wall with it. Jordan quickly goes through the hole and starts to run through the tunnel until three needles fly into his back. A serum is injected into his body and he is knocked out. One of the Talons tries to grab him but is stopped by another.

"What are you doing? We have to end him," said a Talon.

"Relax. He's already broken. He will die soon enough from his injuries. He's dead meat," said the other Talon.

So, we are currently at the climax of this arc. I am currently writing another story and I feel nice. The year has will be over tomorrow and I want to give you guys a little pre 2022 gift. I will reveal my next story now. Are you ready? Here it comes. My next story will be an AOT fanfic called Rebel: An Attack On Titan Story. I know. I know. I know. "Didn't you say that AOT was your least favorite anime of all time?" Yes, it is, but it's interesting. The plot I mean. We all now that Chapter 139 was garbage and I want to fix that, so I decided to create this story. I created an interesting OC, placed him into the verse, and the story is going well. I believe that this one is the best that I have crafted yet. Look. It won't be comepltely original, but the ending and the latter half will shock you. It's like way shorter than this one, but it will be better. I promise. It will probably premiere sometime in February when this story is over, so check it out if you're interested. Enjoy the chapter and have a Happy New Year!

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